Will I get into my school of choice?


New member
I'm applying to one school as a reach, and it's the big H. I made a Horary chart, I think there's a lot of things going on in it:



Im no expert but heere are my two cents.

Considerations before judgement:

Late AC and Moo is peregrine and void of course at the 29th degree. The situation is out of your hands right now.

You (Mercury) are in your own sign conjunct an angular (4th) house which I interpret as you submitted a very strong application. Aquarius rules education (9th house) and so the school is Saturn in Sag in 6th which isn't the best placement and I don't think there is any essential dignity.

I would be inclined to say no because of all of the considerations before judgement and there are no future aspects, but then again, unless this occurred before moon in Leo then the Moon and Sag trined so it is possible you will get a positive response, they're just taking a while to get back to you.

Very best of luck! I do hope you get in to where you want to. Let us know the outcome. :)


Well-known member
not going to happen and weird thing is .. i am not even sure why you are rejecting saturn

and saturn is VERY WEAK

not only it is retro
but it is in 6th
and squaring your merc

Harvard is bad for you?