Which is more important - sun sign, ascendant or moon?

Hear's the question... :) I have heard that ascendant becomes more important than sun after person gets 20 and older. Is that true and why? Also I have heard that moon position is the most important thing in women chart... :whistling:


Well-known member
just my two cents:

when I was a kid, my moon (in scorpio) and my ascendant (in aries) really dominated. i was extremely ill-tempered and willful, very hard to handle, and didn`t get along with kids my age. I find that as I grow older, my sun (In Leo) starts to peek out; I am now more playful, relaxed, less vengeful, and just generally a jolly and warm person (if I do say so myself)

I personally find that one tends to `grow into`` one`s sun sign, which is one`s true self, and the moon tends to take a back seat, the rising sign is still operating in the background (I am still very impatient and headstrong!!).

hope this helps.....does what I said mirror your personal experience..


Well-known member
Hear's the question... :) I have heard that ascendant becomes more important than sun after person gets 20 and older. Is that true and why? Also I have heard that moon position is the most important thing in women chart... :whistling:
IMO an accurate ASCENDANT is very important because the Ascendant/Descendant sets the scene for the houses of the natal chart - also, Timing of events with any accuracy is not possible without an accurate ascendant.

However, the Ascendant on its own is only some of the story. Likewise neither the Sun nor the Moon can be looked at in isolation... Sun, Moon and Ascendant all form key pieces of the natal chart puzzle... :smile:

dr. farr

Well-known member
I really do not think the trio can be seperated relative to "importance": ascendant+sun+moon, is the core (that is why the Part of Fortune and the Part of Spirit, which studies the inter-relationship of the 3, were once considered so important, so central, in ancient Western astrology)

In the various approaches to Vedic astrology, clearly the ascendant and the Moon are given most decided attention; in the Jaimini branch, several ascendants (called "lagna's") are used for natal delineative purposes.
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Well-known member
Your ascendant and the ruler of the ascendant is the most important.
body_soul_mind, what do you mean by "more important"?

Certainly, in the sense that, in the absence of an Ascendant then there is no natal chart - I would tend to agree with retinoid.

I would add that the domicile lord/exalted lord/detriment lord/fall lord as well as the bound ruler of the Ascendant are all important considerations - also any fixed stars conjunct the Ascendant :smile:


Well-known member
There is a concept of planetary ages:

Moon - growth...........4 years.....1-4
Mercury - education....10 years....5-14

Venus - emotion.........8 years...15-22

Sun - virility.........19 years...23-42

Mars - ambition........15 years...43-57

Jupiter - reflection...12 years...58-69

Saturn - resignation...30 years...70-99

Answer to your question about Moon and Sun is hidden this the table to some extent.

In Vedic astrology Moon Sign (Sidereal) is more important - there will be weekly/monthly prediction published in paper. Very rarely someone would attempt weekly/monthly prediction based on Sidereal Sun Sign.

Similar to age difference, cultural differences can dictate importance of planets. For example, the parts/people in India with belief in single marriage are likely to pay more attention to Mangal Dosa. For those, where marriage is not such an institution, divorce/remarriages are common, Mangal Dosa is not significant.

As far as Asc and Sun is concerned in Western Astrology, others get impressed based on Asc. If you are in job of impressing others, Asc will start dominating.
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Well-known member
Hear's the question... :) I have heard that ascendant becomes more important than sun after person gets 20 and older. Is that true and why? Also I have heard that moon position is the most important thing in women chart... :whistling:
Psychology tells us we have 3 sides to us - Feelings, Emotions and Thoughts and I believe they are connected to our ASC, Moon and Sun respectfully. IMO we develop all 3 during childhood but we are not conscious of our self. Our ASC side is mostly reacting to life at this time and we are putting a lot of energy into bodily growth. With Puberty we take on the social aspects through our Moon Sign traits. Our adolescent side pulls us out of the nest and we also now become aware of the behaviors of both our ASC and Moon, we struggle between the two and this is when we become conscious of our selves. With the Saturn return at 29 we consciously add in the abilities of our Thinking side with our Sun Sign traits - now we have all 3 working in us.

As we age beyond 43 we lose contact with our ASC and in our fifties we finally become a true adult, wise and mature as long as we have been able to let go of the struggles our Feeling and Emotional sides have gone through. Depending on the Signs our Feeling and Emotional sides can haunt us our entire lives, they can prevent our Sun from shining very brightly. http://www.our3minds.com/life.html

If you can look at your past through the traits of your Signs I believe you can see the different sides to your Being.

To me all are important because what we have become is the result of the foundational traits we started with. Our personality is the sum of all our parts so we shouldn't discount the value of any of our Signs.

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Well-known member
I think a well adjusted person only becomes more conscious and balanced throughout his life. He never loses contact with the ascendant, as the 7th house is irrevocably attached it it, as a polarity.
Not to mention that every day of our lives the first thing any "other" person we come into contact with first "sees" us through our ascendant! We can't prevent it, no matter how we try. It physics!

In fact, we never loses contact with any of the energies in the chart, we only learn to consciously absorb and internalize them.

The Sun is the authentic self, the Moon is the emotional mechanism and the connection to the past, the N. Node is a powerful metaphor for the "direction" any person must take.

You can't separate....and should never separate any of the most important components of the chart....Sun, Moon, 8 planets, nodes, angles. They are ALL vital to life both metaphorically and physically (and mentally, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.)
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Well-known member
My point is that the Ascendant determines the individual natal chart.

Without a verified time of birth an ascendant cannot be determined and
therefore it would be impossible to calculate Progressions

no ascendant = no natal chart!
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Well-known member
body_soul_mind, I think it depends on what questions about a person you ask.

1. The sun is your identity, your sense of self. Who are you for yourself? Where (house) and how (sign) do you feel most like the "real you"?

2. The moon is your emotional nature: your needs and feelings. When people's identity needs aren't being met, they will sometimes regress into the more negative attributes of their moon sign. For example, we could imagine a gal with her sun in Leo and moon in Virgo who "shines" when she gets a lot of attention and praise. When she is put-down or ignored a lot, you may see the Lioness retreat to her den to lick her wounds, but then you might also see a Virgoan picky criticism emerging, or perhaps a fixation on having a perfect appearance so that she will (she hopes) get the admiration she needs.

The moon in Cancer (its domicile) is really, really strong. I think this one is stronger than the sun-sign.

3. The ascendant is your outward personality and body. What do other people perceive you? If you think of your sense of self (sun) and moon (emotional nature) expressing themselves in the world, they do so through the media of your body, mannerisms, dress and hairstyle, comportment, and so on. So if our above example is a lady with Scorpio rising, her Leo flair may express itself in a more sultry or intense way. Her Virgo nature won't miss a thing in a social interaction and appreciates having things done correctly.

To me, this is what makes astrology so interesting. There are so many permutations of The Big Three, and then we move on from there to consider the other hundreds of chart bytes.

Some astrologers believe that the moon is more important in a woman's chart, especially with a night birth. I am not sure how much of this is "nature" and how much is "culture", however; as women are so often socialized to express their "feminine" feeling nature more than to simply go after their identity quest.

Also, think in terms of progressions. Your sun, moon, and ascendant are going to move into the subsequent signs as you mature. A 30 year-old woman, for example, will have her ascendant in the next sign; and possibly even getting ready to move into the following one. Progressions add to the person's personality repertoire.