Can a Planet in Dom and Exaltation be Combust?


Well-known member
Admittedly, I have too many questions about combustion and Mercury's strength in such a predicament in this chart. Here they are if anyone has the knowledge or interest to clarify. Thanks in advance.

In this chart I am looking for a 3H/7H agreement. ie: Asking, did so-and-so see this particular website? (I'm taking 3H for a communication/website.)
  1. Can a Planet in Dom and/or Exaltation be Combust? (I think probably yes, Sun trumps all.)
  2. Also, is Merc Rx here making it weaker? Or is it ok since Mercury is not so hurt by the Sun as other planets can be. ie: Moon.
  3. Lastly, is Merc Rx here also combust, or is it within cazimi? If 8 deg is combustion, is 9 degrees safe? Here Sun is 6deg and Merc Rx is 14deg.
  4. Ok, there is lastly - and then there is FINALLY. :crying: Is there any good relation between 7H ruler and 3H ruler. I don't see it if cazimi is not present. IF IT IS CAZIMI, is this enough for a positive answer?


Well-known member
Hi SagiCap

A planet is Cazimi it is within 17 minutes of the Sun.
A planet is combust if it is within 8.5 degrees of Sun.
A planet is under Sun's beams from 8.5 - 15 degrees of Sun.

A planet is combust when it is within 8.5 degrees of the Sun. However when it is in its own sign and exaltation (I don't know about domicile) it is protected (think of it wearing a hat and suntan lotion) and therefore not affected.

A planet retrograde is weakened.

I do not see a positive relationship between 3H and 7H and the. Moon cannot translate light because it only receives Mercury in Term and Face and it does not receive Saturn at all.

dr. farr

Well-known member
Tanne's explanation represents the prevailing outlook in Traditionalist astrology.
My outlook is different to a certain extent (note: students/beginners with an interest in Traditionalist astrology should follow Tanne's information)

+there is a controversy about the doctrine of combustion: there are different views, bringing the orb down as far as to only 3 degrees (Frawley; Carter; Manly P. Hall, among others) I strongly lean in this direction; further I believe that the elemental quality (essential quality) of the planet involved makes a difference, with a fire planet like Mars being combust under a wide orb than, say, a water planet like the Moon

+I agree with the old authorities in considering an rx planet to be self-conflicted, defiant and rebellious; obviously such a state would "weaken" the planet's typical direct influences, but would not be the same as, say, combustion, where the planet's influences )specific influences) would be negated (absorbed into those of the Sun)

+"under the sunbeams" has also received varying orbs, as much as 17 degrees by some older authorities (Ankara tradition has 15 degrees before then Sun and 10 degrees after) I generally follow the Ankara tradition's outlook, however, I greatly question the entire sunbeams concept relative to its demonstrated effect in practice (this is only my own personal experience and outlook regarding the sunbeams doctrine)
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Well-known member
What happens if Exalted Moon is Combust. In the ascendant.

Vedic point of view also will be appreciated.
Since a planet must be within 8.5 degrees of the Sun
before it is considered combust
and given that Moon is exalted in Taurus
a combust Exalted Taurus Moon on the Ascendant
must be within

0º Taurus to 7.5º Taurus while Sun is 21.5º Aries to 29º Aries


Sun must be 0º Gemini to 7.5º Gemini while Moon is 21.5º Taurus to 29º Aries

or thereabouts

the exact delineation is then dependent on the sign and house location of natal Venus, domicile ruler of Taurus
as well as aspects from Natal Venus to other natal planets :smile:
