How do you calculate the Pars Hyleg?


Well-known member
So I know the formula is this: "ascendant + degree of the full or new Moon immediately prior to birth - natal Moon = pars hyleg" but I don't really understand the whole degree of the full or new Moon immediately prior to birth thing. I know I was born under a new moon, but knowing that doesn't help lol does anyone know what this means exactly and could someone help me calculate mine?


Well-known member
So I know the formula is this: "ascendant + degree of the full or new Moon immediately prior to birth - natal Moon = pars hyleg" but I don't really understand the whole degree of the full or new Moon immediately prior to birth thing. I know I was born under a new moon, but knowing that doesn't help lol does anyone know what this means exactly and could someone help me calculate mine?
You can find the day of any new or full moon using free Swiss Ephemeris - just click on any year and check any month :smile:

dr. farr

Well-known member
Yes, you simply look to find the New or Full Moon closest to date of birth, then note the degree of the ecliptic it fell in:
eg, say its was the New Moon, and that this New Moon was @ 22Taurus43: now, convert that into the degrees of the ecliptic, so this would be 52degrees43, and this figure would be used in the Pars Hyleg formulation;
again, as an example, say ascendant was 18Cancer, the degree of the New Moon (as above) is 22Taurus43, and the natal Moon was 16Gemini22: what is the Pars Hyleg? ascendant is converted =108, New Moon converted = 52:43, natal Moon converted = 76:22: ascendant (108) + New Moon (52:43) - natal Moon (76:22) = 160:43 - 76:22 = 84:21, converted back into signs = Pars hyleg = 24Gemini21.
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Well-known member
So if I was born on the 14th, and the New Moon occurred on the 15th, would I then use the last Full Moon?

Also, is the calculation ascendant + degree of the full or new moon immediately prior to birth- natal moon or ascendant + natal moon - degree of the full or new moon immediately prior to birth ..?

Another thing, do I calculate the sign/degree for the new moon/full moon by the exact moment it turned full/new (since there are online records)?
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dr. farr

Well-known member
So if I was born on the 14th, and the New Moon occurred on the 15th, would I then use the last Full Moon?


Also, is the calculation ascendant + degree of the full or new moon immediately prior to birth- natal moon or ascendant + natal moon - degree of the full or new moon immediately prior to birth ..?

Another thing, do I calculate the sign/degree for the new moon/full moon by the exact moment it turned full/new (since there are online records)?

YES, the ecliptic degree for the moment of Full or New, as given in the ephemeris, is used.

Hope that is clear!


Well-known member
I've got the hang of it now :happy: it's placed in Aquarius, conjunct my Saturn (by a little under 2 degrees) not sure if that's a good thing haha. Thanks for your help :joyful: