12th house - Self-Sabotage?


Hello, what about the 12th house? It is described as the house of self-undoing, unconsciousness, dreams, withdrawing and etc. Also, how planets/houses related to that house express their energies and is it so negative? For example: in a friend of mine chart 12th house cups are ruled by angular mercury in 7th house. I have noticed that he fears intimacy and tends to be aloof in personal relationships.
Hope you will share your opinions and experiences
Thanks in advance.


Active member
It's so interesting you should mention the word "rebirth"

That's exactly what I feel is happening to me. I'm a 12th 1st house natal with Neptune(0degreesCapri) and Jupiter(3degreesCapri) in H12, AS on 8 degree Capri and Venus (15degreeCapri) and Mercury (27degreeCapri) in my H1 AND my Sun (18aqua) conjunct Pallas in H1 as well.

Now, with Pluto transiting through capricorn this has meant some (LOADS) of change in my life. It's at 7degrees now, so about to transit my AS and then moving to H1 for the coming years.

I am really wondering what will happen to me. Especially with the Natal Neptune being at 0degrees and my coming SR is also promising in that way.

I don't think it's about self sabotage perse. I hope not :D


12 th house is a Neptune (jupiter) house and the current generation has Neptune sextile pluto, a sextile is harmonic and has the qualities of the planet Venus.

Planets in the 12th house are very powerful and life-changing because they will progress over the Ascendant in people's horoscopes.

Like a rebirth, with a gentle strong character because they learned their spiritual lessons in the 12 th house.


Well-known member
I have Mercury & pluto in the 12th house of scorpio . It can be a blessing in disguise just depends on other placements and aspects. With astrology Im learing to fix some of my bad traits I've gotten from the 12th house. I dont really consider a house of bad .. just karma..Karma to make up for if your brave enough to face your inner fears.
This november my pluto & mercury are getting eclipsed both conjunct ascendant. I'll let you know how it goes. But on this path Ive been this year, it'll definetly be spiritual awakening :)


Active member
Interestingly enough that is also what is happening to me. My midheaven and north node are getting eclipsed. And as I have been kinda obsessed with everything spiritual lately (but also quantum mechanics, history, philosophy, etcetera) and have made some dramatic changes in my life (moved back to my parents, stopped smoking etcetera) I really do feel something is about to happen.

And... My name is Jennifer too ;)


I have Mercury & pluto in the 12th house of scorpio . It can be a blessing in disguise just depends on other placements and aspects. With astrology Im learing to fix some of my bad traits I've gotten from the 12th house. I dont really consider a house of bad .. just karma..Karma to make up for if your brave enough to face your inner fears.
This november my pluto & mercury are getting eclipsed both conjunct ascendant. I'll let you know how it goes. But on this path Ive been this year, it'll definetly be spiritual awakening :)


Well-known member
Interestingly enough that is also what is happening to me. My midheaven and north node are getting eclipsed. And as I have been kinda obsessed with everything spiritual lately (but also quantum mechanics, history, philosophy, etcetera) and have made some dramatic changes in my life (moved back to my parents, stopped smoking etcetera) I really do feel something is about to happen.

And... My name is Jennifer too ;)


That's really good too hear sounds like were both having a spiritual rebirth :) now I I need to.stop smoking, but it hasn't been the easiest. But nice to meet you Jenn !