Daughter has moon in taurus in the 8th :eek:

Julia Karmic Astrology

Well-known member
Thanks again, Julia. I can definitely relate, and I too wish I could just relax and enjoy this wonderful time of having 2 beautiful little girls who still love to be with me. Soon enough they will be teenagers and will want to be with their friends all the time. I am trying to be more present. But for some reason I worry so much. About everything that could possibly go wrong. I feel like I need to be in high alert at all times and it is exhausting. Maybe it is my Pluto conjunct sun. I worry about them when they are in school and at friends houses. I am much too protective and I just worry that I will pass my irrational fears and anxieties on to them. I want to raise strong independent girls who can problem solve and survive in this world without me!! I will keep trying to find some balance and just do the best I can. Man, being a mum is hard. But its the best job in the world, and I am very lucky.
It is transit Uranus that I am concerned with. It is now going through her 7th and will conjunct her moon on the 8 house cusp in the next 2 years. I am wondering what this will

Yes, we can pass on anxiety to our children. And a Taurus Moon wants a secure, stable, calm home life. I think your plan to stay present and in the moment will help.

Yes as the children get older, they will be spending more time with their peer group. But for now it is such a fun time.

I agree totally that your Sun/Pluto may be responsible for your anxiety. This combination can make for almost a paranoia about what can go wrong. It is like a having a disaster movie running in your head all the time. I also think it is possible you are having some reaction to past life events.

Yes being a Mom is a hard job, I totally agree.

A transit is not a bad thing. We are sent energies via transits which help us evolve as souls. Your daughter has been around for many past lives, and I trust that she can handle transit energy! Uranus transit energy is about change, transformation, new beliefs. And the 7 and 8 houses are about relationships. As t uranus comes closer to her moon, she will become more intuitive and emotionally independent.



Hello again. Thank you for your reply as well. To adress what exalted means in astrology I will explain what the dignity of a planet is.

In astrology we have 12 zodiac signs. Each sign represents an element (fire, water, earth and air), a modality (cardinal, fixed and mutable), and finally a polarity (masculine, femenine). These attributes help you understand how each sign works and what exactly it means. Let's use an example. We'll use the sign of Virgo.

Virgo is an earth sign, that has a mutable modality and a femenine polarity.

Earth: Means that the sign focuses on the physical plane. It focuses on everything that's tangible and that is practical. This is because the element of earth represents ground, represents a solid base. That's why they're cautious signs, because they need a solid base to rely upon in order to feel comfortable. That's why earth signs are called down-to-earth or need physical love. This is clearly different from the water, fire and air signs since these signs focus on different things. Fire focuses on action; water focuses on feelings, and air focuses on intelligence.

Mutable: This modality describes HOW the element acts. It tells us the mode of behaviour of a sign. Virgo is a sign that has to do with routines, with working everyday, with perfection; it is a sign deeply affected by its environment. It works for his or her routine. If that routine changes, so does Virgo. That's why it's mutable. Mutable means it changes and adapts. On the other hand we have cardinals (which start things) and fixed signs (which are the most consistent and stick to their plans).

Femenine: This is the least important of a sign's attributes, because it just means that whatever sign is femenine is receptive, reactive, introverted, passive, indirect, etc. Masculine signs on the other hand are extroverted, outgoing, giving, active, etc. All of the earth and water signs are femenine, while all of the fire and air signs are masculine.

Now, let's relate all of these concepts to the planets themselves. The planets also work in a way or another. The Sun is giving, aggressive, outgoing, extroverted, etc. (that's how the Sun likes to work) and so if you have a certain planet in a sign, the energies that merge with that position MIGHT or might not work well with each other. Let's analyze the planet of the Sun for the sake of simplicity.

The Sun is described by many astrological sources and pretty much by everyone to be "masculine, diurnal, hot and dry and choleric". Then, obviously there are going to be signs where the Sun wants to be more than in others right? The Sun won't like as much to be in a sign that's emotional, that's introverted, like say Pisces. In this particular sign the Sun is peregrine (for the sake of simplicity we'll call it neutral) meaning it doesn't gain or lose from being in Pisces. On the other hand, the Sun very much likes the sign of Leo, where its rulership is at. Leo is outgoing, creative, giving, masculine... so Leo is the rulership of Sun.

Now in astrology we usually have OTHER signs where a planet can also work well. One of these is exaltation. Exaltation means that the planet, while it is not in a sign which the planet agrees with fully, it is in a sign that despite its differences gives to the planet what the planet NEEDS (and not necessarily wants). For example, let's go back to the Sun. The Sun finds itself exalted in Aries. Why? Because Aries is a sign that fully utilizes all of its energy into a single point. Don't you think that the Sun needs that? To fully use every bit of its energy into a single goal? Cause Leo works and sends energy into every direction; not a single direction. Leo wants to give things to EVERYONE and be generous with everyone. While Aries only wants to accomplish things that have to do with himself.

And now let's talk about the Moon. The Moon finds itself in rulership when she's in the sign of Cancer, since that's a motherly, emotional, loving sign. The Moon also represents the mother in one's natal chart. That's why its rulership is in Cancer. However, when it's in the sign of Taurus, the Moon is exalted because it finds herself in a place of comfort, a place of love, a place of luxuries. Taurus is a fixed sign so that Moon will probably want to stay in good terms with everyone and will avoid any emotional drama. It represents a mother that wants to give their children the best kind of food, the most expensive silverware, etc. Let's remember that Taurus is a sign that has to do with luxuries and money.

Now that's only to understand what dignities are in the planets. The planets will work better or worse depending on what aspects they have or what house are they in.
Thank you so much for this! You have explained so well and in such a way that makes total sense. One thing I always tell my kids is that they deserve the best in life! I always make sure they have nice things and are comfortable. This is definitely a big way I express my love for them. My other daughter has her moon in Libra in the 10th. Is that a good place for it?
I am guessing that moon in Leo would be debilitated? Mine is in Leo and I suppose if Leo rules the sun, the opposite would be true for the moon?


Yes, we can pass on anxiety to our children. And a Taurus Moon wants a secure, stable, calm home life. I think your plan to stay present and in the moment will help.

Yes as the children get older, they will be spending more time with their peer group. But for now it is such a fun time.

I agree totally that your Sun/Pluto may be responsible for your anxiety. This combination can make for almost a paranoia about what can go wrong. It is like a having a disaster movie running in your head all the time. I also think it is possible you are having some reaction to past life events.

Yes being a Mom is a hard job, I totally agree.

A transit is not a bad thing. We are sent energies via transits which help us evolve as souls. Your daughter has been around for many past lives, and I trust that she can handle transit energy! Uranus transit energy is about change, transformation, new beliefs. And the 7 and 8 houses are about relationships. As t uranus comes closer to her moon, she will become more intuitive and emotionally independent.

Hi Julie. It's funny that you mention past lives. I have been seeing a therapist and she mentioned that maybe the trauma I feel is coming from a past life. ( we wouldn't figure out where in this life it was coming from). How can a person learn more about this? I would so love the able to release this negative energy somehow.
Also, how can you know that Jenna has had many past lives?
Thanks again for all your input and for being so kind and understanding.


Well-known member
I could just relax and enjoy this wonderful time of having 2 beautiful little girls who still love to be with me. Soon enough they will be teenagers and will want to be with their friends all the time. I am trying to be more present. But for some reason I worry so much. About everything that could possibly go wrong. I feel like I need to be in high alert at all times and it is exhausting. Maybe it is my Pluto conjunct sun. I worry about them when they are in school and at friends houses. I am much too protective and I just worry that I will pass my irrational fears and anxieties on to them. I want to raise strong independent girls who can problem solve and survive in this world without me!! I will keep trying to find some balance and just do the best I can. Man, being a mum is hard. But its the best job in the world, and I am very lucky.
It is transit Uranus that I am concerned with. It is now going through her 7th and will conjunct her moon on the 8 house cusp in the next 2 years. I am wondering what this will bring.

The 8th house Moon can often indicate a mother who was overprotective or overly involved in the child's life. Something to think about.

My brother has Moon in 8th house and Uranus passed over his Moon years ago. Somehow, my mother made it out alive. :) Nothing happened at all. I know others with the 8th house Moon in the same sign and their mothers are just fine as well. Relax. If something major is going to happen there will be other indicators.


The 8th house Moon can often indicate a mother who was overprotective or overly involved in the child's life. Something to think about.

My brother has Moon in 8th house and Uranus passed over his Moon years ago. Somehow, my mother made it out alive. :) Nothing happened at all. I know others with the 8th house Moon in the same sign and their mothers are just fine as well. Relax. If something major is going to happen there will be other indicators.
Oh I think about it, believe me!!! Haha. I am definitely too involved. I guess you would call me a "helicopter mom". Always hovering and trying to make sure everything goes well for her. For example, this evening I was told that her school is reorganizing classes and she is being moved to a new class. I am SO stressed out about this. I want to tell the principal which class to put her in and make sure she will do well and have friends and be happy. I can't just sit back and let the school decide.
Thank you for telling me about your mum and brother :) That's a relief! Are they close? Does your mum smother him?


Well-known member
Oh I think about it, believe me!!! Haha. I am definitely too involved. I guess you would call me a "helicopter mom". Always hovering and trying to make sure everything goes well for her. For example, this evening I was told that her school is reorganizing classes and she is being moved to a new class. I am SO stressed out about this. I want to tell the principal which class to put her in and make sure she will do well and have friends and be happy. I can't just sit back and let the school decide.
Thank you for telling me about your mum and brother :) That's a relief! Are they close? Does your mum smother him?

It would be good if you backed off a bit. You don't want to create kids who can't function on their own or have an unhealthy, overly dependent relationship with you. This happens not infrequently with the 8th house Moon. You can talk to the principal but don't see it as a life and death situation. I doubt it is.

They are like twins and best friends. Yes, she smothered him. He has Moon square Pluto also.

I have a friend who I met in college. He also has Moon in the 8th square Pluto. Our freshman year he got a cold (How unusual, I know). His mother must have heard him sneeze or cough a few times on the phone (of course she called him every day) because the next day we were going to study and we found a huge box of facial tissues and cold medicine in front of his door. She sent these to him via one day shipping since she lived on the other side of the country.


Haha this so funny! Sounds like something I would do - but don't even want to think about her going off to college!!!!😭
Nice to hear that you mum and brother get along :)

Thanks for the advice. I will try to ease up a bit. I never knew I would be this type of mother before I had kids.

Julia Karmic Astrology

Well-known member

More than happy to help you.

Your Scorpio Uranus square Mars is showing a past life with unpredictable accidents, or sudden events of aggression. The resultant fear could be bleeding over into this life.

Your 12h Capricorn is showing Saturnian past live blockages. This is a situation where a person is carrying past life burdens into the current life, causing a burden of restriction, self-doubt and fears. A 12h karmic blockage can be released via self-work such as you are doing via astrology and your therapy. Therapy with a cognitive focus may help your refute your irrational fears. You may also want to find a past life therapist near you to give you more information.

The good news is that a Saturnian karmic block is usually released of its own accord in midlife. Saturn is the planet of wisdom, and this wisdom will be released to you, along with self confidence, discipline and strength as you age.

Jenna is a Pisces NN, a marker for an advanced soul.




More than happy to help you.

Your Scorpio Uranus square Mars is showing a past life with unpredictable accidents, or sudden events of aggression. The resultant fear could be bleeding over into this life.

Your 12h Capricorn is showing Saturnian past live blockages. This is a situation where a person is carrying past life burdens into the current life, causing a burden of restriction, self-doubt and fears. A 12h karmic blockage can be released via self-work such as you are doing via astrology and your therapy. Therapy with a cognitive focus may help your refute your irrational fears. You may also want to find a past life therapist near you to give you more information.

The good news is that a Saturnian karmic block is usually released of its own accord in midlife. Saturn is the planet of wisdom, and this wisdom will be released to you, along with self confidence, discipline and strength as you age.

Jenna is a Pisces NN, a marker for an advanced soul.

So, these placements don't mean I will experience these things in my current life?
I definitely have what my therapist calls "trauma", but haven't experienced any in my life. I would definitely be interested in seeing a past life specialist. Thank you very much!

Julia Karmic Astrology

Well-known member
So, these placements don't mean I will experience these things in my current life?

No not in this life, this is definitely past life. In karmic astrology inner to outer planet aspects are past life information. And the 12h is past life as well. Current life is inner to inner planet aspects.

I definitely have what my therapist calls "trauma", but haven't experienced any in my life. I would definitely be interested in seeing a past life specialist. Thank you very much!

Yes, in a past life regression you might be able to get to the specific life which is causing the trauma. It is being shown in your chart, to the point it is a karmic block on current life functioning, but it can most certainly be released and give you wisdom and calm.



New member

I was wondering if someone could tell me how significant this is? May daughter is 3 years old. I had recently become interested in astrology shortly after I had her. I looked at her natal chart and right away noticed her Moon is in Taurus in the 8th! Does this mean what I think it means??
Moon = Mother
Taurus = Physical
8th House = Death

Please tell me I am way off!

Thanks in advance :)

hello Diana
i have my Taurus moon in 8th house
no that not the case
im 32 years old my mum is great and healty
but i have a conflict with her all tge time
my mum and my husband
are the same personality
i have problems with them both
i had sn astrologer look at my chart and said the same thing conflict with mother and husband
exlted Taurus and moon
this will the person strong emotionally