My Moon and Mars. Something I've never understood


Well-known member
I come asking this today because these two planets take key positions in my chart and yet I know little about its significance. I understand some of it I suppose, but I don't have much detail on it. I was wondering if you could fill me in on this blank spot in my comprehension of my own chart.

I'll post my chart as well as information about both.

Alright, so,

My moon is in Libra in the 8th House at 9'57". It opposes Mars in Aries in the Second House at 5'38". Both are intercepted. The ruler of my moon is Venus.

My Venus is in Taurus in the 3rd House. Venus trines Uranus and Neptune. Uranus rules my chart, because my ascendant is Aquarius. Venus rules my Mercury, Sun, itself, and my Moon. It forms a 7 degree strengthening opposition to Pluto in Scorpio, with my Sun having a 1 degree fading opposition to Pluto. It also forms a T-square with Saturn and Pluto, Saturn conjunct my Ascendant.

Sorry if all of that seemed to be just a bunch of annoying information, but I think it puts some background to my moon. My mars does not have much background information because it's in its home sign.

So, I'm wondering how this all manifests? Especially with the Moon's connection to me and exploiting the 8th house energy it has. I understand the 8th house is the house of life, death, and regeneration and it may bring some sensitivity. I don't doubt that but I'm sure there's a way to tap into it efficiently.

Just a note, my family has a history of 8th house luminaries. My sister as well as my father both have 8th house moons. My mother has an 8th house sun. The martian energy is also curious. My family also has a history of powerful Mars energy. My sister has a Mars in Scorpio at 5 degrees in the 2nd house as well. My mother has Mars in Aries like myself and my father has Mars in Capricorn, its exaltation.

There's obviously a family connection here, because Martian and 8th house energy seems to be powerful in my family.

What I interpret it as is being some kind of struggle with my father, which there always has been. I kind of have a grudge against him and he does a lot of things that irritate me a lot. (Speaking about the moon/mars opposition here). I also probably get easily offended by what people say and often view them as trying to irritate me. This also indicates that I'm not comfortable with being assertive all the time, which is true. It may be because it's intercepted. I guess it also means intense emotional responses and subconscious upheaval because I often feel very strongly about things.

I dunno, it's been a while since I interpreted charts. Sorry if that's kind of weak.
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Well-known member
Really interesting question, phos................

I haven't time now to spend on a `proper' reply, but I suspect that your father issues - irritation with him (and given your age, being irritated with a parent is almost mandatory - it is one way in which you manage to individuate, or create a separate identity) - have more to do with the Pluto-Sun opposition. There are quite some control/manipuation issues with that placement, especially with Sun in 4th, and Pluto in Scorpio.

I have not looked all that closely at your Moon-Mars opposition, but that placement often describes conflict with the mother, which if not resolved early in life can manifest in later life as one who takes on others in situations of conflict or difference of opinion. With Mars in Aries, it can become like being the eternal warrior.
"I also probably get easily offended by what people say and often view them as trying to irritate me."
That statement sounds fairly typical Mars-Moon opposition.


Well-known member
moon in libra feels most emotionally sated relating to others on a one on one level - there is a strong need to form partnerships and be in relationship. with your moon in the 8th, your experiences of emotion come most readily in the sphere of the eigth; when dealing with intimacy and deep sharing with others, as well as through the revelations of your psychological "closet". for example, relating to a friend in a very deep and sharing way which leads to the unearthing or triggering of some inner complexes within you. with the ruler of the moon in the 3rd, there is a relationship with your immediate surroundings, perhaps its the people right around you who you build these relationships with - neighbours, classmates, brothers and sisters, etc.

mars in aries in the 2nd is a very quick acting and individualistic urge towards action - in the 2nd perhaps you gain a sense of self worth when you act courageously and fiercely.

the opposition shows that this martian energy is at odds with your ability to find emotional satisfaction, do your quick actions deter you from emotional bonding with others?


Well-known member
Ok, I get from this chart that you're not a very wild person: Heavy earth element, the depressing Saturn on the ascendant (and out of sect, so probably even worse) squaring Venus (blah), Chiron (it's so annoying that astrotheme always adds it but won't even include the glyphs of the main-belt asteroids) has just set and that Libra Moon. Jupiter is becoming angular and Uranus and the others are rising, so that probably adds a slightly more positive aspect to your personality. Good self-motivation probably because of Saturn rising getting a sextile from Mars.

Struggle with your father? Maybe a manifestation of your Sun opposition Pluto? I bet your mother probably doesn't like your social behavior much (Moon quincunx Venus).

Mars might be in its own sign, but it's also influenced by the Sun (in Taurus) since that's the exaltation of Aries. Cool, you were born the last time Saturn squared Pluto, might post more interpretation later, good practice. BTW tell me what I got wrong, ok?


Well-known member
Hey you guys, thanks for your answers. I appreciate that you all are willing to interpret my chart with me :)

What R4VEN said is fairly accurate. I would not say I have a difficult relationship with my mom, though. So I wonder in what other ways it manifests. Sure, she irritates me (as a teenager, you've noted it's mandatory) but our relationship is not rough at all. (Her Sun is directly over my Nadir) so.. is it just getting too irritated with people? I think that makes sense. In the 8th house sense I get very easily annoyed with people who have nothing useful or deep to say. I can be pretty crotchedy sometimes.

To Milkywaygirl: What you said about my moon is very accurate. I feel that that makes so much sense for me, and that's what I've been looking for for a while. There's not much I can say but that's how I want to grow. The opposition, though, appears in the opposite way you say. I feel like my INDECISION or inability to act (probably saturn on ascendant) keeps me from this. I feel I'm too reserved and it grudges me to think that I lose opportunities that way. Having Aqua rising makes opportunity such a huge deal for me. I hate missing any opportunity I see.

To Pallas: I feel like generally I am a very controlled person when first meeting others or when I feel like i have to make an appearance. In general I'm not really wild, however, I feel like I have a neurotic wild side that comes out sometimes. Probably Pluto's controversial placement or my Mars, or Moon trine ASC. Either way down in my core, I can definitely be wild and crazy. I wouldn't say I'm a depressing person at all though. I have pleasant Venusian and Solar aspects to Neptune and Uranus. Pluto's aspects to them I also view as a blessing because it gives me a lot of inner strength and depth. Mercury Trine Jupiter also alleviates a lot. I've just had a tough childhood but overall I think I am lighter than my heavy chart may suggest.

Thanks you guys! What do you all think about Neptune and Uranus in 12th?


...Uranus rules my chart, because my ascendant is Aquarius.
I'd expect Saturn to rule your chart initially, at least until your First Saturn Return (and probably longer)......due to it's close proximity to the Ascendant and because (I have a theory that) traditional rulers dominate modern rulers until we are "astrologically mature"/have learned the lessons of Saturn.

[Note that Saturn squares the Sun/Pluto opposition, but Uranus trines the former and sextiles the latter......So whilst ruled by Saturn, you have power issues with your father but (as Raven says) these are teaching you to be independant......because that's what Uranus needs you to be when it takes over the rulership of your chart.]

My moon is in Libra in the 8th House at 9'57". It opposes Mars in Aries in the Second House at 5'38". Both are intercepted. The ruler of my moon is Venus.
Why would an incarnating Soul choose to have a Moon/Mars opposition in intercepted Libra 8th/Aries 2nd?......Perhaps because it knows the power and dangers of emotional anger in relationships......especially if driven by wrong thinking/values about work and home (Saggitarius/Gemini duplicated on cusps of 10th+11th/4th+5th).

What about Neptune and Uranus in 12th?
Previous Neptune/Uranus conjunctions have produced a generation of "social reformers", so I expect that to be the same with yours......And your attempts to reform things will be focused on 12th house matters......but not until you have developed the independance required for Saturn to hand over the rulership of the chart to Uranus.
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Well-known member
I would imagine that a Moon/Mars opposition might bea little prickly. I should think a Libra Moon would desire harmony in its relations, and frank confrontation upsetting to the equlibrium, yet you may also have a very demanding side that wants its own way, and to be pretty uncompromising about it.

It is a very common dilemma for many people, that the drive to get what you want is strong - but so is the desire to please and to be liked. And a rising Saturn in Aquarius might also look for social acceptance.

Oppositions are polarities, and seesaws - it can be unbalanced to go too far in either one way. Give in and compromise too much and the anger at selling yourself short will just keep on rising, be too forceful about asking for what you want, and you may alienate people unnecessarily (and pick quarrels with the wrong people).

But you are not alone in this, though they may not all have Moon/Mars oppositions: that is why there is a whole industry based on teaching assertiveness skills, that is about falling on either side of doormat (or unable to make any 'executive' move out of indecision, or being aggressive.
Hi there,

I'm 1' Aquarius rising and I like to be different occasionally ---
You have calculated your chart using the default on of placidus and I use Equal House system and am a modern astrologer. Lots of people that come into Astrology get their free charts calculated at and the default ‘house system’ used is Placidus and think that’s just the norm and all that there is……..BUT that is just the tip of the iceberg. You can change the default on in Extended Chart selection to Equal house and a few more.

Throughout the forums but mainly in natal astrology there are two main branches Placidus (unequal size houses) v Equal House (whereby each house is same size) but lots more……. For more information on these go here.

It's only with study and research will you be able to assess where your planets are deposited and in which houses... thus see which 'glove fits'

So your moon in Equal house is conjunct 9th house cusp (within 5' orb going anti clockwise) and is said to have more impact in 9th house

"People with the Moon in H9 may be born to parents who consciously live in accordance with to spiritual values, or have connections with another country or religious tradition, which has a different (and usually stronger) set of spiritual values from that of the culture in which the child is being raised.
born to parents whose lifestyle in no way distinguishes them, as he grows will become aware that there is something of considerable significance missing from his life and which he may try to find in another country or through a spiritual tradition."
*You may have done extensive traveling in your early years, or in some way had a background which enables you to understand and identify with many different types of people or cultures.

You have a craving for things which are far away and foreign or for things you have never experienced before. You want to completely immerse yourself in the feelings and tastes of a new place, rather than simply have facts or an intellectual appreciation. Emotionally, too, you are restless and something of a wanderer.
Also Pluto would be 10th, sun & venus in 4th. Equal house is simply insomuch as it doesn't do intercepted houses or signs and moon opp mars usually suggests a bossy mother type. Your moon is also square to Uranus, which suggests a break with mother, women and relationships and is on my list of divorce aspects. Then a square to Neptune is emotional disillusionment connected to mother. What I'm saying is it's very hard just to separate out moon opp mars when moon is challenged by uranus and neptune. Finally, let's not forget moon in Libra is restless procrastinating and indecisive at the best of times, in 8th will be more secretive,private more closed down, but if 9th will be more sociable, philsophical, bit of armchair critic even and interested in higher learning, travel and broadening of the mind..
Hope this helps
