Solar Return: Mars conjunct Aries Ascendant?


Well-known member
There are some great reference tools on this site. It would be good to look at those.
Solars are like natals accept they are for a year.
Aries rising implies your outward expression will take on some arian qualities.
Mars conjunt AScendent implies you will become more assertive or argumentative.
Please, I encourage you to learn them as they can be a useful tool.


Staff member
Solar Return, to phosphor


You said:
phosphorboreas said:
Can anyone talk about the importance [in the Solar Return chart] of the Capricorn moon in the 10th? Will the squares from the moon to Venus/Asc/Mars be beneficial? Thanks.

As you mention, since you have a lot of squares (challenges) between planetary energy on your Ascendant (self) and planetary energy on your Midheaven (outer world), you have challenges between yourself and the outer world this year, possibly with "outer world authority" of some type this birthday year. And, with Pluto (transformation, also power) on the Midheaven (and near the 10th house (duty, also authority) ), you most likely want to be the authority. Be careful not to "step on your boss's toes" and work to combine your personal energy with your authority energy so you can use your personal awareness to develop your authority abilities.

Turning and returning,
