I think I met "the one." But why is it so hard?


New member
I've studied the HECK out of our synastry and personal charts and can't for the life of me figure out what's at the root of our emotional intimacy disconnect or what I can do about it.

I *LOVE* this man. We've put in 1.5 years together, and we seem so very compatible in practically EVERY area except emotional intimacy. (Extremely compatible in other areas.)

He doesn't open his heart to me. I fear he will let my heart down and then I shut down. We've broken up and gotten back together twice. We're now broken up (3rd time.) I constantly felt pushed away, he felt like I wasn't patient enough with him.

I can see an incredible life together for us, and all signs in the synastry seem to show it, but is there something I'm overlooking that makes this completely unworkable?

Here's our info:

Boy's Birth Info:
DATE: 07/18/1980
TIME: 12:09
35.2742° N, 120.6631° W
(San Luis Obispo, CA, USA)

Girls Birth Info:
DATE: 04/13/1979
TIME: 23:19
30.4500° N, 91.1400° W
(Baton Rouge, LA, USA)

Here is the synastry chart: http://www.astro.com/cgi/showgif.cgi?lang=e&gif=astro_61gw_01_07_k_m_j_s.68045.27461.gif&res=100

Here is the composite chart: http://www.astro.com/cgi/showgif.cgi?lang=e&gif=astro_621gw_01_07_k_m_j_s.68409.50767.gif&res=100


And for those of you studying vedic astrology, here are our scores:


Can you tell what kind of bhakoot problem this is? Children? Poverty? Or health/death?

Are there remedies or is it best for me to move on?

How can the emotional intimacy problem be remedied?

We met on 10/5/2013; I was (and still am) in Sade Sati (final year.)

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