

Well-known member
Even better, when midpoints form around aspected points - the real combined beauty and power of symmetrical aspect patterns ;)

The big kicker in your 4th harmonic chart is the Sun/Venus opposition, which relates to the Sun/Venus 45-degree (8th of a circle) aspect in the first harmonic. It has Pluto at it's midpoint, forming a t-square, with Mercury and Saturn having their midpoint close to the Sun/Venus midpoint, in opposition to Pluto. The whole thing has 180/135/90/45 aspects in the 4th harmonic linking it, so in the 32nd (4x8) harmonic chart it all forms a wide conjunction.

In the 4th, it's a bit hard to understand, because it's forming a diamond-shaped 5-sided stress aspect figure, going to the 8th harmonic makes the pattern a bit more apparent, as the 5 objects (6 if you count the Mercury/Juno conjunction!) come into a grand cross, an easier pattern to understand. It's also a symmetrical pattern, which is always a plus to see in a harmonic chart; I generally consider when I end up with a good solid symmetrical figure that I've found the right harmonic to work in.


The tightest part of the pattern is the Mercury/Saturn opposition midpointed/t-squared by Venus. the Mercury/Saturn is a great combination for dedicated and intense thought processes, some consider this combination ideal for scientific/analytical research, but with Venus involved (and being in the "drivers seat" at the apex) says you're more likely to apply it to creative or love pursuits, or the other Venusian areas.

Remember that stress aspects aren't always bad and they often play out in a positively dynamic way; people who really make a place for themselves in history by their accomplishments almost universally have stressful aspects dominating the chart... It's where they get their drive from.

Something makes me think this configuration speaks of a successful creative writer, a patient relationship counselor, or an art teacher.

Midpoints in the harmonics also have a sneaky way of pointing out hidden patterns in our charts, that we normally would overlook.

For example, you've got this big time hotspot around the 14-15th degree of Sag, where 4 midpoints converge over a half degree swath!

13Sag49 = Venus/Juno
13Sag53 = Sun/Mercury
14Sag02 = Saturn/Pluto
14Sag22 = Mars/Neptune

Visual representation (with some unused objected forced to represent the midpoints for visual clarity, the brownish aspects are 16th aspects, yellow are 8th aspects)


That's gotta be a transit-catcher!! This is the 1st harmonic trigger point for that 8th harmonic cross. It's being activated now with Mars sitting right there, too. What have you be driven to do the past few days? Anything that'd be congruent with the harmonic charts? Jupiter will hit that degree around the beginning of feb-2007. Sun was there around December 6th.
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Active member
Thank you, Unukalhai, for clarifying the "frightening" aspects of my 4th Harmonic chart! ^^ I hope I can overcome those stressful aspects but in the meantime, I'll have to wrestle with them a bit. :D You were correct in your assessments of some potentialness in the harmonics; I love to write and draw and I plan to be either a dentist/docot/psychiatrist! That's one think I'm starting to see and love in harmonics and midpoints...things I normally couldn't spot or overlook in the natal become obvious in harmonics and midpoints. I'm a "big picture" sort of person, so I sometimes gloss over the details, either on accident or on purpose. :eek:
About the midpoints, in retrospect, it explains why I felt like I had a recurrence of Pluto transits around 2001 even though it conjuncted my Sun back in 1998-9! 2001 was when Pluto came around and conjuncted with those midpoints (13-14 degrees Sag). That was the year where I was forced to reevaluate and reaccess my life at the tender age of 11. It was a lonely, painful time but it dissolved my ego somewhat and my views on my life changed from that year forward, hopefully for the better.
As to the here and now, I can't say that I've been particularly driven to do anything because I've been down with the flu these past few days...although I suppose I've been driven to succeed in my last year as a senior lately. I can't wait for February! Come on, Jupiter! :D


Well-known member
Right on! Thanks for the reply :)

Harmonics and midpoints can be frighteningly accurate, especially when used in combination with the other, more classical techniques.

The experiences of the Pluto transit over 13-14 sag is certainly an interesting thing to ponder, I bet many of the experiences there will reveal how this configuration plays out for you. I've always considered each configuration in a nativity to be indecipherable to anyone besides the native... Someone else can make guesses and postulations, but only the native truely understands how it's working in their life... Such is free will, tis a wonderful thing.

Good to hear you were pushed into exploring the deeper parts of yourself at an early age. I was too, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Character building experiences early in life can be very beneficial and make the rest of your life alot smoother.

business voodoo

Well-known member
unukalhai said:
As such, The 4th harmonic is considered the "challenge" harmonic because it lines up with the 4/360 aspect, 90 degrees, the square, aspect of challenge.

i would also consider the 4th harmonic chart the intrinsic harmonic foundation of the individual. using numerological philosophies, 4 and, consequently, the square is the basis of foundation and structure upon which the life is based. its interesting to apply that to harmonics and that traditionally the term "challenge" is used to describe the 4th harmonic chart. looking at the formation of the 4th harmonic chart as the harmonic foundation for the natal chart can probably help sort out any "challenges" as usually the challenges are a result of the need for acceptance of the relationship of the energies involved. its is internal relationship of energies that are reflected in the harmonics charts and often just knowing what 'is' and accepting the configuration for what it is (and not judge it as good or bad) can allow an individual to "go from there".


Well-known member
Here's some information I dug up on the 17th harmonic.

The emphasis of 17th and 34th harmonics in the charts of actors was also not anticipated, and this result may shed some light on the nature of the astrological influence of 17-based harmonics. The anecdotal evidence that I have gathered regarding the 17th and 19th harmonics has not been as conclusive as the lower prime number harmonics.
My tentative conclusions is that both of 17 & 19th harmonics are inclined towards an integrated, wholistic, sensitive, and non-linear approach to the world. Both harmonics are somewhat Neptunian in that they are sensitive, refined, and intuitive.
The 17th harmonic seems to have a somewhat more Venusian quality and the 19th harmonic a somewhat more Mercurial quality. Both harmonics, however, seem to integrate intelligence and artistic sensitivity in interesting ways. Aptitude and interest in humanities, arts, culture, and education appear to be strong, with a particularly strong tendency towards arts pusued in an intellectual or mental way. Interest in literature, different cultures, and a variety of experiences appears to be strong. The strong 17th and 34th harmonics in the charts of actors in the Gauquelin database is intriguing and certainly reasonable given the tentative indications of how the 17th harmonic may affect people.

Exploratory research is a small, but important, progressive step from anecdotal evidence. Most problems of selective perception, complexities of extraneous variables and complexities such as how we attract certain people, are mostly eliminated. However, we must still be cautious and realize that random fluctuations can occur, and I am not yet ready to draw more definitive conclusions regarding the 17th harmonic, and I am not as confident that the 17th harmonic aspects will appear more often in another group of actors. I am more confident about the other conclusions because previous pilots studies and anecdotal evidence more strongly support the results found.
Source: http://keplersoftware.com/DISCOVERY.HTM

I was interested since I have some really tight conjunctions in the 17th. While this certainly isn't conclusive, it was the best information I could find.


Well-known member
blennus, thanks for your helpful material on the 17th harmonic! Not an easy one to dissect.

I find the higher harmonics hard to address [to me, the 4H is easiest understood as a square, for example] but two books that attempt to explain them are:

Michael Harding and Charles Harvey, 1990, _Working with Astrology: The Psychology of Harmonics, Midpoints and Astro*Carto*Graphy_[London: Arkana]

David Cochrane, 2002, _Astrology for the 21st Century_ [Gainesville: Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.]

I have a rough method for looking at "minor" aspects [like the 7H or septile] or higher harmonics in a chart, but would love to hear from anyone who has a better system. It is:

1. Run the harmonic chart [via Astrodienst, one's own software, another web site, &c] and note the conjunctions as indicative of a true aspect in that harmonic.

2. Go back to the natal chart, and note where the above conjunct planets occur by sign, house, &c.

3. Determine the meaning of the harmonic or "minor aspect" in question. For example, a septile [7H] supposedly indicates inspiration and a kind of discipline. A vigintile [20H, or separation of 18 degrees and its multiples] is either a square in the 5H chart or a quintile in the 4H chart. Put them together, and you get a kind of challenge or tension [4-series] to develop one's creativity or special talent [5-series].

4. Synthesize #s 2 & 3, above, in the natal chart, using the natal chart's signs and houses, as harmonic charts don't show houses, and many astrologers apparently feel that the signs don't signify anything in the harmonic chart.

Does this work for you?

Most times in a chart reading I wouldn't bother with harmonics, but I do think the septile can be important for spiritual people [and apparently for composers], or maybe in a detailed reading there's no major aspect between the sun and moon, but they do have a minor aspect between them that can be picked up in a harmonic chart.


Well-known member
I stumbled on this thread for the 1st time (it started before I joined the Forum I think). I did my 4th harmonic in ADienst, indeed very easy to do AM and I get this very wild chart!
I just did not manage to upload the chart, tried for at least an hour and nothing seems to work. Never mind.
What I see is the following:

Uranus in Aquarius opposed to Saturn and Chiron (11° Leo) and square Asc. in Scorpio (T-square)
POF conjunct my natal Ascendant at 25° Scorpio
Venus in Taurus opposed to the 4th harm. Ascendant (11° Scorpio)
MC of harm. chart at 24° Libra
Moon at 9° Libra trine Mars.

I really never used harmonics, but after reading this thread I am very interested. Also Waybread, what you wrote about looking where those conjunctions etc. fall in the natal chart.

OK, the harmonic Moon falls conjunct my natal Neptune.
The harmonic Uranus in Aquarius exactly opposes my Pluto in Leo
Harmonic Venus (now in the 6th house) conjunct my natal Sun opposing now also my natal Moon.

I still must figure out what this means however. So how do I deal with stress must be seen from this chart?
I really have to look at this a bit more, for now it does not tell me much as it is totally new for me.
I thought it would be good to start this thread again because of the "Bad girl" thread, remember Waybread? I cannot see why she is "evil" as Hey describes her. Maybe if I would do a 4th harmonic, then we could see what is lurking beneath those nice trines and sextiles of the bad girl???

Cheers, Starlink
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Well-known member
Hi starlink!

Thanks for raising the harmonic topic!

Just a quick primer from Auntie Waybread. Ahem...

Basically harmonics and aspects are different ways of saying the same thing. The 4th harmonic includes squares and oppositions. The 3rd harmonic is the trines. The 2nd harmonic is oppositions only. The 7th harmonic is the septile, or 360/7 aspect. Obviously any pair of planets have some number of degrees of separation between them: some are named (360/20 is the "vigintile") but some are not (like 360/28). Narrow orbs are essential.

By the way "H" generally means "harmonic" by people who work with them, not "house."

So a square in the 4th harmonic chart should mean 360/16, or the 16H Since it is part of the "two-series" it should be somewhat stressful.

I personally have trouble reading harmonic charts. So I just take the aspect read off the harmonic chart and apply it back to the natal chart to see how it works. For example, 360/9 or "novile" should be a mildly fortunate aspect because it is part of a 3-series. If you find two planets in a birth chart that are 40 degrees apart (120/3) then you could read it as a novile (9H).

One aspect/harmonic that might be worth considering in the chart of a difficult person is the 11-series, or 360/11. This is supposed to be Uranian and disruptive. An opposition in the 11H chart should be stressful because it combines a 2-series with the 11 (the 22H). A square in the 11H chart (or 44H) should combine the energies of the square and the 11, making for a lot of stress.

This is kind of how it works!


Well-known member
Just some info on Harminic charts.
The Harmonic Charts Of Jyotish, Vedic Astrology
written by Jai Maharaj​
Harmonics have always been considered of great importance in Vedic astrology. For example, the ninth harmonic chart, the Navaunsh Varg: (some people write it as "Navamsa"), is very significant in relation to the Moon. This chart is always kept alongside the main Rashi chart when an interpretive report is being written. One derives from it the latent factors operative throughout a person's own and married life.
Ancient sage-scientists determined the relationships between planetary `harmonics' and human affairs and their causative factors. Practitioners of traditional astrology draw from these empirical data, available in the form of Sanskrit verses, in service to their clients.
The modern urge to satisfy the curiosity about the how's and why's of natural laws is often considered a necessity by some. To them, a science is a science only if it can gain entrance through their self-defined gates of intellect. This is one of the chief limiting factors responsible for the current disasters modern science has wrought on mankind, creating more problems than it attempts to solve.
Dr. Percy Seymour, a professor of astronomy in Plymouth, U.K. has his own way of explaining why `harmonics' work. According to him, the Navaunsh chart of Vedic astrology works, for instance, because of the magnetic field of the Moon. Basically, the magnetic field of Earth is reflecting how the planets are moving around the Sun and even how the Earth is moving around the Sun. So, Earth's magnetic field is resonating. Added to this, as the Moon goes around the Earth it affects the tides not only in the ocean but also in the magnetosphere. These have higher-order harmonics and Dr. Seymour's idea of all these tunes being played by the planets on the magnetic field of the Earth naturally gives rise to harmonics.
Percy Seymour then attempts to establish a connection between our electric-current based nervous system and the harmonic fluctuations in the geomagnetic field. So, the complex tunes played by the planets in our magnetic environment affect each one of us in a unique manner -- as if we don't always listen to the whole symphony but only respond to certain melodies. According to Seymour, the way we listen to the selected portions depends on our genetic peculiarities which are themselves related to the harmonics created by the planetary orchestra. Hence, predictions of how we may respond to future planetary positions are possible.
These Varg:, or charts, have been continuously used in Vedic astrology for millennia. The list contains the most commonly used ones of all with a brief note about their application:
Division Used for Determining
Natal Rashi: 1 Overall considerations
Hora (from the Sanskrit
word Ahoratr): 1/2 Personality; wealth, etc.
Drekkan: 1/3 Relationship with siblings
Chaturthaunsh: 1/4 Fixed property, assets, fortune
Saptaunsh: 1/7 Children, extended progeny
Navaunsh: 1/9 Latent Karmic details, marriage
Dashaunsh: 1/10 Power, heroism, career, etc.
Dwadashaunsh: 1/12 Parental, grand-parental factors
Shodashaunsh: 1/16 Means of travel, etc.
Vimshaunsh: 1/20 Karmic seeding, spiritual actions
Chaturvimshaunsh: 1/24 Intellectual pursuits, education
Saptavimshaunsh: 1/27 Special, variable hidden powers
Trimshaunsh: 1/30 Mainly used for females
Swavedaunsh: 1/40 Various attainments
Akshavedaunsh: 1/45 Various achievements
Shashtyaunsh: 1/60 All levels of human activity
Nadi: 1/150 Extremely refined characteristics
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Well-known member
Goodness Waybread, ahum indeed, but this time for me because I really have to go over this one again to fully grasp the meaning of it all. I think I do have a book about harmonics (from David Hamblin, "Harmonic Charts") somewhere hanging around, never really read it but I think I will dive a bit into it.
Thank you anyways for writing it all down for me, very helpful indeed.
Do you think we could find more "evil" LOL in that Bad girl's chart? I am still quite surprised that she seemingly is really horrific. Most interesting case really!
Cheers! C.


Well-known member
OH, and another answer with more info!! Thanks to you as well Tsquare!! I think I will print both of your answers out, then settle down somewhere quiet to ponder the whole lot!
Lots to read!
Cheers, Starlink


New member
Your wife's having a baby?! Congratulations! :D

Or perhaps I'm just getting overexcited and jumping to conclusions again...sorry about that :roll:

Anyway, I've heard it said numerous times that parents are able to intuitively choose the perfect name for their children, one which best resonates with this soul's energy. I think this is fascinating, since it is nearly impossible for those but the most gifted psychics to communicate with their unborn children and know exactly who this soul is--at least on a conscious level. But intuition is not limited to the linear constraints of our 3-D world...it surpasses all boundaries, since none really exist!

Wow, I can't believe all of these sychronicities...especially having my 74th harmonic chart Ascendant at the first degree of Pisces (spirituality)! Thanks again, Radu! :wink:

EDIT: I believe it took me less then a minute after posting this message to think of yet another question. Would there be any interesting effects by taking the sum of your full name and applying that harmonic to your natal chart? I'm incredibly curious to see how all of this may fit together...

Aquarian Maverick
Radu, do you know of any good books or websites about harmonics? I'm particularly interested in the grand trines that manifest in almost all of my first nine harmonic charts and the prominant Kite formation in my 7th and 10th...thanks! :mrgreen:


Well-known member
If you want to read harmonic charts, try Harding and Harvey, Working with Astrology, and David Hamblin, Harmonic Charts. You can probably find them via an Internet used book seller like amazon.com or abebooks.

Basically you have to grasp the meaning of the harmonic chart itself--the 7H, 9H, or whatever. Conjunctions indicate the aspect in question, unless there is also a close conjunction in the radix chart. Other aspects suggest whether that harmonic energy flows smoothly or with difficulty; and which planets might be especially important in its interpretation.


For Information

Originally, harmonics were only used as a means of easily identifying minor aspects that were hard to see in the natal chart...So, the signs/houses of the harmonic chart were considered to be meaningless and the planets are interpreted in the context of their natal chart relationships... http://www.bobmarksastrologer.com/harmonics32.1.html

However, (I think) there is now a branch of Harmonic Astrology that treats the Harmonic Chart as revealing detailed insights to to the the same numbered zodiac house (ie. 5th Harmonic Chart = 5th house)....And this branch regards the signs & houses of the harmonic chart as meaningful, with the chart being interpreted in the same way as a normal natal chart (but relating specifically to 5th house activities)... http://www.newage-directory.com/harmonic.htm

Two approaches to the interpretation of harmonic charts that are very different...which has led to confusion between them on AW in the past.



Well-known member
For Information

However, (I think) there is now a branch of Harmonic Astrology that treats the Harmonic Chart as revealing detailed insights to to the the same numbered zodiac house (ie. 5th Harmonic Chart = 5th house)....And this branch regards the signs & houses of the harmonic chart as meaningful, with the chart being interpreted in the same way as a normal natal chart (but relating specifically to 5th house activities)... http://www.newage-directory.com/harmonic.htm


EJ, I've read a fair bit about harmonic charts, but this is the only source I've seen that links harmonic numbers with houses!!! Harmonic chart research in modern astrology goes back to John Addey, and actually Vedic astrology has a long history of harmonic chart interpretation. See the books by Harding and Harvey, and David Hamblin cited above.

Rather than linking harmonic charts to house numbers, the usual way is to understand harmonics as just a different way of expressing aspects.
1H: the radix chart, conjunctions
2H: the opposition (360/2)
3H: the trine (360/3)
4H: the square (360/4, &c)
5H: quintiles (talent, initiative, "the number of man")
6H: sextiles
7H: septiles (inspiration, oftentimes the discipline to manifest it)
8H: semi- and sesqui-squares, as well as the 2H and 4H aspects
9H: novile (what gives delight, also a number of initiation)

When you get beyond these numbers, you are often dealing with compound numbers. For example, the 10H combines the 2-series (tension) with the 5-series (talent, ambition).


EJ, I've read a fair bit about harmonic charts, but this is the only source I've seen that links harmonic numbers with houses!!! Harmonic chart research in modern astrology goes back to John Addey, and actually Vedic astrology has a long history of harmonic chart interpretation. See the books by Harding and Harvey, and David Hamblin cited above.
I know, Way......and (like most astrologers aged 40+) I view harmonic charts as you do...

...But, (I believe) younger astrologers see it differently...so, we need to be aware that not everyone is singing from the same hymnbook when referring to the interpretation of harmonic charts...Hence (for example), the confusion on the following thread :-




Well-known member
Does anyone have any more ideas or info on 11th harmonic charts? What I've found so far has not been very clear...


Well-known member
I don't think a lot has been written on it. Supposedly it is a kind of Uranian, disruptive energy, but whether that's based on an assumed link between Uranus-11th house-Aquarius or actual research, I can't say.

The late comedian George Carlin had a very sarcastic, anti-status quo wit. Here is his 11th harmonic chart. Conjunctions in a harmonic chart--unless they were close conjunctions in the natal chart--indicate that the individual has the harmonic (aspect) in question.


  • George Carlin 11H.jpg
    George Carlin 11H.jpg
    76.5 KB · Views: 64
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Alice McDermott

Well-known member
Now that I have somewhat recovered, another question has presented itself to my consciousness--what is the relationship, if any, between numerology and astrology? I have observed that harmonics seem to express the characteristics or influence of the number from which they are derived, but I suppose a more in-depth analyze would be needed to verify this idea.

Also, there are many different core numbers in astrology, such as one's lifepath number (9), destiny number (22), soul urge (1*), inner dreams (3*), and of course the date of birth (5). Would these core numbers be reflected by astrological harmonic charts?

Aquarian Maverick

I really do think that the numbers of your birthdate and your name have a strong correlation to powerful harmonics in your natal chart.

I played around with this concept for a long time and eventually wrote an article about it here: http://aliceportman.com/?p=164 using President Obama's birthdate numbers and his natal chart and here: http://aliceportman.com/?p=248 using Prince Charles.

Both these articles only cover the birthdays and birthdate totals, but I have found name numbers are just as powerful.

I have run workshops on this concept using the charts of the Royal Family.

and, as Radu mentions, the full numbers of the birthdate and name can be used as these harmonics are extremely powerful.
