Importance of remedies including gem therapy


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We are aware of the concept of operating below Break- Even Point ( BEP) of a company, when losses are suffered due to total cost being more than total revenue or earnings. These losses can drain a company or proprietor of a business into a total failure, if this situation continues for some time.

Same is the case with human being. Any adverse situation continuing for some time, may be compared with operating below break even point in life. It should be given top most priority and all measures must be taken to stop the “bleeding” of life energy.

Remedy through Mantra, Dana & Gems
Remedial measures in astrology may be mantra, dana , gems. There are some other methods also.

[ dana= charity, donation, gift]

[A mantra is a Sanskrit (sometimes - in other languages, especially in buddhism and other religions outside India) sound, syllable, word, or group of words that is considered capable of "creating transformation". Extract from Wikipedia

The planets could be appeased by mantras and dana
The famous Indian astrologer Mr. B. V. Raman mentioned that his grandfather ( Prof. B. S. Rao, Astrologer) used to rely heavily on remedial measures and wrote " The planets could be appeased by mantras and dana---- mantrenanena danena grahanee santimrichchati'".

The effectiveness of mantras is high, if done with sincerity.

Effectiveness of Gems in Astrology
Some variation in results ( about 20 to 25 % imo) can be caused by wearing appropriate gems. Now, this “some variation” may be significant when the native is suffering due to failures which may be termed as marginal or native is operating little below break event point.

Therefore, attempts should be made from all sides including wearing appropriate gems to increase the strength and contribution of a planet to the native. In many cases, it has been seen that the effect becomes significant through multiplier effect, when another planet/s get influenced [through association, aspects etc] by the planet under consideration of gems.


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"Maitreya said. O Venerable Sage! Please describe for the good of mankind the remedial measures for appeasement of the malevolent Grahas (Planets).

The Sage replied. I have already described the names and characteristic features and qualities of the Grahas. Joys and sorrows of all the creatures in the world are dependent on these Grahas. Therefore persons desirous of peace, wealth and prosperity, rainfall, good health and longevity should worship the Grahas (by prayers, recitation of Mantras, charity etc.).”

Extract from Brihat Parasari Hora Sastra
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dr. farr

Well-known member
No doubt mantra is the most effective of all remedies for astrological purposes; nonetheless, gems (crystals, lithotherapy) I consider to be a fairly close second, problem is that (in my opinion) the methods for selecting and using gems remedies are not all that reliable-this is why I personally have brought ashtakavarga (actually the sarvashtakavarga part) analysis, together with either dasha or Annual Horoscope considerations and divisional charts (varga charts), into determining most likely effective astrological gem remedies.


Well-known member
No doubt mantra is the most effective of all remedies for astrological purposes; nonetheless, gems (crystals, lithotherapy) I consider to be a fairly close second, problem is that (in my opinion) the methods for selecting and using gems remedies are not all that reliable-this is why I personally have brought ashtakavarga (actually the sarvashtakavarga part) analysis, together with either dasha or Annual Horoscope considerations and divisional charts (varga charts), into determining most likely effective astrological gem remedies.

Very important guidance indeed.


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Waiting for favorable time

We should assess TRANSITS OF PLANETS and VIMSOTTARI DASA & ANTARDASA ( Main and sub periods of 120 years of life cycle) in a chart ( along with other parameters) to know whether one is passing through favorable or unfavorable periods. We must pass unfavorable periods with full patience, if it can be seen that some favorable periods are coming in near future. Waiting for favorable TRANSITS and favorable DASA & ANTARDASA is very important part of life strategy.


Well-known member
well said rajarshiji,godbless

Waiting for favorable time

We should assess TRANSITS OF PLANETS and VIMSOTTARI DASA & ANTARDASA ( Main and sub periods of 120 years of life cycle) in a chart ( along with other parameters) to know whether one is passing through favorable or unfavorable periods. We must pass unfavorable periods with full patience, if it can be seen that some favorable periods are coming in near future. Waiting for favorable TRANSITS and favorable DASA & ANTARDASA is very important part of life strategy.