Exaltation vs Rulership and Fall vs Detriment


Now before anything, please don't mention anything like

According to William Lily, the old manuscript says that the quotation by the ancient greeks during 8 B.C but after Christ did in fact, most-assuredly, positively, probably prove that the detriment makes the planet *lewse* 5 points, whilst while meanwhile da free FALLing lessens the worsening badly bad by only reducing 4 points. I'm looking at yew JUPITERASC

What do you think that is best for a planet's position by sign: Exaltation or Rulership? Which sign makes up for the planet the best? I.e:

You have a Taurus Moon or a Cancer Moon. Which one do you prefer?

-The sign of Cancer concurs with the Moon's natural qualities and defects, therefore the Moon, as we know it should be interpreted as if it were an actor, likes the role of Cancer, because it fits with what the actual Moon does.

-The sign of Taurus gives the Moon a special treatment. Here you have a steady, fixed, loving, likeable sign applying to the caring, nurturing, moody, sentimental Moon. Now why is this really good? Caring/nurturing others, moodiness and sentiments NEED something fixed and steady. You will have strong endurance in your love life, your moodiness will be practically fixed thanks to the fixed modality of Taurus, and you can really become a loving person thanks to the Taurus traits given by the dispositor, Venus.

Also, if you know how to delineate a natal chart, you would know that to see the beginning of a matter, you look at the house itself; to see the midpoint of a matter, you take a look at the dispositor; to see the end of the matter, you look at the dispositor of the dispositor. What if the house has a planet in rulership? Then the beginning, middle and end will be the same. If you have your planet badly aspected, then it won't change. I'd relate rulership with a fixed modality and exaltation with a cardinal modality.

If you will still talk about the table of essential dignities. Guess what? I've found an argument!

Leo and Aries. The Sun is exalted in Aries and has its rulership in Leo. Leo has three decans +5

Aries also has three decans: +4

-Sun +1

What's the result?
5 on Aries and 5 on Leo, if the Sun is in Aries' 2nd decan.


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Kaiousei no Senshi

Premium Member
Julian said:
Now before anything, please don't mention anything like

Hm...this doesn't sound like the introduction of a post from someone who is interested in learning and discussion...

Julian said:
Also, if you know how to delineate a natal chart, you would know that to see the beginning of a matter, you look at the house itself; to see the midpoint of a matter, you take a look at the dispositor; to see the end of the matter, you look at the dispositor of the dispositor.

Is this a more contemporary way to read natal charts? The only thing I can immediately recall that is similar to this (well, two things) is the older medieval way of delineating particular topics of a house by its triplicity lords, or the Hellenstic technique of determining the fortune of a native by its sect light triplicity lords. The utilization of dispositors is something that has been expanded more in more recent times, definitely beyond its original limits one could say.

What do you think that is best for a planet's position by sign: Exaltation or Rulership? Which sign makes up for the planet the best? I.e:

You have a Taurus Moon or a Cancer Moon. Which one do you prefer?

-The sign of Cancer concurs with the Moon's natural qualities and defects, therefore the Moon, as we know it should be interpreted as if it were an actor, likes the role of Cancer, because it fits with what the actual Moon does.

-The sign of Taurus gives the Moon a special treatment. Here you have a steady, fixed, loving, likeable sign applying to the caring, nurturing, moody, sentimental Moon. Now why is this really good? Caring/nurturing others, moodiness and sentiments NEED something fixed and steady. You will have strong endurance in your love life, your moodiness will be practically fixed thanks to the fixed modality of Taurus, and you can really become a loving person thanks to the Taurus traits given by the dispositor, Venus.

This isn't really the way of it. A better way to frame would be something more like: which do you prefer? To reach a high point in your career but not be there as long? Or would you prefer to have a good (not great) but constant career? This is really the difference between exaltation and domicile. Planets in their domicile are capable of producing things in a more stable, prolonged fashion, whereas planets in their exaltations tend to spike and be really, really good, but then just kind of fall back down to a mediocrity. They don't have the "juice" to keep running at full power.

If you will still talk about the table of essential dignities. Guess what? I've found an argument!

Can you elaborate further on this argument you've discovered?


Hm...this doesn't sound like the introduction of a post from someone who is interested in learning and discussion...

Is this a more contemporary way to read natal charts? The only thing I can immediately recall that is similar to this (well, two things) is the older medieval way of delineating particular topics of a house by its triplicity lords, or the Hellenstic technique of determining the fortune of a native by its sect light triplicity lords. The utilization of dispositors is something that has been expanded more in more recent times, definitely beyond its original limits one could say.

This isn't really the way of it. A better way to frame would be something more like: which do you prefer? To reach a high point in your career but not be there as long? Or would you prefer to have a good (not great) but constant career? This is really the difference between exaltation and domicile. Planets in their domicile are capable of producing things in a more stable, prolonged fashion, whereas planets in their exaltations tend to spike and be really, really good, but then just kind of fall back down to a mediocrity. They don't have the "juice" to keep running at full power.

Can you elaborate further on this argument you've discovered?
The argument is right below the phrase itself.

Kaiousei no Senshi

Premium Member
Hi Julian,

Yes, I see there is more posted below the phrase I quoted, but that isn't an argument. That's data, information, possible evidence to back up a claim. What I'm missing is the claim itself (what are you trying to suggest with this information) and a conclusion to wrap it all up.

Anything else you could give to further clarify your point would be great. I think I know what you're getting at, but I don't want to misrepresent your viewpoint.