Which zodiac sign is emotionally strong?


moon or venus in scorpio in 12th house or 8th house sometimes is hysteria,lack of security sense.
but it requires a whole chart to check event.


Well-known member
It is not possible to make generalizations such as this from a single sign or planetary placement. One has to see the whole chart. And what do you mean by strong? Stoic? Flexible? Insightful?

Every sun has its own strengths. Many will say Scorpio is very strong and strong willed but if one has Scorpio plants such as Neptune or the Moon that have difficult aspects that can contribute to emotional excess.

Capricorn appears very strong but that is often because they need to project strength to maintain their position. In side they may be quite strong or not.

Some people are strong in that they can endure much stress but that may because they are cold and unfeeling? Is this strength.

Good Sun-Pluto aspects make for the ability to recuperate or bounce back from from crises. But a chart might have other aspects that mitigate some of this strength. Good Moon-Pluto or Moon-Saturn aspects can make for emotional strength. Even Sun-Mars might help.

Having high emotional intelligence is probably an asset for emotional strength. Water signs may have an advantage here? Myabe not. they may spend too much time living in their emotions, getting stuck in their emotions? Air signs may be at a disadvantage because they often lack emotional understanding? Again it would depend on the whole chart and just how much water or air influence there is.

I don't think Venus has anything to do with emotional strength.

Barb at thelivingsky.wordpress.com