progressões composite - The relationship status


Well-known member

Im not sure if its to be posted here or in The relacional forum.
Please feel free to share your knowledge about composites, specially progressions or by transits.
I posted The progressions, The transits AMD composites.

This is our relationship present status i think.
As i posted in another forum, we're having some issues, specially finantial wise, that then directs US to arguments, misunderstandings and ego issues.i must say that after we had our baby boy 20 months ago,it was ouro major blessing bit ar The same time, awoke things that we are dealing with difficulty.
There is a lot of love, wanting to stay together and efforts dealing with outside life pressions.
However im having uranus passing mt 7th at The same time im dealing with depression.

So, im asking kindly what do u see regarding our médium term future? ( im conscious that outcomes change accordding to how we use/real with energies around The problem/issue).



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Well-known member
I drew up a Davison Chart and it shows Uranus conjunct Jupiter in the 4th house with sesquiquadrates to Venus in the 8th. In other words - there is a desire for freedom for both you. Uranus is very close to the joint Mars you have in the 8th house at 14 Aries (Uranus currently at 12Aries36). This is contributing greatly to the arguments around shared resources (8th house) but you both have a lot of energy in the relationship that could come out as anger if not funneled into some kind of joint activity. This will be intensified as Uranus passes over Mars. I suggest you find something you can do together that channels the energy better and also give each other the space to do things on your own so you will feel more free and independent within the relationship.


Well-known member

Thank u for The reply.well yes, it
Lack US time. To do things no our own,Luke hobbies se used to have. Ouro daily life is The routine get up-take caré baby-go to work- come from work-take caré house AMD baby-do dinner- clean up-go to bed. We're only 31 ND 32 yrs old, And we feel life must be more than what se feel.
You are right about freedom thing.
Why did u used Davidson?is it morre accurate than xcomposite?


Well-known member
I used the Davison because you both seemed to have been born near each other so I thought a time-space chart might be better to look at the transits in play. I think it offers another dimension that might be better for timing than the standard midpoint chart.