How to understand reverse nodes?


New member
My North Node is in Gemini AND in the Ninth house.

Every time I read explanations about those, they contradict each other.

Gemini: "Focus on small details".
9th house: "Forget about small details, go for the big picture instead"

9th house: "Travel abroad, far, far away. Get to know other cultures, expand your horizons".
Gemini: "Forget about travelling: your purpose in this life is to engage in local community".

9th house: "Become a teacher"
Gemini: "Don't become a teacher, you have done that in previous life. Be a student".

Gemini: "Learn how to communicate things to others in a way that they will perfectly understand you".
9th house: "If you understand everything in some situation, it means that the 9th house is not invoked".

9th house: "Stay true to your principles. Do only those things, that you sincerely believe in".
Gemini: "Be flexible. There is no right and wrong. See other side of the coin. Don't get stuck to your beliefs. There is never a single truth in anything".

9th house: "Don't overload yourself with information".
Gemini: "You have a tendency to hold beliefs without gathering enough information".

9th house: "Take risks! Go for adventure!".
Gemini: "Don't be too naive and impractical".


How to overcome those contradictions? How to understand what I should be aiming for?

Thank you!
Great question - I’ve had the same thought concerning my own placement. Same contradicitions: North Node in capricorn, in my 4th house!

I don’t have much to add though. My south node in my tenth house has made it very easy for me to convey my deepest feelings in the public sphere: my work goes to a lot of very personal places and require an audience. But I can’t really wrap my head around what the opposite would mean - structure and “career” within my family unit?? Wear a suit in my living room only?

And you, maybe you aren’t suppose to visit any faraway places, just read about them... Never actually visit India but buy a travel guide in your local bookstore, and only learn about yourself and the world by reading the “for dummies” summaries? :lol:

I don’t know! It’s odd. I hope you get a response!


Well-known member
This is one of the troubles with too-literal cookbook delineations, is it not?

But it seems to me somehow you're being asked to reconcile everyday types of thinking, mobility, and communicating (Gemini) with some big-picture, more panoramic issues (9th house.)

The NN demands are never met and solved, once and for all. They require a lifetime of engagement.


Staff member
astro-sentence, to jaro


If you use the astro-sentence (sign modifies planet/node focused on house) this becomes clearer. A gemini north node in the 9th house is about thinking modifying your life goals focused on expansion: so your thinking is focused on the purpose of expanding your mind. Contrarily, a sagittarius north node in the 3rd house is about expansion modifying your future plans focused on thinking: so your expansive ideas are focused on thinking about the details.

You have the former example in your chart: all your detailed thinking is focused on trying to open up your mind to new ideas. This purpose drives you throughout your life.

For more about using astro-sentencing in chart interpretation, see the link below this post.


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