Grand Cross Synastry


I have heard squares and oppositions between Sun, Mars, and Pluto are difficult in synastry; but how might that work in a Grand Cross? I have Sun/Mercury in Aquarius squaring my Mars in Taurus natally. I met a woman who has Sun/Mars in Leo squaring her Pluto in Scorpio natally. Our Taurus Mars and Scorpio Pluto oppose each other as do the Aquarius Sun/Mercury and Leo Sun/Mars. Every aspect here is between 0-4 degrees so it's tight. Is this something that would work long term?


Well-known member
Hi. Its perfectly viable, but if either of you has issues around the natal squares you mentioned, then some buttons might get pushed, especially when transiting or progressed factors make aspects to these natal placements. Try to avoid being stubborn with each other, as fixed signs are prone to this.

Best wishes
