20 Years of Venus Mahadasha


Well-known member
I was raised by a single mother with 2 other siblings. My mother, strong and strict, has always asked her children to become independent as soon as possible. I took that to heart as a child, so whenever I felt like I was good at something, I had always wanted to make it my future occupation. I discovered I was probably rather good at writing; I wanted to become a writer. I discovered I could probably study well; I wanted to become a scholar.

Then, when it came time to choose a major in college, I chose to study English Literature, per my own wish. Still, I had that teaching from my mom in mind, and I was anxiously in trying to seek for any job opportunities that could use my literary skills. I had always thought as long as I had the skills, I wouldn’t have to worry about finding a job at all. They would come pouring in because of my superb expertise.

I thought I had a perfect plan, but I just had a critical part in this that I overlooked: My personality. I am shy; I don’t like to listen to advice; I don’t have a great tongue, and I don’t like to talk. On top of everything else, I always try to do the least amount required, if it’s not what I am interested in. I started wandering from one job to another since my graduation from college. From the age 24 to 27, I was just completely aimless, and, of course, for the most time, unemployed. Poverty haunted me to the point where I didn’t have enough money to buy food that I was hospitalized for 4 days, being numb and paralyzed. Guilt struck me at every moment, because I couldn’t do as my mom’s bidding, and I was disappointed in myself for being such a disappointment to my mom.

I’m 27 years and 9 months old now. I have a job as a salesperson, which I’ve had for almost 5 months. I know there are still so many things in me that are incompatible with what this job denotes. But with this job and the income that comes with it, I at lease can afford things again, such as food and phone bills. I feel like I can dream again. I start wanting to go back to school and learn a practical thing, maybe becoming a certified nursing assistant or a nurse.

My birth info is Birth Time: 10:00AM Birthdate: 22/07/1991, Birthplace: Taoyuan, Taiwan. I have just entered my 20 years of Venus mahadash last month, coming from the "disastrous" Ketu mahasasha. Please tell me what I will experience in this 20 years. Will I go work or live abroad? Thank you so much.


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