Personal experiences with Sun/Acendant or Venus/Ascendant conjunction?


Well-known member
I've seen what the websites say generally about these aspects in synastry and I know that they're supposed to be very powerful -- some people think the Sun/Ascendant conjunction in particular is one of the most potent ones you can have -- but what I'm interested in are anecdotes from people who have experienced either one personally in a relationship.


Well-known member
I have this with an acquaintance I've been in contact with 4 years.
I'm 23Leo rising with 9H 25Aries Sun and 11H 23Gemini Uranus. She has 24Leo Sun.

Whenever we have come into contact, we both light up. Last year we began full body hugging whenever I visited her store (where I shop every week). This had huge impact on me--sometimes lasting for hours afterward!

She's in a committed relationship and not romantically open. I'm extremely attracted to her. We've exchanged emails--but when I asked her for her phone number (she never checks emails), she freaked out. :unsure: For me, that pretty much spoiled whatever friendship existed.

I've seen what the websites say generally about these aspects in synastry and I know that they're supposed to be very powerful -- some people think the Sun/Ascendant conjunction in particular is one of the most potent ones you can have -- but what I'm interested in are anecdotes from people who have experienced either one personally in a relationship.


Well-known member
I have Venus, my chart ruler, @ 2 Sag 19.

My daughter has her Asc @ 1 Sag58.

That Venus/Asc conjunction is SO important for us.

Because I have the Sun @ 0Sco35.
And my girl has the Sun @ 0Gem54.

We have Sun inconjunct Sun, exact. And Mercury opposed Mercury.

So that Venus/Ascendant conjunction has gotten us over a lot of speed bumps!

Even when we argued a lot during her teens, she always KNEW that I loved her very much.

We argued mostly because she wanted more freedom [ Sag rising, Gemini Sun, Moon in Aquarius...:andy:]

And she was stuck with a mom who had Taurus rising, Sun in Scorpio, and a Cap moon. I was not thrilled with her cry for freedom..:tongue:

But we made it through. And now she is in her mid 20's---and we speak every day. We are extremely close. She calls for advice sometimes, but we laugh because she rarely ever takes my advice. lol But she does slightly ALTER her opinion after we talk about things.

I think the Venus/Asc conjunction is lovely:love: