Meditation help


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Returning to that place where you started with

~ 17th Karmapa

In terms of the nature of mind, the true nature of mind
I don't know what I could say about that. It's just there.

Usually we think of the true nature of mind as something really high
and although I haven't done a lot of practice in relation to the true nature of mind
if I speak from my own experience of this, I could say that eventually we will return
to what we were bored with in the beginning and discover that was it :smile:

So we start off by thinking that what we have right now is too simple, too ordinary.
The true nature of mind must be something special, something high
something prettier than what we have now.
And what we have now doesn't really satisfy our desires, it's not very attractive to us
but if you put some serious effort into your practice
then eventually I think that recognizing the true nature of mind

means returning to that place where you started with
- your boring unattractive, not new, not high, mental state
- and actually recognize that it has been what you're looking for



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Aye, attachment is the root of all suffering. And in truth, I'm not very attached to anything. Money, big houses, fancy cars, the latest phones or clothes - none of it matters in my eyes. Made it....difficult to find motivation in such a material driven world.

Now it's easier after finding a way to help and be useful on a larger scale, though I still struggle with being too distant.


Well-known member
Attached as you have been to
kingdoms, sons, wives, bodies, pleasures—
life after life—
still they are now lost forever.

Prosperity, pleasure, pious deeds…
In the dreary forest of the world
the mind finds no rest.

For how many lifetimes
have you done hard and painful labor
with body, mind and speech?
It is time to stop.

Ashtavakra Gita


Well-known member
Authentic Discovery ~ 17th Karmapa

If I were asked the question, “What religion are you?”
it would seem very odd if I did not say, “I’m a Buddhist.”
After all, people look to me as a Buddhist leader!
To keep things simple, it is easier for me to say, “I am a Buddhist.”
Yet that is not how I see myself.
Rather, I see myself as a follower of the Buddha.
I aspire to follow in the Buddha’s footsteps.
To hold on to the label of “Buddhist” and wave it like a banner is something else altogether.
When I say I wish to follow in the Buddha’s footsteps, the key point for me
is that the Buddha used his own intelligence to discover the meaning of life within himself.
He did not discover it from texts written by someone else
or from any formalized set of rules :smile:
He found it within himself, within his own noble heart.
We all have the potential to do this

17th Karmapa from the book:
"The Heart Is Noble: Changing the World from the Inside Out


Well-known member

As in the sky, all clouds disappear into sky itself:

Wherever they go, they go nowhere
wherever they are, they are nowhere.

This is the same for thoughts in the mind :smile:

When mind looks at mind, the waves of conceptual thought disappear.
~ Machig Labdron



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Thanks for the continued posts, m8s.

After meditating on my chart I've come to a...realization of sorts. This disinterest that I feel toward the material world is born from a complete lack of fulfillment in it. My friend, the one who got me into Vedic astrology and taught me the meaning of prayer told me the story of Svarbhānu. Rahu being his severed head in the tenth house would make him hungry from social status, wealth etc. But because he has no body, he can never be full and happiness he cannot find.

Ketu in the forth house conjunct Moon might explain my awareness of this. Thus I've little interest beyond enjoying each day as it comes. I also find happiness in spiritual pursuits as opposed to anger and emptiness when chasing financial gain.

That was a random thought on meditation, heh. :p