Astrologers' Community Chat Group


Staff member
If you want to join a chat with fellow Astrologers then send me a private message to join. You have to be well established on the forum before asking me though. If you ask and you're not established, then I won't let you join because I don't know who you are. Could be a psycho and we can't have psychos

To follow up, I see that you've modified your introductory post to establish some criteria. But, how are you defining well established? Your definition of well established on the forum might be different from someone else's.


Well-known member
AppLeo, who are you letting join the group?

It sounds like you have some sort of requirement, if you're refusing to let people join because you don't know them. You may choose who to admit, but since you've made this an announcement to everyone on the forum, it would be only fair to make it clear what your criteria for admission are.

How well do you have to know someone in order to let them join? What constitutes knowing them well enough? Does it depend on how long they've been a member here? How active? Something else?

They have to be well established on the forum. At least 100 posts. I don't want random people joining who are not going to be there for the long run or are just there to observe.

In the original post I changed the requirement.


Well-known member
I made the invitation unworkable because we kept getting random people that we didn't know.
How do you get on?
I don't know who you are yet, so you can't join yet.
AppLeo, who are you letting join the group?

It sounds like you have some sort of requirement, if you're refusing to let people join because you don't know them.

You may choose who to admit,
but since you've made this an announcement to everyone on the forum,
it would be only fair
to make it clear
what your criteria for admission are.
How well do you have to know someone in order to let them join?
What constitutes knowing them well enough?
Does it depend on how long they've been a member here?
How active?
Something else?
To follow up, I see that you've modified your introductory post
to establish some criteria.
But, how are you defining well established?
Your definition of well established on the forum
might be different from someone else's.
current members and past members list
there are six current members

If you want to join a chat with fellow Astrologers
then send me a private message to join.
You have to be well established on the forum before asking me though.
This means having 100 or more posts
and having a positive influence at Astrologer's Community.
If you ask and you're not well established, then
I won't let you join because I don't know who you are
or if you'll be a negative influence.

It is a Discord chat, which is similar to Skype.

Current Members:


List of people who have joined before:
Conspiracy Theorist
seems probable the group formed

because the chat facility on our forum rarely if ever works :smile:


Staff member