Will I hear back from him on my job application?


Well-known member
After waiting for few days to hear back from the HR, I decided to contact the hiring manager directly with my resume and now I am wondering if he would respond to my email?


  • astro_2gw_will_he_respond_hr.10612.10042.jpg
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Premium Member
Looks like Moon to Venus may have been the timer. They are three units apart, so maybe 3 minutes?
Good luck with the job!


Well-known member
Looks like Moon to Venus may have been the timer. They are three units apart, so maybe 3 minutes?
Good luck with the job!

Thank you!
I did interview but the compensation is too less for me to take it forward and I may be over qualified for the position.
So this one aint going to work out :-(


Well-known member
Looks like jup will get the job not u

Great..while it is a leadership position, I don't think I want to be in that industry anymore. I lost interest moment HR mentioned the salary. Odd working hours for almost 30% drop in compensation, not for me anymore.


Well-known member
Looks like this conversation is not over yet..the company wants to chat more and meet for another round of interview.
Part of me doesn’t want to, such poor compensation but another side says no harm, every interview is an experience. Lol!
Btw this job in another country