Progressions changing direction?


Well-known member
I'm interested in hearing people's experiences of having a progressed planet change direction and turn either direct or retrograde. What happened? How did it feel? How did your attitude to or expression of that planet change?
I'm interested in hearing people's experiences of having a progressed planet change direction and turn either direct or retrograde. What happened? How did it feel? How did your attitude to or expression of that planet change?

secondary progressions
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progressed planets/charts are more 'internal' changes, evolvements rather than 'events or external' matters. I don't read prog charts as stand alones it's more important to see where these planets are moving in the natal chart

Your natal chart is like a photograph as unique as your fingerprint, BUT the 10planets in the sky have not stayed where they were in your natal chart, they have all moved. Predictive astrology is mostly maths where those 10planets are now and the mathematical aspects they make to your natal charts ie: 180'=opposition, 90'=square, 60'=sextile and 120'=trine.

So your personality, grows, develops, changes, matures as we get older, this is reflected by your sun sign changing from it's natal position to the next sign along, so does your Asc and MC sign change. In fact from sun to mars especially are important, as the outer planets really don't move much, using a 'day for a year' secondary progressions.

What's the difference between Transits and Progressions?
“Transits are the planets currently orbiting in the sky and the relationships they form to each other and additionally, to your chart. Transits happen for everyone. They're important and effect you personally when they contact a planet or point in your chart. Transits represent outside energy, things happening outside yourself. They describe external events and your responses to them. Progressions, however, move very slowly and are a natural progression of your original birth chart. The events and emotions they describe are part of you, deeply ingrained in your psyche, internal, and psychological.”

[deleted quote over 100 words against forum rules - Moderator]

If you want to research more into Secondary progressions try here

The most important of progressed planets is of course, sun & moon and then upto mars, as the outer planets hardly move by progression. Now like with transits, solar arcs --- it's what these progressed planets are doing NOW by mathematical aspect to your natal planets and Angles that is ultimately important.

Also I would take this opportunity to mention there is a ‘plethora’ of information in every forum top, called 'stickys' which cover, explain in great depth what each forum is all about, plus we have an Education forum for further research..


Well-known member
I had a mercury progression go into retrograde back in 2010 form my experience it didn't do much. The most I could say was I responded in ways I wouldn't expect. A lot of thinking with out speaking then again my mercury is in aries so I do that often. People often say retrograde periods are difficult but it really depends on the chart. I can say I was extremely unconcerned with what others thought, your own thoughts tend to just cloud your mind and take over.


Well-known member
My P Venus turned retrograde back in 2004. I did not meet a single eligible female partner for about 5 years. Since then it has started to make some progress in the reverse direction and things have normalized a bit but romance is still slow to come by these days.


Premium Member
Since I have been around for awhile, I have had several planets change directions. When my progressed Mercury went retrograde, I was serving on the boards of trustees of some not-for-profit volunteer organizations and had been for some time. That all ended, and I am not active in any of those organizations any longer. However, I have more time to devote to astrology.

When progressed Pluto went direct, I found employment with a large company and began making more money. From a very frugal condition I became very prosperous, paid off all loans, bought a new car for cash, obtained a good computer and astrology software. But I do not practice conspicuous consumption.

When progressed Mars went direct I rather suddenly found myself facing some lawsuits and and other legal issues all unrelated. Some went to trial, but I either prevailed or fought them to a stalemate. That seems to have all ended now. I have natal Mars conjunct the descending node which is said to allow the native to prevail in lawsuits.

When Saturn went direct, I had to take another job with my company due the bad economy. It proved dangerous. I was exposed to some unpleasant contagious diseases, had accidents, and while driving home from work, I was hit from behind by a SUV moving at high speed. My car was destroyed, but I was rescued intact. I seem to have recovered from all that now, and have returned to my better job. My natal Saturn is exactly conjunct the fixed star Mizar which is very dangerous with malefics and can cause accidents.

Yes, I can say that when natal planets change directions by progression that there are real and visible effects.