Will I get the Team Leader role?


Well-known member
I haven recently been speaking to the recruitment manager about TL roles which are available in the company, however one also recently came up for the account which I already work on, so of course I applied for it.

I asked horary if I would be successful for this role a few days before the interview and the interview was today. So, I understand a little about the chart in terms of how the interview went, but I do not yet know the outcome.

The role is 10th house the Sun in Pisces.

I am Venus in Cap.

The Sun conjuncts Jupiter where it has a nice domicile receptions, so the job goes to Jupiter.

However, the Sun exalts me Venus and indeed the interview went amazingly well. It could not have gone better.

There were two people at the interview, the man who is the main manager of the account and the recruitment manager lady, who has the same first name as me. The interview went so well, that at the end of it, the lady made some comment about we are special because we have the same first name.

Anyway, I don’t get the job. Even though I am exalted, Jupiter is stronger in its domicile and conjuncts the Sun.

Mars and Venus don’t like Jupiter, but it is she who gets the job. The interviewers did not like Mars anyway.

I will be absolutely gutted :( and the chart doesn’t tell why I don’t get it even though I’m exalted :/ so I might know more about the chart as I learn the outcome.



Premium Member
First, I am terribly sorry if you don't get the job. Really. I hope we are misreading the chart somehow.

I do think, tho, that if you do not get the job it is because Sun receiving Jup by dignity is more powerful than Sun receiving you/Venus by exaltation. Exaltation is high energy but short lived. So that wonderful feeling between you was intense great, but waned quickly.
Sun receiving Jup in its dignity is much more stable and solid.

Fingers crossed for you.


Well-known member
I just had the interview outcome meeting today.

The manager said they had so many agents leave recently, they no longer have the role available for a team leader. But he said they instead decided to create 3 role for deputy team leaders, and I was one of them!!

So I was kind of successful. I was pretty much successful. I’m happy with the outcome. I’ve not quite processed it yet.


Premium Member
I just had the interview outcome meeting today.

The manager said they had so many agents leave recently, they no longer have the role available for a team leader. But he said they instead decided to create 3 role for deputy team leaders, and I was one of them!!

So I was kind of successful. I was pretty much successful. I’m happy with the outcome. I’ve not quite processed it yet.

Well, yippie!! Truly.

The chart was correct, that, no, you would not become a team leader. And you had no way of knowing to ask about becoming a deputy team leader.

I am very happy for the outcome, too. Congrats my dear.


Premium Member
For some of us, an unspoken rule of Horary is that what you are asking about actually exists. You cannot ask if you are pregnant if you are actually male. And so, if the job you think you are applying for, doesn’t actually exist, horary will assume that it does. Sometimes the Arabic Part aspecting the Moon will show this; sometimes Saturn will be in the 7th house.
Sometimes it will proceed with out an issue. It's a conundrum if the job actually existed when you asked the question. .

The job of Team Leader actually existed at the time the question was posed.
I haven recently been speaking to the recruitment manager about TL roles which are available in the company, however one also recently came up for the account which I already work on, so of course I applied for it.


Premium Member
Or suppose the question had been, "Will I get a promotion?" instead of to this particular job? All very interesting...


Well-known member
No I will not be giving out my personal details on an online forum or in pm. It’s not necessary, the chart answers the question clearly even though there was a slight change in jobs.


Well-known member
I think horary charts make sense once you get the full story from the chart giver.

There were 3 people that applied for the role (Jupiter, Venus and Mars). Going on the feedback I got from the main manager guy, I he was really impressed by Mars, who is a relatively new agent with less experience in smaller managerial roles than me and Jupiter, she was a wild card who applied for the job, but he told me he was very impressed by her, hence she is Mars exalted.

Jupiter was always his favourite, she is domiciled and in rexeption the the Sun, which conjuncts her, which shows she would have got the team leader role if that was still the only role available.

But Moon conjuncts Venus and Mars, showing we get the opportunity too. Sun loves Venus me and moon conjuncts me.

The interesting thing is I am exalting Mars. This doesn’t show my own feelings towards Mars but the manager told me I should make friends with this girl because he think we would work well together. That’s what he said.

The chart with receptions is showing the manager’s feelings. You’ll notice Venus is the only one not in domicile or rulership of its own sign, and is in fall of the Moon. I’ve had power struggles with the manager and have had to fight for every opportunity I’ve been given, it’s almost like he had to give me the role because the interview went so well.
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Well-known member
So to conclude, you don’t need to ask for personal information like birth details from a client, you need the full picture of what’s been going on though. Horary tells the truth.