Can transits predict the timing of events?


Well-known member
I was wondering if it could predict the time when something will most likely happen. Like when I’ll meet my first boyfriend, someone told me it’d be this year but I’d rather know which month if possible.


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Well-known member
I was wondering if it could predict the time when something will most likely happen.
Like when I’ll meet my first boyfriend, someone told me it’d be this year
but I’d rather know which month if possible.
that entirely depends on the skill of the individual astrologer :smile:
keep in mind that ours is an astrological learning forum
populated by many beginners
astrologers tend to have different opinions
and to use different techniques
so reading, study and practice is the way to learn

One method of prediction uses PROFECTIONS in tandem with SOLAR RETURN


'….My intensive examination of time-lord (periods) found that a bad Solar Return
can spoil many good configurations set by the more general time-lords.
It's extremely important to examine for the particular influence of that year.
Many people do not look at life in periods, at most
they view the year as a period of time on which they are concentrated.

Nailing down prediction into reading yearly influences is essential.
Because, Jupiter and Venus may rule the Firdariyyāh, and their disposition
in the natal chart is ok, and from inexperience, you would judge excitingly:
‘yeah, you will have good year’, is a certain way for leaning toward error. ...'

If these two planets are damaged in Solar Return, the good may be twisted
may never appear, or not last for long.
These are 3 out of many particulars which an astrologer should consider in his examination
and can still err.
Ancient astrologers were wise and set many different techniques
in order to nail down through deductive reasoning
the probability of the climes and particulars of the time investigated.
Error was not so much allowed in those times and today
a good astrologer doesn’t want to err
and this is why one need to meditate deeply
on the different kind of influences present at a particular unit of time.

Those who have read Valens
know how many different techniques he uses

Not only because Valens loved all those techniques and want to have fun
but it was necessary for him to investigate more deeply
the period set by different planets and their qualities.
The same with Abū Ma’shar.

All these techniques have their own place and they are all relevant
even though all planets may be activated through this or that rulership or technique
they actually all have different purpose, different agenda
and different amount of power with which they operate in a certain period;
some are subordinated to other, and some are leaders of the times