A DREAM OR A NIGHTMARE? - Mars in 12th house


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Fragoso, there has been a Mars in the 12th house thread quite recently.

I just needed to comment that you have to be very careful with what you quote................. I am assuming that your descriptions of Mars in the 12th house are quotes. If so, you need to acknowledge that they are quotes, and from where.

But my main issue is with this:

"In bad aspect, Mars in 12th house can cause mental illness. You can have phobias, suffer of anxiety, schizophrenia, anxiety, bipolar disorder, bordeline disoder (mental instability), insomnia ..."

I doubt whether that is true at all. For me, it is akin to saying: "All Scorpios are jealous and paranoid." Now, I have known many Scorpios who are, but I also have known equally as many who are not.