Any Tarot Readers Here?


Well-known member
So it's thought that the four suits in Tarot symbolize the four elements in astrology:

  • wands = fire
  • cups = water
  • swords = air
  • pentacles = earth
However I'm starting to think that the court cards symbolize the astrological signs.

Cardinal signs symbolize action or beginnings - which would be the knights and pages, respectively. Fixed signs are receptivity and stasis - which would be the queens. Mutable signs symbolize the alchemical "metamorphosis" of the knight to king - culminating into what the king card represents.

If you get past the gender thing, the meanings of the court cards more than somewhat resemble what the generally accepted characteristics are of the horoscope signs:

Knight/Page of Wands = Aries, Queen of Pentacles = Taurus, Knight/King of Swords = Gemini, Knight/Page of Cups = Cancer, Queen of Wands = Leo, Knight/King of Pentacles = Virgo, Page/Knight of Swords = Libra, Queen of Cups = Scorpio, Knight/King of Wands = Sagittarius, Page/Knight of Pentacles = Capricorn, Queen of Swords = Aquarius, Knight/King of Cups = Pisces.

I thought it was pretty fascinating to think about. I've used these meanings in some Tarot readings and they've made things a lot clearer for me.
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