Why did he Block me?


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Miriam, you don't say anything about the nature of your relationship to date, or what kind of music you sent him. Do you suppose there is any way in which he might have found the music video to be offensive, or like you were coming onto him too strongly for his comfort level? Was there some kind of message in the music that he could have taken as a signal of what you are thinking or feeling, beyond simply your enjoying the music?

You are symbolized by Venus, he's Mars. I think there is some mutual interest: Venus applies to a sextile with Mars, and Mars is in the terms of Venus.

But your significators are in wretched shape, unfortunately. Venus is in his turned 12th house. Is there any way in which he could reasonably see you as deceptive? Venus is in detriment and combust the sun. The moon is also in detriment.

Have you got a mutual friend who could ask him why he blocked you?