Finding life calling

art academy, herbalism and very much into all things neptunian, uranian, jupiterian and the likes. as an adolescent i started writing down my dreams, sometimes 3 to 4 dreams a night. i stopped doing this for the last year though. i've been studying so many things about neptune, but the more i learn about it, the more i try to dissolve it and sometimes even walk away from it. i try to take my night dreams less serious, as daydreaming about them all day long, doesnt seem to be productive (anymore). the tricky venus sq both mc and neptune have been sometimes difficult to understand and accept (especially in love life). but since meditating more frequently i seem to cope with it easier :)

i think art is kind of my life, form, color, taste, smell, rythm, especially all kind of abstract things. aswell as nature and natural things (6th house venus and mars, herbalism, vegetarianism, caring for animals and people, helping out, ..). i have tried to study all things related to mc and aspects towards it and am only more riddled with time. nor neptune or mc receive light aspects, it seems as venus is the strongest, and receiving plenty of supportive aspects from jupiter and saturn. would this suggest it is safe to take on a more venusian approach to a life-calling? i understand things do not have to be easy, where is great conflict, is much to learn. but in this case would it be more accurate to assume venus is showing where the good stuff is careerwise- callingwise? or am i not seeing the drawing overal?

what about uranus? is it close enough to the mc to also count as a high point? i love all things uranian, but i know in these matters i should think less about preferences and more about what is necessary to do and develop.

and what about the aries point at venus and neptune? i have the feeling neptune and venus are prominent in the chart in several parts and in different aspects. even in size of the houses. i start to see them everywhere. or maybe i have been looking at it too much for too long. not seeing the forest through the trees. <<

i tend to float through life most of the times, inspired by sometimes rather small things, they become larger than life visions, i start to feel so adventurous (sag moon conj uranus?) then to realise this is a total unrealistic plan :D with scattered forces (mars sq nept). some days later the same will happen but with an entire different idea in an entirely different setting :D atleast i have plenty of energy to go on like this untill i find something useful. there seems not to be a specific focus. in fact i might be able to envision 10 to 20 different careerpaths i would like to do and at the same time totally none :alien: , maybe a career as a career-collector would be interesting or is this called 'teaching different subjects'?

the same applies to the arts. as i've once seen it is possible to see what kind of doctor one might have the necessary talents for, by analyzing in which house specific planets lie. for example oncology, pharmacy, etcetera. are there comparable guidelines for the arts? visual, musical, painting, sculpting and so on?

as saturn return is only some months away i feel this is an appropriate time to start thinking about it more seriously (though this serious attitude also scares me at the same time). but time is ticking, and i really have to do it this time :p (that's 4 times 'time' in one sentence .. chronos :rolleyes:

if anyone wants to come and shine a light, would be really nice :happy:


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Well-known member
Do you need to support yourself financially through your vocation? Neptune conjunct your MC can give you a kind of New Age visionary persona, but this might be different from how you can best keep a roof over your head and bread on your table.


Account Closed
I presume that you mean by life's calling, you are asking for what career might work out best for you, rather that your mission in life?

Best vocation often means a choice of best vocation for success, or best vocation for preferred working conditions, or best vocation for maximizing of your skills and abilities.

Its rare that you can get all three.
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Do you need to support yourself financially through your vocation? Neptune conjunct your MC can give you a kind of New Age visionary persona, but this might be different from how you can best keep a roof over your head and bread on your table.

Hello Waybread, thanks for your question and thoughts.

Yes, i would need some financial support. Do you think i might be too focused on the Midheaven?
I presume that you mean by life's calling, you are asking for what career might work out best for you, rather that your mission in life?

Best vocation often means a choice of best vocation for success, or best vocation for preferred working conditions, or best vocation for maximizing of your skills and abilities.

Its rare that you can get all three.

Hi Zarathu, these are interesting questions. At this moment i'm thinking of developing skills and abilities so i can be of better help. Getting out what is in. But offcourse some succes is also needed to put a roof above my head, as Waybread stated. i think i'm slowly arriving at the point where i am actually ready to accept whatever it is i have to do. and then i can do my best to put as much fun and hard work into that.

What do you see? I thought developing oneself and mission in life might be the same? And career be a way of guiding you towards (difficult and easy) or assisting in the lesssons still to learn? i was brought up with the advice that whatever you do with great pleasure and passion and truly inspires you, it will take you to the things you really need and are of valuable use to you.

i'm becoming very curious to hear what both of you are thinking about the chart. where can i develop myself best to be of a good use in this time and society? and what could be my mission in life? Or can you show me or explain how i can find or learn this from the chart?
If you mean before as in relating to previous lives, i have really no idea. And to think about who i am is a puzzle all the same.

But it must have been the life mission I was looking for.
I have studied the chart but i do not have the skills to integrate all different parts. Mainly i have been looking up all the aspects and houses, their rulers, and where they are positioned instead. Also i tend to follow the transits, though not everyday. Just the aspects from the outer planets to my inner. This shows where the opportunities and lessons of the moment are :) But to see it from a higher perspective totally intergrated is far away from how i experience it to be. I think i know who i am on a daily basis, but if i really dive into it, i do not know. therefore the above. it might have been too cloudy

you ask good questions.


Well-known member
i was brought up with the advice that whatever you do with great pleasure and passion and truly inspires you, it will take you to the things you really need and are of valuable use to you.

I'll try not to sound too cynical here, but most people that give that advice give it because that's how they wish they could live their lives, and so they hope their children can do it where they failed.

I am curious about your thoughts on paid work vs. following a passion. You do not strike me as someone that cares about money (which is very admirable, really!). A lot of people, regardless of their passion, can feel that turning it into a job takes the joy out of it. That's why so many people choose to have hobbies and day jobs that are totally different. Once in a while, though, you get a marriage between passion and career in a way that can be inspirational, but it's rare.

Do any astrologers here have any insight into what kind of configuration in a chart can show that kind of success? That may help with what boisd is asking.

I've read that Neptune on the MC can show a lack of direction -- Neptune can be effusive. With 10 house ruled by Saturn, which is in the 8th house Scorpio, perhaps your calling has to do with acquiring a depth of knowledge in a subject, deeper than others have gone with it. Pisces in your chart is intercepted in the 12th house, which might mean you have difficulty accessing Neptune... that it largely comes from your subconscious (perhaps this is why your dreams are so important to you!).

What's interesting is that the ruler of your ASC (how you present yourself) is Mars, in Virgo, square your Neptune/MC, where Virgo is also an intercepted sign in the 6th. It's possible you get stuck in daily routines, relationships, your interests that can often be obsessions, and lose sight of the big picture... even though it's constantly looming, just out of reach.

I think Zarathu's question of what do you want is a very important one!
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Zarathu, I am taking your offer ;) Thank you for the opportunity.

And Flapjacks; Hello there !

about money it's complicated somehow. i was brought up by my father, he used to tell me this. He's quite artistic and was trying to survive many years by being a restorer of century's old objects and furniture. This was not easy in Antwerp at the time, we were sometimes very poor. In the end he moved to the US, and he now has a greater career there. I'm happy for him. I realise it doesnt always go like this.

My mother on the other hand is much more cynical aswell :p she is just more grounded and has had to move out of different countries, because of the old regime in Portugal (she's a native from there) and also out of Luanda, Angola due to riots. She has had to fight hard for what she has now, a house, a job. I understand both my parents views.

Mostly my mother has been supporting me in the past since my father has left the country almost 15 years ago. I am working, and saving half the money at the same time. Soon when the contract is over, i will still be able to live some months from this money. In the mean time i have to look for a new house. I tend to always find houses which are very cheap to rent, although mostly in bad conditions. i have a feeling for decorating and everything artistic so i can easily create a small, but enchanting circus wherever i am haha;

anyway yes, i do need to gain money and survive. i dont know if i will be able to always live like this. but if i am, then atleast i now realise why the idea of having my own children, doesnt speak to me. although i really really would like to take care of some and help them, maybe even inspire some along the way. i've had great teachers and i hope to one day be this for someone else too.

i've also thought about the 8th house saturn and the 6th house virgo several times, but i think my blind spots are interfering with the real knowledge there.
so yes, i really want to be guided and be shown the dynamics of the chart.

as the north node is kind of opposed to scorpio i have always believed i had to leave everything scorpio'nesk behind. it is very obsessive to me. i can be for days glued to the computer, when not working, or with the head in the clouds (also obsessivly)
that's why i think i have wanting to let go of pluto and neptune aswell. funny that is, i remembered today i was having terrible nightmares as a child of drowning and entire city's flooding. and i actually still don't know how to swim

it has been a nice evening, thanks everyone :) i hope to hear from you all soon again.


Well-known member
I think your best vocational indicators are your angular Neptune and domiciled Venus: and they are in a close square! Unfortunately, Neptune is not the most realistic planet in the solar system, and Neptune-Venus can confer a lot of rosy-coloured idealism.

Perhaps you can turn Neptune's love of illusion into a career: film/cinema is a very difficult field for beginners to break into, but I am pretty convinced that Neptune is the modern ruler of films. Venus rules the arts more generally. Venus is also a generic ruler of women and female beauty.

If you really wish to help other people, however, one field that occurs to me is becoming a make-up artist (cosmetics) or hair stylist, but mostly applying your skill to women with disabilities or who are hospitalized. They could use a big helping of glamour at a time when they might be recovering from radiation therapy or surgery-- or perhaps not recovering. Or with your artistic ability, you might design clothing for women with disabilities.

With both your moon and Saturn (MC ruler) in the 8th house of life and death, you do need some emotional intensity in your work.
some years ago i had a boyfriend who had studied film and had several serious addictions. it was very difficult for him to get into that world after graduating. it was his long lost dream. come to think about it, he was very neptunian.

some months ago when neptune was squaring the moon, i had this idea for an animation right out of the blue. i wrote it all down. it was a quite dreamy, nebulous topic. i started working on it, drawing frame per frame, but with time i have put it at rest, atleast for now. perhaps neptune was also trining pluto at that time. maybe i should pick it up again, atleast to finish it, that would be already quite an achievement, and it would be helpful to spread a good message across, people who are open, could be inspired.

it's interesting you mention disabled women. that would be a very pure calling as they are indeed in need of some serious magical fun and lightheartedness. i should make a plan on how to proceed, set up some volunteering project. could be nice to be able to take them out of their known environment for a day though, as these are such sad places mostly. good stuff to think about.

Thank you Waybread for your input. Some new inspiration :)
@Waybread: do you think it could also involve something with animals? i'm not sure if hospitals aloud animals inside, but what do you think? as i have been reading about the intercepted houses now, and i always had this idea of living somewhere in the wild nature, as would be able to tune in to the things more essential? this could be a way to integrate the animal part from this 'wild nature idea" into the lives of others who desperatly need help. taking care of animals is good for everyone as it brings us into contact with another human being without asking for anything in return or is this too weird? and for people in difficult positions an animal can provide love by just being there. what do you think?


Well-known member
I've known people who train animals to help the disabled and/or take animals around visiting people who are in the hospital to cheer them up. :) that is totally a possibility.
Thanks Zarathu, i have well received your message. and yes we have moved around a bit through Spain and Portugal. sending you specific age & locations in pm.


Well-known member
You might read up on therapy dogs of different descriptions: they range from seeing-eye dogs for the blind to "reading dogs" for children with difficulties in reading, therapeutic horseback riding programs, and pets for children with autism. What about connecting people to nature through environmental education? With Neptune conjunct your MC, do you love the sea? I see you as more connected to large animals than small ones.
I like the sea, but i am also frightened by it. I used to have many nightmares of deep water with prehistorical monsters containing them. I love whales and other sea creatures, small and big. i also honor water and i would like to learn how to swim. but, somehow i am more attracted to the forest and to more shallow waters like lakes. maybe it is an unconscious excuse for not having to face the deep undercurrents? i am attracted to long boatjourneys though.

i have thought also about educational environmental programs, here in belgium we do not have much nature left. the streets are turning grey, and bees are dying at a 30% rate yearly. also through R.Steiner i have learnt about bees in another context. it could be one way to go into the environmental thing. i'll let it sink into my head for a while and see what come out. i am very much appreciating the effort you put into it :) it is nice to see all your different perspectives. very liberating :)

have a goodnight
You might read up on therapy dogs of different descriptions: they range from seeing-eye dogs for the blind to "reading dogs" for children with difficulties in reading, therapeutic horseback riding programs, and pets for children with autism. What about connecting people to nature through environmental education? With Neptune conjunct your MC, do you love the sea? I see you as more connected to large animals than small ones.

were you thinking about some large animals in particular? what about Greenpeace or a Greenpeace like organisation? mostly this work involves talking to people on the streets, can also be interesting. meeting several people from different backgrounds, with likewise ideas and motivations. actually some months ago i had applied to help out an Nature-organisation in my free time. it would be working with groups of children/classrooms -showing them nature, inspire them in a creative and adventurous setting, they were still needing someone younger for the team. when i started working, i forgot about it. i will contact the lady now, as my workingcontract is coming to an end. perhaps with time they would be able to pay me, or not, but i'd be able to combine it with some part-time job easily.