PLEASE ANALYZE (Israel-Gaza) When will the bombing end?


Well-known member
I live in Israel and the past few days (rather 12 years) with bombs from Gaza haven't been easy. Israel is fighting back now and a third world war is close, as some estimate.
Kids aren't going to school, many are hurt on both sides, life just isn't normal and nobody should live like this.

I opened a horary chart but I have NO idea how to read it. THe question is "When will the bombing end?"
I read somewhere that 1st and 7th house rulers and afflicted aspects are indicators of war. So I see that Moon (ruler of 1st) and Saturn (ruler of 7th) form a square :-( indicating a sure fighting situation, as is now. Moon in 7th house indicates Israel's entrance into Gaza...
But when will it end, that's what I don't know how to read.

Can anyone help?

God bless us all...and peace to all.

Fearing for the worse-I have come across an interesting analysis of a similar horary chart, for those who care for the issue at hand:


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Well-known member
well using a secondary progression for the Moon Saturn square it would decrease a lot in march 2013. well it would become more receptive around january, but it wouldnt stop till maybe march. im looking at a few monthly progressed charts for this too see the aspects that progression orbs make.

the 7th represents the Opposition
the 6th represents Conflicts

the Pluto/Mars squares to Uranus in the 9th represents International Conflicts

the Pluto will be out of Orb in march 2013. for Uranus/Pluto. by 3 degrees, but it really needs to go 1 degree more.
the Mars to Uranus will still be there at 1 mars to 4 uranus. it would have to go forward again one or two months for this "military".

Moon to Saturn which represents structural relational differences and hate with venus there in 4th should also be out of prog orb in march.

the Moon Saturn square would also become 0 degree orb in January, so that might be its peak.

the Uranus Pluto square will keep retrograding and going forward untill 2015.

friends will help in july as Jupiter approaches Trine with Moon
and ascendant trines mercury.

november 2017 mars will pass the uranus in 9th square by 1 degree, and pluto will be out of orb as well at 4 to 8 degree. so this would mark a decrease in international conflict.

but even the "same" progression formulas are different, and they arent super-precise.

the Moon in traditional also represents the People while Sun represents more the Government.

attached is a solar return for this chart. i havent tested this method, but it would show that there is religious fanaticism in 2013 year Jupiter opposition Pluto, and this would also be funded by second house. there would still be Other/home troubles. international conflicts would be receptive and wounded moon in 9th and chiron in 6th. there might be some kind of reconstruction of gaza strip with this grand trine. let me first investigate this method.

well another bad part would be when that Jupiter opposes Pluto in transits as well into the house of conflict 6th its going to move into 12th.


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Well-known member
july should be paradoxical energy because of uranus/pluto

then a Jupiter-opposition-Pluto also going through the water grand trine. it would spell the forces towards the active part of revolution and perhaps military expansion. with mars by jupiter.

the active revolutionary part of uranus/pluto would be in november 2013.

these are some sabian symbols for march:
The King Of The Fairies Approaching His Domain
A tiger crouching ready for a spring on its prey.
A rocky eminence out of which is carved a cross in stone.

A large, bright, military shield lying on a mountain, from which stream rays reflecting shafts of brilliant light.
St. Paul struck by the lightning flash of the Spirit on his way to Damascus.
A Flag Is Seen Turning Into An Eagle

Politics and Compromise
After Having Heard An Inspired Individual Deliver His "Sermon On The Mount," Crowds Are Returning Home
A woman sitting on a tombstone in the act of weeping.
A woman spinning with the rook and distaff.
A wearied traveler on a hot, dusty road obtaining a drink of water from a peasant girl.

The moon throwing its beams on a little bush hut amidst forest trees. A storm has just passed.
A rhinoceros.
An Airplane Sails, High In The Clear Sky

A man on horseback standing alone in the middle of a battlefield, where around him lies the dead and dying.
A ship illumined with the rosy rays of morning sailing towards the rising sun.
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Well-known member
other predictive tools would be using Gaza inception chart. the gaza natal chart perhaps. then looking at transits and so on.

as well as the bombing start date event chart, and looking at progression.

dr. farr

Well-known member
Using the event chart (Nov 18 chart) in the OP's post, and using the 1st and the 7th whole sign houses to represent the antagonists, Moon and Saturn are disposited by Saturn which in turn is in mutual reception with Mars, and Mars owns the 10th whole sign house (as lord of Aries), plus Uranus is posited there in Aries (unexpected but nonetheless martial events, developments) It does not look promising for any resolution-other than a martial one-over the near future (in my opinion of the chart)

dr. farr

Well-known member
Thanks-correction, not an event chart but rather a horary one; indications, though, are still the same (relative to the question asked, the answer would be, not soon, although further military-ie martial-action such as a Gaza invasion, would of course end the missile barrages from Gaza; Mars owning the 10th house of Aries, with Uranus in it at the near top of the horary chart, does not look very peaceful!)
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Well-known member

That's what I thought. I've been reading other posts (on other forums) for similar questions and none are much different than the readings here.

I will update, as always...


Well-known member
not happening moon/saturn square
plus moon is in 7th house being israel
it is weak
so is saturn
both fixed - long overhaul
either of them want to negotiate
and israel is giving in for some reason being in 7th house not its own 1st
power lost in a way


Well-known member
it was no brainer, Cap

they have been fighting since the beginning of times literally so it shouldn't be a surprise.

I ran a horary a few months ago if the other 2 countries will get into a war because 1 president was threatning that he would attack... I looked at the chart and i was thinking who the hell does this a**hole think he is? he will lose if he attacks. There was interference and moon void - I laughed and put the chart away. Sure enough no attacks that does not mean the war will not happen.


Well-known member
Actually, according to Irlmaier prophecy, WWIII will begin after we hear about peace in the Middle East so it's kind of good thing to have small scale wars going (although wars are clearly the stupidest thing men can do).