Where is my acne medicine?


Well-known member
i can’t find it and i really need it rn. i got it last Monday and its very expensive too pls help


  • D62C6CCC-1D4E-49F6-B7D1-124F8BA44086.jpg
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Well-known member
It will be found, do not worry!
This will take time to find, usually indirectly by a third party. It may show it is to the left side of places that I would suggest for search.
POF in mutable sign indicating the item is inside something: car, box, pocket , drawer, cupboard, bag, suitcase, container or under or between something.
It can be in a sun porch, a room in a house where you have more windows, play room, living room, room where children spend time playing, room or place lacking orderliness, place where gold plated articles are kept, room or places belonging to your children, room with expensive furnishings, a toy chest, pool and game room, children's bedroom. Near some source of heat or at showy, glamorous places.
Ruler is in 6 house means to look at work or someone at work may have it or have seen it or put it some place. A pet may have dragged it away. Look where you keep clothes, or in the linen closet (left). Often out of sight. The sewing room or studio in the home.

Direction: Northwest
Near colour: red, black, muddy greens, brown

POF is in Sag in 9 house. It can be in an upper room, near the fire or radiator, the largest room of the house, places where entertainment of guests is held, rooms where insurance policies are kept, a room where pets are allowed in the house, place where prayer books and college books are stored, among college memorabilia, place where woolen products are stored, room where very expensive furniture or imported things are.
POF in 9 house means to look near some church, college or law “things” at high shelves or around vacation pictures or travel literature. Also look at library (high shelves) or at school/university.

Direction: Southwest
Near colour: deep blue, purple, red, grey