Next mercury Rx August 2011


Well-known member
A Uk holiday firm went bust leaving 1000's stranded abroad. holidays for you and aegean holidays.

an important piece of post has gone missing at work, when I tried to contact the sender to advise them it never arrived, their blackberry wasnt working and they had left a rather 'garbled' out of office. (they have really messed up)

I agree sometines it might be better not to know than know!


Well-known member
[...]I agree sometines it might be better not to know than know!
I am happy I know, so I don't get too angry wondering "What the h. is going on?!"

- Rehearsal with my band post-poned for 2 weeks in a row. Then there will be 2 weeks of vacation for the musicians...
And we pretend we want to do a gig before summer ends. Right... :annoyed:

(The good news is my friend made it here last week-end 8)


Well-known member
that is a shame, maybe you would not be probaby 'heard' at this time.
so maybe a date in sept would be better for music - virgo's better musically?


Well-known member
Thanks Caro. ^^ IT'D BETTER!!

(Only that my Venus + Saturn in Gemini don't like Virgo's good times...).
We'll see what happens.
I'm leaving this August blank, without great expectations, as it seems everything I plan goes down the drain.

- Today last day at work... And I surely won't find anything new before September. :unsure:


Well-known member
What a week - havent been able to plan a thing at work.every day I changed meeting dates etc etc.

am actually travelling again in this rx period so fingers crossed. probably be road traffic delays.

R - try temping? the employment market does seem to know what it wants right now.
I need work post oct 11, but am going to leave looking until sept(did send for one permanent job though - lets see what happens with that)
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Neptune Rising

Well-known member
Lol, been too stressful this month! Not sure if its just the rx Mercury. I should learn from buying a camera in a previous Merc rx (which went wrong) not to buy electical goods like that, but I bought a pair of headphones which had such poor sound quality I have to return them. Been looking for new accomodation, no luck and very frustrating. Merc rx is going through my 8th house. When one of the cazimi happened, I discovered a health problem. Now focussing on sorting everything out! :D


Well-known member
Ugh, this Mercury retrograde has been frustrating. Between a few typos at work, a malfunctioning subway card I had to replace and a dull headache...

I did use my time to really read the fine print and research workplaces and cities to relocate to in job applications, so hopefully something will come up after Mercury retrograde.

It's not as bad as the last Mercury retrograde, where I had two interviews that did not go well (for one of the interviews/exams, all of the dates available were during Mercury retrograde unfortunately).

I guess one also needs to add the stressful T-squares, grand crosses and other retrograde planets that could explain the difficulties of this Mercury retrograde.


Well-known member
[...]I guess one also needs to add the stressful T-squares, grand crosses and other retrograde planets that could explain the difficulties of this Mercury retrograde.
Yes ^, that's definitely making this the worst Mercury retrograde for me.

What's really frustrating me now is that we cannot seem to manage and meet with the guy I'm into and I don't think the coming of September will make things easier...! :(

Retro Merc **ks!


Well-known member
well its affect seems to have slowed down for me now.
as events have started moving forward and a little more easy to manage and organise - I refer to work events. :rightful:


but hey what a month from July 22 to global events. lifechanging so yes a little more than merc rx at play here.


Well-known member
^ For sure, dear!
I forgot to tell you 'good luck with your job hunt'!!

As for me, I'm handing out my resume trying to move something in the universe, wishing it helps me finding a stable and gratifying job. Although I'm gonna take whatever I can find- these times are not for the picky one.

It seems I have some baby-sitting and private lessons of English lined up from the next week, so I'll feel like I'm doing something, while I'm getting sadder about my private life going 'retrograde'...

Hugs to all,
as mercury is just about to station before going direct, I have found myself these past few days re-discovering old material I thought I'd lost or forgotten about.

My old computer died last year and had been without one for such a long time. Eventually, I purchased a new laptop, transfered my old files/data months ago, but *just now* how very apt, I am finding old software that will not work on windows 7 versions. So have contacted at least two firms whom I purchased in 1998 ish and got upgrades free :smile:

I have also rekindled my interests in mediations, Binaural brainwaves entrainment, affirmations and loads of self help stuff.

I think with people (like myself) with mercury retro natally, the effects are not too bad. We expect mis communications, people to get the wrong end of the stick and are very apt at making communications (written or verbal) very clear, with little misunderstanding. We expect and anticipate these issues normally, day to day. So when it's retrograde - the rest of you are experiencing what we do intuitively, normally and daily...

I am also awaiting news very very important news from abroad, Saggi MC that will massively change my life for the better. As mercury retro conjunct Regulus and natal Pluto in 7th well aspected. mercury rules 5th and 8th (other people's money :sleeping: ) so will update you all if it comes off...TTFN
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Well-known member
Is it over yet? Every single business meeting has been delayed so far. Actually none of them happened because of strange communication, dvds lost in the mail and the icing on the ****cake, a very bizarre blow-out with a friend of mine.


Well-known member
it is over Friday - 26th not sure of exact time but there is then a period where it catches up to its former position before rx. so it will oppose neptune again at some point.

nice to hear that some people have had some good come out of this.


Well-known member
Mercury direct 26th 22.04.
Mercury 1 deg Virgo 10 Sept 2011.

The American Ephemeris 21st C. midnight.Michelsen.

J. :)
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Neptune Rising

Well-known member
I sent off for a governmental form at the start of the retrograde, I had to get it re-sent twice in the last month due to moving house. Its to do with tax. Mercury is currently in my 8th house :p Its been a good time for me to clarify tax issues.


Well-known member
So how does one predict or chart out where the retrogrades affect your personal chart? It seems so advanced. It would be quite helpful knowing where I could go to learn this.