
I have the weirdest dreams.

Last night I saw my ex in my dreams. I had a bit of consciousness throughout the dream and as I was about to wake up as I saw the dream fade, I quickly tried to overrule that and ran to her I just gave her a huge hug and didn't let go. I was trying to slip in whatever messages I could, asking for her return or convince her we were much more than she is defaulting on now. She believes we were bad for each other but loved each other very dearly.

I then had another dream before I woke up. I was in some house that reminded me of the acreage at home. It wasn't as the layout was completely different. It reminded me more of a house my ex and I picked out/talked about before. I snuck into a room where my ex was suppose to sleep. I was waiting for her. I fell asleep and woke up and her mother knew I was here. As she was cracking open the door, I peered through and saw her. She explained to me a lot of things, that she knew I was here, that she wished we were back together again, things like that. Not those exact words, I can't remember, but I sensed this relationship brewing speech. Then I somehow ended up outside the house and was opening the door and I saw some guy come out of a bedroom. It looked like ex's current boyfriend but a large male hand came out of the room, but it on his shoulder, and pulled him back in. This was ex's step father. That's the sense I got but didn't see. It also seemed like there was something negative happening between her parents (her mom and step father). Her mom seemed very interested in me and was sort of sad, but relieved, I was there.
