Waİt a advİce


i am undecided about the profession please can you give advice?


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Well-known member
With your sun, Mercury, and Venus in Leo in the 10th house of career, and the sun as the ruler of your MC, I suggest a career that allows you to "perform" in public in some way.

This might be anything from a teacher in front of a class of students to a museum docent to a tour guide to a courtroom lawyer. Acting or performing music on-stage is also a possibility with your domiciled Jupiter in the 5th house; although these are difficult fields to break into.


Premium Member
Leo 10th and sun inimical-malefic for libra ascendant,
sun-mer-venus leo 10th and NNode virgo 10th,
toxic health issues, stress-delays n
rise-fall in career success n recognition;
high self-pride, individualist; critical attitude;
aptitude for medicine-pharmacy-literary-oratory-political abilities,

mercury lord 9th over 10th inimical leo, stress-delays in luck-education-travels;
mercury lord 11th over 10th leo, gains from career under stress-delays
while negating friendships;

Ascendant lord venus over 10th leo, vain, health stressed,
heart-stomach-kidneys-skin-intestinal etc;
venus combust, wear 0.25 carat diamond over platinum pendant
touching heart for health and vitality;

prayers for ancestors, observe fast No-moon evenings;

Jupiter-ketu SNode pisces 5th, pain-injury-surgery,
heart-lungs-legs-liver-stomach-feet etc;
detachment from mother-motherland-property-luck-education-position;
hyper-sensitive, spiritual, ethical, traditional, teaching-advisory aptitudes;
Jupiter retrograde, delayed results;
jup-rahu NsNode opp, toxic health issues, rise-fall in life;
prayers to Mother Goddess, offer red n yellow flowers thurs evenings;

Mars lord 2nd for finances and lord 6th for work debilated cancer 9th,
anemic health - heart, lungs etc, suppressed anger, financial losses,
extra efforts towards luck-education-travels;

Moon lord 9th negating to 8th, negating luck and support from father;
Mars cancer 9th, spirituality through service of mankind;
technical aptitudes, chemical engineering, water works,sub-marines etc
saturn lord of elevation for mars over 7th quadrant,
debilation of mars cancelled,
gradual improvements in luck-education-health etc;

Past 1.5yr rahu NNode transit mars cancer,
foreign travels-pilgrimage, toxic health issues;

All planets between rahu-ketu the nodes,
rahu transits in sequence over planets past 4-5yrs
clouding-delaying things, toxic health issues;
coming 1.5yr rahu transit moon-gemini 8th,
toxic chest-lung-ear-urological issues;

ketu SNode now transit sag 2nd,
detachment from family-finances;

Moon gemini 8th, analytical but confused at decision making;
wear pearl over silver pendant touching heart;

Saturn taurus 7th retrograde, stubborn-determined;
aptitude for dentistry, hotel management-cuisine, banking, etc,
delayed results - marriage/vocation;

sat retro towards aries 6th, aptitude for mechanics, social service;
sat aspect mars-cancer 9th impacting luck-education;
aspect scorpio first impacting health, aspect own acq 4th,
supportive of property/real estate but not good for health of mother;
observe fast sat evenings;

Jup-sat year ahead transit acq 4th opp sun,
home-career-mother-property-health under stress to care;

hope get clues based on your interests,
share salient feedbacks how true
traits-talents-health-life trends-remedies-ideas to pick!!

wishing you well, while the transits are tough,
hope transit jup aspect leo helps,
medicine, human resources management, hospital management, etc
