Do I know her?

dr. farr

Well-known member
I'll attempt a direct answer here using the (non-horary) Walis Magic 8 Ball astro-divination technique, with the following qualifications to the answer:
-the answer addresses ONLY whether or not the querent already knows (personally knows) the person with whom the querent will (likely) be in a long term relationship with
-the answer does NOT say what kind, type or quality this long term relationship might be: the answer does NOT say whether this will be a friendship or employee or marriage or love or hate/enemy long term relationship!! That (ie the type of long term relationship) would require a specific seperate question.

So, according to the Magic 8 Ball technique:
-quesited (the other person of a potential long term relationship of some kind) = 7th whole sign house
-Pisces is on the 7th whole sign house
-Pisces = Jupiter
-Jupiter = a "yes" answer (, ie, yes the querent does currently know the person querent will be in a long term relationship-of some kind-with), according to 8 Ball "rules"...

dr. farr

Well-known member
Yes, a traditional (standard) horary analysis could be done: however, you are (at least by the nature of the question) apparently looking for either a yes or no answer to your question, so I felt that the simple 8 Ball method might well give the clearest direct yes or no answer to this question.
Significators (in my opinion) are Mercury (first house lord) and Jupiter (7th house lord), using the 7th as the "generic other" signifying house (as the early Islamic era horarists did): now, there is no applying aspect between significators, and Mercury flows away from Jupiter: this seems to indicate that the querent does not yet know the person with whom the querent will have a long term relationship (of some kind) with: yet the significators are also in each other's signs, ie, mutual reception, which argues somewhat for a more positive answer to this question. So, I went to the Magic 8 Ball for a more clear-cut answer (from my perspective)

dr. farr

Well-known member
Yes I think the fact that quesited Jupiter is retrograding toward Mercury is a hint regarding possible approach, but still (looking at the degrees involved) we find Mercury flowing away from Jupiter (if Mercury had been in 10 or more degrees of Sagittarius then Mercury would be flowing toward Jupiter which would have been + testimony in the horary)-for me these considerations clouded-up the analysis of the horary (by the alternative albeit largely traditional horary method I follow), so I went to the Magic 8 Ball yes/no technique for a clear-cut answer.