My sun was eclipsed and now I have no energy



Last Feb. the lunar eclipse conjuncted my sun and ever since I have been physically and mentally tired. I also saw the ugly side of someone I thought highly of( sun=male) I'm also dealing with Saturn opposing my sun. Will things lighten up for me in the near future at all!?

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could you post the aspects box please, 4 leaf......its good to see the degrees of the transits......

(or table.....whatever you like to call it!:))


Well-known member
Dear 4leafclovah,
As far as your eclipse goes, here's what I got.
You say your Sun was conjuncted by a lunar eclipse last Feb.
I just happen to have requested from the library the book "Eclipses" by Celeste Teal and have it here. According to it, there was a lunar eclipse at the degree of Pisces 04 45 on Aug. 28, 2007. The author maintains that when Mars, Saturn or Jupiter conjunct or oppose where the eclipse occurred, (as long as the eclipses' effect is still active- avg. a few years)
the eclipse is activated. That's when 'major eventful happenings' occur. Mars and Saturn activate your eclipse Feb. 29/08, July 3rd and July9/08 and there's some 2009/10/11 dates too, whenever Mars Jupiter or Saturn conjunct or oppose where the eclipse happened.
The author says when the Dragon's Head is involved, as it was for yours, it's considered 'luckier' and a more positive force than when it's Dragon's Tail. The book suggests you may experience new found power and strength as a result of your eclipse, so it's not all lemons here...


Universal, I actually purchased that book several days ago and have been skimming through it. Thanks for helping me understand this eclipse a bit more!