What's the importance of Eros


Well-known member
I have mine in Pisces and I could say that it's exactly what the description says.
It also falls in my second house by the way.Could you give me some insight about it?
How would it react to someone with an Eros in Scorpio?
Eros overpowers the mind with love and sex. Eros represents sexual objectification, passion and desire, and creativity.

This is not mainstream or the first thing one would look into regarding relationships.


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I have eros conjunct eros in Aries with a guy I know, but it's conjunct his venus trineing my mars/uranus conjunction in Sagittarius and his mars in pisces sits right between my own venus/mercury conjunction so I find it very difficult to differentiate its effects over the venus/mars stuff.

To be honest, I don't really care precisely why I want to pounce on him and tear his clothes off over the photocopier so much as when the opportunity might present itself... but since we know each other through work it wouldn't be a very good idea. All I can say is, grr...

I also had a brief liaison with someone who I had zero eros/mars/venus connections with but his mars squared my pluto. It wasn't the best idea in the long run but I had no choice, I simply had to sleep with him. Basically, I have no idea which planet is the best indicator of sexual attraction and/or to what extent.
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