Lilith and her ruler?


Well-known member
There are 3 astronomical liltihs which always correspond to the new moon and all phases of the triple moon goddess.The cycle of our own lilith is innitiated by the asteriod lilith,developed by the dark moon lilith & completed by the black moon lilith.
I personally feel that she does accompany chiron as ruling the mutable cross.


Well-known member
Okay, here's a curveball for you.;)

Lilith is known for her refusal to "submit" to Adam. She left him, wanting her independence. She also had a lot of hate. Sounds like the "dark side" of a lot of Aquarian issues to me.. rebellion, women's rights, etc. So.... I'd vote for Uranus, since it's the ruler of Aquarius. (I know... some say Saturn ,but I'm in the Uranus camp).

I don't know if this would apply to BML.... I see that as more of a Moon or Pluto thing.

Just my thoughts.....


Well-known member
freedomlover said:
Lilith is known for her refusal to "submit" to Adam. She left him, wanting her independence.

OR, she did not want to be dominated but be treated as an equal. That puts Leo and Libra in the picture:p.

She also had a lot of hate

Only from the male perspective;) She chose (Libra again!) to leave rather than live as an inferior to Adam ( Earth), gaining freedom (Uranus/ Aquarius)by willingly surrendering(Neptune/Pisces) Paradise and surviving in her own right (Pluto/ Scorpio). :D



Well-known member
There were some ideas that Lilith, describes how & where we cut away our pretensions (gemini ),false roles & delusions (neptune),& actualize our true essential self.Even though she may hover between mortal & immortal realms.
Healing arises when we enter into the darkness,release our pain, & to purify our toxic accumulations.

And we must not forget what Pythagorus speculated.
That Lilith or as they termed it then ( Antichthon ) was that dark planet which moved in the same orbit as earth did,yet always opposite & behind the sun.