Our Synastry and Composite Charts - Please Comment, pretty please :)


Hi All,

Before I discuss this further I want to share a strange coincidence with you guys. I follow Susan Miller's astrology very regularly. In the month of July this year, I read in her monthly-scope that Jupiter will be entering Leo (my 5th house), and then in August she mentioned that I should remove all my expectation of what my ideal would look like, as I could be meeting someone that I would least is least likely of my time. Lo and behold, I met this Leo guy online (exactly on 25th August), who happens to be 11 years younger to me. I generally avoid dating anyone who hasn't gone through their Saturn Return yet, for obvious reasons. He is Leo Sun, Cappy Moon and Virgo Ascendant.

Here I am, 2 months into this strange "relationship". I get the picture that he is a very mature kind of guy for his age, and he seems to be quite ok with the fact that I am older than him by 11 years.One thing I'll say, we have been sharing an excellent emotional and sexual chemestry right from the get go. Only thing is, I don't know how to handle this relationship, because he is not as open about his feelings as I am. He is very cautious with every word he utters. I was wondering if you guys can throw some light on this and help me understand this guy more, that way I can make an informed decision.

Our Synastry Chart (Mine inside)

Our Composite Chart

Our Synastry Aspects Grid (My planets are in horizontal)

His Natal Chart
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I was wondering if you guys can throw some light on this and help me understand this guy more, that way I can make an informed decision.

Hi there,

A possible reason you have received no responses is because of the very wide scope of your query. You have asked about understanding him, in general, and your relationship dynamic as well. These types of analyses take hours if not days, which is more than a volunteer on a forum is willing to do. You will have more chance of getting a response if you narrow down your original question to something specific.

Also, have you played around with the "Free Horoscopes" interpretations on astro.com? They will give you some insight about everything you have requested here.


Point noted. Thanks Tessie.

I guess my basic question is...

Is this guy fundamentally compatible to me or not. Roughly speaking, I mean.