Would anyone like a chart reading using..?

Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
Again I suggest to read the full description of each symbol as you go along, here: http://mindfire.ca/The%20Sabian%20Symbols/An%20Astrological%20Mandala%20-%20Contents.htm
Well, you have a lot of geometry going on in your chart… two t-squares, a kite, two other mini-grand trines.. phew..
Who you are – 30 Gemini

KEYNOTE: The setting of social standards through personal excellence and competition.

This generates emulation and the desire to bring the social images to their most perfect and concrete manifestation. The archetypal image or canon of proportion is thus incarnated for all to behold and be fascinated by. Fulfillment leads to new demands upon the individual human consciousness. The SHOW is over. Now comes the hour of decision.

This symbol is about a certain awareness of social structure that integrates multiple ideals of human nature into a quintessential display of worth. This symbols talks about the ability to achieve success within the demands of current society. This symbol also stresses the importance of shedding some of the pressure to fit in for the pursuit of individuality within the ideal mold.
Desc – Who you are to become on this journey – Sagittarius 30

KEYNOTE: The need to pay homage to traditional values upon which the Invisible Community of the spirit is built.
A collectivity of human beings is seen having "transferred" their sense of spiritual value to a man who has become an incarnation of their common ideal. Keywords: PERSONALIZED WORSHIP

This is a very interesting and powerful symbol. I have my root part of hyleg here and it can seemed a bit ominous at first but it symbolises a connection to sacred tradition and morality. Out of the desire to integrate with humanity according to social standards (ac) comes the need to connect humanity through faith and spirituality. You are becoming a person who is the embodiment of human connection and community through faith. You need to become the SYMBOL, the MODEL. Not the model of superficiality, but the model of spiritual enlightenment.

IC - Why you are on this spiritual journey – Virgo 11

KEYNOTE: The Spirit's answer to the vital needs of whatever became individualized out of its infinite ocean of potentialities. The true disciple must become the Mother of the living God and should eventually fulfill the great need of humanity and of all his people. MAN is constantly renewed through the great dreams and sacramental pregnancies of all disciples of the One Master. At this stage the power to bring one's dreams and ideals to a clear and sharp focus of mental activity or imagination needs to be developed.

This symbol talks about both manifestation and renewal of ideal. It seems to indicate that you are on this path in order to produce a new kind of potential. To steer your journey, and thus mankind’s joruney, in a direction that is oriented towards manifestation of a spiritual way of being; a way of being that is indebted to the power of cyclical creation. The symbol’s focus on the baby and the word new indicates a imaginative and fresh approach to life that is yet to be shaped into focus.
MC - How you are to reach spiritual purpose – Pisces 11

KEYNOTE: The capacity inherent in every individual to seek at whatever cost entrance to a transcendent realm of reality.
Man is always in the making and remaking. He can always go further, reach beyond. But he has to take the first step. Someone can show him the Path, but he alone can do the walking. Thus the Zen injunction: WALK ON.

This is all about the pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment. Discipline of the mind and heart is the way to spiritual fulfillment. It is critical for you to commit to this pursuit and be willing to make sacrifices to pursue a higher state of awareness. The text also mentions guides, people that are in higher places of consciousness, who can show the path to enlightenment, though it is ultimately up to you to make those changes.
I am getting the picture here that you are someone who is shedding from the MOLD of everyday existence towards a path of spiritual attainment. This is something that is still fresh and new in your spirit, as society has been repressed from spirituality for quite some time and we are pressured to fit into certain standards. Thus, it is crucial for you to seek out OTHERS who can help you on your journey to enlgihtenment, so that you can become the EMBODIMENT of that enlightenment (Which is what the symbol of the pope, who you are to beomce, represents) in order to help OTHERS reach that place. Thus, I am going to look up your part of eros, which tells us the type of people that can guide you on your journey.
Part of Eros – People to guide your journey - Taurus 8

KEYNOTE: The value of anticipating and preparing for expectable conditions. we should realize the value of FUTURE-ORIENTED IMAGINATION but also of relying upon the natural order of unfoldment of all life processes.

Your AC symbol talks about emulation in order to achieve societal success, and your MC talks about emulation of spiritual focus in others in order to attain your own person satisfaction. This part is saying that you need to find comradere among those who are FUTURE-ORIENTED. Many people see a clear path for the future evolution of mankind, and offering yourself as an apprentice to that plan is CRUCIAL for your spiritual purpose and evolution. This symbol talks about the blending of TRADITIONAL SKILL with a FUTURE-ORIENTED focus to CHANGE the current state. Finding those who can teach you a new approach to ancient techniques (anything from reiki or tai chi to astrology) will allow you to prosper.

Part of Fortune- Most beneficial way to approach your path- Leo 8
KEYNOTE: The emotional and ideological attempt to return to a state of non-differentiation and chaos as a prelude to a new type of order.
the vision of a cosmic order (stage two) might heal the potential conflict between an obsolete Establishment and its youthful challengers (stage one). But reality today presents a more cruel picture of CATABOLIC ACTION.

The description for this symbol is extremely enlightening… you should make sure to read the whole thing at the website!!
It talks about anarchy. The idea of a free state. The breakdown of the cabalistic structure, and the chaos that ensues, inveitably ends up with redistributed power, and the cycle continues.
This envokes a need for change in a persons approach to life, and the ability to break down old ways of thinking and establish a new sense of purpose in your life and in the lives of others. But the underlying current is saying that some sense of structure needs to be derived from your way of living in order to establish new ways of being in an efficient manner. It also suggests that a change in corrupt structure can only be attained by humanity’s pursuit of a higher state of awareness. I’d also like to look up your Uranus, as well as your part of transformation, to further pursue your inherent need of change. Your uranus seems to be strong in your chart as it is opposing your sun and trining jupiter.
Natal Uranus – Scorpio 15
KEYNOTE: Early steps in the development of a mind seeking to be attuned to the higher level of human evolution.

Our Western civilization has realized only the lower level of this vibration 5; i.e. mind contaminated by compulsive instincts and emotional involvement. Some individuals, however, are born with a special potential for development of the higher, creative mind, and in social circumstances favoring this development. In most cases, they are still "playing around" with their unusual capacity. They are in the kindergarten stage of this higher mind development. What is seen here is FUTURE-ORIENTED GROWTH.

You have the ability to reach new states of awareness with your mind. You are ready for attunement, and a new approach to society and the environment, so it is critical to EXPIREMENT with your sense of CREATIVITY and reach out with the potentials of mental manifestation. Are you ready to make the leap from social perfection to spiritual perfection?
Part of Transformation – Ways in which you can reach higher states of awareness – Libra 1
KEYNOTE: The immortal archetypal reality that a perfect and dedicated life reveals.
the perfection of individual activity is revealed and immortalized. This is the symbolical Transfiguration; at the Mount of Transfiguration, Jesus, the Son of Man, was "impaled" by the ray of Divine Light, making of him a Son of God. It was at this very moment that he learned of the Crucifixion awaiting him. Thus the merely human individual is MADE SACRED, becoming the pure embodiment of an archetype.

You are ready to transcend to a higher state of awareness. This symbol is very powerful as this is the cardinal point and it represents the evolutionary transition of man’s spiritual body! You have the power and ability to transcend current existence and make a step towards new forms of enlightenment! I feel that some of your symbols are very powerfully representing a NEW AGE of being and a new state of POTENTIAL AWARENESS AND POWER inherent in all of us. You have the ability to unleash that and take a path towards higher consiousness! You are at the integral provess of transcendence!
Part of Destiny – How you will fulfill spiritual awareness- Aquarius 2
KEYNOTE: The need to develop the inner security which will enable us to meet unexpected crises.
All human institutions and their achievements can be washed away, even in their day of great glory. "Dust you were, dust you must become." This is NATURE'S CHALLENGE.

This symbol deals with the capabilities to approach collective situations with the ability to prepare for break downs. You can develop a sense of structure within your role in society by developing your own sense of spiritual security by preparing for inevitable downpours.
North Node - What to strive for- Libra 5
KEYNOTE: The necessity for the youthful spirits to learn from a Teacher who through his long experience has been able to reach solid and illuminating truths, i.e. "seed ideas."

You are to strive towards learning through apprenticeship in order to TEACH OTHERS how to handle a new level of existence.
Much of your symbolism talks about the need for a breakdown in current sociteal structures and the need to prepare your inner self to better empwer humanity. You have the potential to be a leader of change! You can best achieve this by learning about SPIRITUAL STRUCTURE that can be incorporated into current society in order to teach others how to change and work through the chaos towards enlightenment.


Well-known member
I don't exactly know where to begin, what part of what you said to make mention of .. as there is so much information listed. :smile: This was a extremely thorough analysis. So much of it, rings true. The emulation part, i definitely see in myself.. whatever i learn, i try to communicate and teach..even if i know a little bit about everything, it always seems valuable somehow, since it helps resolve situations usually. Or that is really when i put things into practice. I am referring to crisis situations - like being at someones death bed, or consoling someone after abuse.. that sort of thing. I think after the age of 27, I really began to see people coming into my life to teach me something.. regardless if whether or not they liked me. I have had a few great mentors- usually older women. It's been so all my life. My paternal grandmother was a great guide for me. taught me so much.. unbeknownst to her. (maybe she knows now. I hope.) Further, when i was a kid, my best friends were in their 70's and 80's which was a little strange for most people to sort out... & Reaching adulthood my good friend was in her 50's. This notion of guides i can clearly see in my life... Saturn return was rough... extreme opposition from everyone for years..
but helped me refine my perceptions of who and what i need in my personal space. It is a good time for me to read this symbolism you offered, since after 2012.. i got very immersed in astrology, and started studying indigenous culture and spirituality.... and have been given some great wisdom by a learned astrologer as well as shamans/healers. I feel like all the symbols you mentioned and their descriptions make sense to me, for where i am right now. Not where I've been since that just seemed like the catalyst for all that has come to be. Yep. something like that. :sideways:
thank you, thank you.. sorry for being so long winded. lots of ground to cover. and you got my gemini moon talking.

Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
Ashriia, i suppose it shouldn't surprise you that i have a gemini moon as well. I'm glad you enjoyed the reading :)

I am curious as to how you handle all that energy in your chart... all those geometrical shapes... though i suppose thats a whole other endeavour all together..

There are a lot of very spiritually oriented people here with powerful symbolism. That doesn't surprise me, as to be interested in astrology these days takes a bit of spiritual inclination in order to surpass the common misperceptions regarding it. A few other charts that i looked at had much more mundane symbolism than what i've been seeing in this thread. I thought you all should know that i meant every word i said - all of you are women who can make great strides in this lifetime :)

Well anyways, I have one person that i'm doing a reading for in pm, and then i will get to you, Brea.

Any other takers? Speak up now before i get burnt out :p
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Well-known member
Ashriia, i suppose it shouldn't surprise you that i have a gemini moon as well. I'm glad you enjoyed the reading :)

I am curious as to how you handle all that energy in your chart... all those geometrical shapes... though i suppose thats a whole other endeavour all together..

No i am not surprised,:wink: not one bit.

& I handle my energies. with lots of time alone and escaping into music, and by making art, long train rides and walking too.

otherwise - i get too irritable, that i even irritate myself, nevermind the people who have to tolerate me. :smile:

thanks again.


Account Closed
Back in about 2002, on the Tyl Forum, we had a discussion of one Sabian point per day for a whole year. One of the people there had just written a book on them, and he was actively involved in the discovery.

It was a lot of fun, and even Noel Tyl joined in.

Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
Hi all. I have two people's charts left, one in the thread- brea. I've gotten rather sidetracked the past few days and I will have those charts done soon :) Please be patient.

This offer is closed as of now, doing so many charts takes up much energy, but i am sure that i will be able to utilize this technique in the future and will be willing do open this free-for-all back up at some point, probably once i get a bit more familiar, "soaked in," with everything.

Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
Back in about 2002, on the Tyl Forum, we had a discussion of one Sabian point per day for a whole year. One of the people there had just written a book on them, and he was actively involved in the discovery.

It was a lot of fun, and even Noel Tyl joined in.

That does seem so much fun and educational too. I will have to attempt to find the forum and search for a few of those. :)

Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
We have some interesting synastry going on. Your Ic/Mc is almost an exact conjunction to my ac/dc… your ic at scorp 1.04, my ac is at scorp 1.09! and your nodes make an almost exact square to mine! Your nn at 2.19 cap, my nn at 2.44 aries! Also your venus is on the same degree as my jupiter. You came to me “karmically” indeed and I’m glad I waited a while to do your chart, because I’ve been reaching new insights into the symbolism synthesis. (I can already tell by knowing your ic symbolism, and being the “why” of your chart, that you are on the path towards enlightenment…)
AC – Who you are – 13 Leo
KEYNOTE:The quieted mind's recollections of crises and joys long past.
The sea captain has steered the ship of his ego-consciousness through seas and storms, maintaining the integrity of his individual selfhood while in close contact with the collective Unconscious. Now retired, he may try to distill wisdom from his many experiences and from his victories over elemental forces. QUIET RECOLLECTION.
You are someone who has insights into the collective unconsious. You have a wise soul and can utilize past experiences to learn great truths about yourself, and life in general. But an mind that becomes to obsorbed in its past, and thus becomes solely analytical, can reach a place of doubt.. to reach truth, you have to understand the power of the wisdom that you have.
DC - Who you are to become – Aquarius 13
KEYNOTE: The ability to discover basic natural facts that allow us to plan in advance for action.
Here we are no longer dealing with ascent or descent, but with natural laws which involve causal relationships and the passage of one natural condition into another. The barometer registers air pressure, and a change of pressure today gives some indication of what the weather will be tomorrow. In a sense this is the modern scientific equivalent of archaic prognostication through omens.
Wow. Did you catch that? This symbol talks of OMENS and it GAVE YOU AN OMEN by talking about NO LONGER DEALING WITH ASCENT/DESCENT. Your DESCENDENT – who you are to become – wow. You are to become someone who better understands the natural universe, which is the root to understanding existence, in order to apply those laws for future actions of SEPERATING FROM the karmic cycles of the earth, which is ascention/descention. Thus, you are working towards reaching a higher state of being!

IC – Why you are on this path – Scorpio 2

KEYNOTE:The accidental nature of opportunities that impel one to break away from a past, the remembrance of which is still poignant and cherished.

Again we see symbols of breaking away from past karmic cycles in order to reach a higher level of understanding!
MC - HOW you are to reach your spiritual aspirations – Taurus 2
KEYNOTE:The cosmic power able to transform all the implications of natural existence. At certain times, this power compels the natural earth-conditioned personality to accept, perhaps in awe, the spiritual potentialities of its "higher" celestial destiny. This experience of power can both illumine and shatter. The next symbol reveals its positive possibilities.
This is a stage of existence in which "revelation" is implied, at least as a potentiality. The consciousness may be deeply disturbed by THE VISITATION, but the substance of the individual being can be fecundated by the experience.
This is telling you that you can achieve enlightenment by ACCEPTING and understanding the natural laws that bind us, and the cellestial laws that reflect us, which give you the power to trasnform! It's important for you to put your focus into learning more about the existence of nature, whether that be through astrology, sacred geometry, or other means... and then ACCEPT that you are part of the COSMIC INTERPLAY and thus have the power to REFLECT YOURSELF into the UNIVERSE!
Part of Fortune – How to most effectively reach your spiritual path – Gemini 15
KEYNOTE:The need to clarify one's experiences through actual contacts with like-minded individuals.

This is pretty self-explanatory. It’s important that you find likeminded people to give you confirmation of sorts, to sort out your ideals, and be able to spread your knowledge to others! Because of this symbol, let’s look at your part of eros, which tells us the type of people you should be “hanging around.” It’s formula relies on the part of spirit, so lets first look at that.

Part of Spirit – Who you are naturally – Libra 11

KEYNOTE:Problems attending the transmission of knowledge in a special cultural setup.
The professor has dealt so much with books that he has greatly strained his eyes; in days when bifocal lenses were not widely used, he had to peer over his glasses in order to see his students. The symbol thus simply reveals two aspects of the condition of "professor-ship" — that is, of being able to transfer to the young generation the vast sum of knowledge accumulated by the past.
This seems to flow pretty nicely with your AC and your part of fortune as it tells us that you are someone who has acquired great knowdlege but needs to learn to share that knowledge with other people. Acquiring wisdom and knowledge can make us feel isolated in a world that is focused on dumbing down in the pursuit of materials. So it’s PIVITOL for you to pass your knowledge.

Part of Eros – Who can help you on your spiritual journey – Aquarius 28

KEYNOTE: Knowledge and skill used in its natural surroundings for the satisfaction of vital basic needs.
Such a use is based on INTELLIGENT FORESIGHT.
This symbol works in cohesion with your descendant, who you are to become. Those who have already taken note of “the winter” – the state of the world and what is to become of humans depending on their current progression NOW. Those who are focused on evolving to the next stages of life (getting through the winter in order for the srping) are the ones who can help you reach your path…

You will discover your sense of wisdom in this lifetime, and make great strides towards spreading love through knowledge to others. You can reach enlightenment through sharing your experiences! Drop the fear and the doubt in pursuit of ACCEPTING your POWER.
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Well-known member
Wow, You've really relayed a lot of alarmingly accurate information. A good bit I already knew but haven't been listening to it. I do listen too much/operate on Critical thinking too much. knowledge has definitely been my life's search up untill recent years. I've become settled knowing I'll never cmpletely know. I've learned so much, it'll be hard to picture the level of wisdom I'll contain by 40. I recognized my intelligence but I do surrender my energy and will power to doubt and by confusing myself with intellect. thanks so much, Ive been meeting alot of "aware" people in my life.


Well-known member
Hey Phoenix! Sorry for the tardy reply. I have added my responses below:

Okay, let’s start with discussing your axis points. This is the WHO, Whom-To, Why, and How of your spiritual journey.
Your Ascendant is at 7 Sag and this is who you are- what you have been given in this lifetime as a mode to expressing your spiritual self.

KEYNOTE: A stirring-up of individual longings for romantic love.
What is implied is a challenge to EMOTIONAL REBIRTH.

This symbol is implying the desire for an ideal love which denotes a certain level of intamacy in your character. An ideal love seems to require some level of personal passion – it indicates a seperation from a society that is focused on mundane acts. It seems to suggest the need for looking at the world in a way in which you can be emotionally vulnerable. From vulnerability comes great strength, and from great emotion comes great methods of help.
This is very fitting with some of the other themes in your chart (neptune in the first house, venus opposing jupiter.)

This is very fitting. I really embody this concept. Since as long as I can remember, I have always loved everyone, and hated no one (ive disliked a lot of people and their actions, but i can honestly say i dont hate anyone).I dont even use the word hate in day to day dialogue. I have long pondered "love" and what it means; I have a very spiritual view of love. I try earnestly to show love to all living beings. Love to me is something without judgement, without rules, and is above my own personal desires. True love, to me, cannot ever turn to hate - if it can, it wasn't love in the first place.

I have worked hard to find a balance between being vulnerable and freaking people out lol. Its very easy for me to be open/vulnerable, and sometimes people take it for weakness, but i know the strength in it. Sometimes being too vulnerable and open/honest scares others, because they are not used to it. I've told people I've loved them in the past - my concept of love that is, which carries no conditions or need for reciprocation, and totally freaked them out because they thought I wanted something from them. So I work on that a lot, as a vast majority of people have a concept of love which is not in fact real love. I would say that when it comes to real love, I'm pretty advanced in my understanding of it.


Well-known member
Because your ascendant has to do with love, I also looked up your part of love (using the formula asc+venus-sun) which is at 24 degrees of libra.

KEYNOTE: The ability to develop, for inner strengthening, new modes of response to basic life situations.

This is an interesting symbol as it seems to suggest that your part of love is a new product of your spiritual journey, something that you have been given in this lifetime as a sense of achievement for your progress.

Very on point. This is something that I have developed over the years and very much so recently, as a result of my spiritual journey. I have learnt how to respond in love to the most acrimonious of situations, without resorting to projecting back negativity and lower vibrational feelings/actions. It's extremely difficult!

Your Descendant is your whom-to. Who you are to become in this spiritual process. Your descendant is at 7 gemini.
KEYNOTE: Man's primordial faith in the hidden sustaining power of life.

Well, this makes sense as LOVE breeds both trust and faith. This journey seems to be one in which you learn to put your faith in life through an expression of love. It seems to imply that setbacks, should be met through a greater sense of faith in what life is to offer, and this lifetime will teach you to put your faith in life and, importantly, into the areas of emotional connection (hence the water imagery.) You are becoming someone who is learning to work with your environment through the heart, which will bring about a sense of COLLECTIVE, rather than personal, connection.

Very true. Learning about love has resulted in a strong faith in life for me. I feel stable in life and put all my faith in the universe and let it guide me. I no longer feel anxieties about the future, what may happen to me, or that things won't go my way. I feel very connected to ethereal currents, and know that whatever happens is meant to be. I have definitely developed an unshakeable faith and trust in life. I feel very "connected".

The IC tells us why you are on this spiritual path. Why you need to reach the descendant. Your IC is at 27 pisces.
KEYNOTE: The light of fulfillment that blesses work well done.
Keyword: consumation. But in this consummation — this "karmic" moment — the seed of the new cyclic manifestation is already latent.

This seems to fit with what I said of your part of love. It seems that this life journey is meant to bless you with love and faith as a primary response to life, as this is something that is attained through working towards spiritual empowerment.

This is very interesting to me. It's funny because people meet me and think that I am 10 years younger than I actually am, and yet inside I feel quite old. Not in an old person mentality or tired or aged, but I feel quite wise, and I'm quite sure that I have lived countless lives before. I feel like I'm on the home stretch on the wheel of karma, and only have a few more lifetimes to go. All the realizations I've had in life have come to me relatively easily (not to say that the surrounding circumstances weren't difficult, but in contrast to others, I think that I have learnt my lessons quite easily). I contribute this to an inner knowledge that I have been working on this stuff in past lives, and so now it's easy for me to get to that aha! moment, because its not new stuff for me. My childhood and early adulthood were pretty dramatic, and when I look back on what I went through emotionally, I realize that the events I experienced could have permanently crippled me if I didn't possess such inner strength. I attribute this inner strength to past life experiences.

So the quote, the harvest moon illuminating a clear autumnal sky, really speaks to that. The autumnal sky/my "work" was already there, and in this life it's being illuminated/consummated.

This is really great phoenixrising! It's amazing to get confirmation about such deep feelings/knowingness through these symbols!



Well-known member
The MC tells us HOW you will progress in this lifetime, how you will become the descendant. Your MC is at 27 Virgo.
KEYNOTE: The ability to carry on a revered tradition in order to perpetuate cultural standards of excellence.
there may be times when honoring formal procedures can be of great value for the disordered and rebellious mind. The undisciplined need to learn REFINEMENT.

It seems to be saying that refined actions will bring about a more disciplined state of being. While your ac/dc axis is feeling oriented, your MC deals with turning the chaos of FEELING into a PRACTICAL DISPLAY of worth. Through upholding a certain standard of tradition within societies rituals, you will be able to make more sense of the emotions that are guiding you towards faith in your environment. Remember the symbol for your ascendant, which suggests that chaotic emotions can brandish you as outcasted from others, but you are striving to reach others through a faith in those emotions- this can be achieved by maintaining a sense of structure.

Ha! As an aside, my father had a third child with a second wife, and the job of naming him fell on me. I feel a very deep connection with my father, and I wanted all three of us to be connected, and so I named him Nafasat, which means "refinement" (all three of us have names that begin with N). I desired for him to come to posses the best qualities of my father and myself, and refine them in his own life. This was 11 years ago, and probably a time when I was projecting that desire for "refinement" outwards, when now I have realized that I have to refine myself. My father is a super Virgo with a Virgo stellium of 6 planets which oppose my sun moon merc sn. I have saturn rx in Virgo in my 10th. Earlier in life I really shied away from that saturn Virgo, and lived a very piscean kind of life, and let myself just flow haphazardly without structure nor form, lacking boundaries, routines, and criticalness. I went overboard with the pisces energy, and it didnt serve me well. Now as I'm getting older i am embracing more virgoan tendencies and finding that when I apply principles of detailorientedness, routine, structure, balance and boundaries, my life flows in a much more agreeable manner. I've become much more anchored in reality and the day to day, and am much more critical. I also used to be a bit of a slob, and now am quite clean and am into organization! In my draconic chart, my sun moon and mars are also in Virgo, which indicates that on the level of spiritual destiny, it is my dharma to live my piscean nature through embracing virgoan characteristics/themes. The other interesting thing is that mc at 27 Virgo is conjunct my fathers mars. I think this is the "tradition" aspect - developing the qualities of my father in myself. Wow so I guess I'm going to have to go hang out with my dad a bit more! :)


Well-known member
Your part of Destiny is conjunct your North Node,
KEYNOTE: The ability to contact deeper recesses of the unconscious psyche and sensitiveness to psychic intimations and omens.
this can be the first manifestation of INNER GUIDANCE. The difficulty is to correctly evaluate what or who does the guiding.

Remember that your descendant, who you are to become in this lifetime, deals with a faith in the underlying currents of the world – (emotions, unconsious) Who you are to be relies on the use of guidance. This seems to imply that some sort of divination (astrology, tarot, etc.) will be of importance to your life path. It also suggests that the key is in seperating correct and faulty guidance, and the need to do this will be CRITICAL in coming to a sense of understanding and faith, rather than resorting to chaos.

So completely true!! I have been consciously working on being in tune with my higher self, and filtering out the other "voices" that I hear. I'm at a point now where I can mostly identify the "true" voice of my higher self, and I listen to that voice and go with what it tells me. I also have been finetuning my ability to garner messages and information from symbols and synchronistic events, and decode them into meaningful messages that I then follow. Astrology was definitely an early stepping stone for me, in that I initially got into it to confirm the things I was feeling. But more and more I find that I don't need it and can just tune into my higher self and look for messages in my environment without the need to "double check" with astrology or another form of divination. I'll still pull a tarot card here and there for a little extra guidance however! :)

Though you have a night time chart, I would prefer to use the day time calculations for your Part of Soul, and Part of Fortune, mainly because they seem to be the most fitting in that context, though you would know better than I would. You might consider each meaning that I give and then the implications of each one in reverse position.

The Part of Soul tells you the aspects of who you are that are natural – that don’t need much effort to actualize – 29 Scorpio

KEYNOTE: Love as a principle of redemption.
It presents us with the value of prayer. The principle of wholeness in man — the soul — acts to offset or attenuate the dictates of karma. In a religious sense, Mary, the Mother, is seen as the Mediatrix, in constant acts of INTERCESSION for the sake of waylaid individuals.

This seems to suggest a sense of love in fellow man – of finding the positive aspects in others and utilizing forgiveness as a means to allow redemption. This indicates that it might be in your nature to offset negativity through repenting unloving deeds.

Very true and something I do often.

Your part of Fortune shows the most beneficial way that you can utilize your energies for spiritual attainment.

Your Part of fortune is at 15 Sag.
KEYNOTE: The value of anticipating new turns of events and ascertaining future prospects.
in modern terms the new science of PROSPECTIVE.

This symbols seems to indicate the ability to look to past events and traditions in orer to better prepare for uncertainty of the future. It suggests that an understanding of the cyclical nature of patterns is needed for reaching goals.
I’m getting a sense that who you are to become relies on the need to take notice of the underlying currents that connect us all to one another, and connect events throughout life. An understanding of the cyclical nature of the universe will instill a greater sense of FAITH in humanity.
You have been given the gift of love during this lifetime and that is a truly amazing thing. It seems like you were given that sense of love in order to connect more faithfully to your enviornment, and will reach the greatest fulfillment and actualization of that love through noting the finely-tuned cycles of existence and utilizing them in a structural way.

That was really great. Thank you for taking the time to do that :) it is all extremely descriptive of me. Thanks again!


Well-known member
Thanks in advance, This would interest me, and I can answer your questions honestly..lol. if need to ask, dob. 4th dec, 1965, Mumbai India, 10.16 pm..

Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
Milkywaygirl, I greatly appreciate the extensive feedback and i'm glad the reading was accurate to you. Thank you.

I learned a lot from this little endavour so thank you to all who participated.

Mooninrevati, I will surely do a reading for you.. I've already gotten a few other requests through pm, and i'm slowing my pace down a bit so please be patient. :happy:


Well-known member
Would anyone like a chart reading using sabian symbols? I just found the technique and am trying to learn. This would be for the spiritually oriented folks who are open to discussing their spiritual path. I would prefer someone who is familiar with astrology and at least somewhat familiar with their symbols so that they can give feedback. I will probably do it using the axis and a few of the more prominent chart points and parts. I'd prefer to do it in the forum to leave suggestions open but i'd make an exception for an advanced astrologer who can give good feedback. First come first serve (i might take seconds if it goes smoothly enough) as long as you fill the requirements of being familiar with astrology and the sabian symbols and willing to give feedback. (meh, don't know why it keeps showing up all blocky without the spaces between the lines..)
I would love to have an interpretation of my chart,,DOB 12/04/65. Mumbai, India, ime appr 10.24 to 25 pm..http://astro.cafeastrology.com/cgi-...ur=22&d1min=18&citylist=Mumbai,+India&lang=en


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Well-known member
Would anyone like a chart reading using sabian symbols? I just found the technique and am trying to learn. This would be for the spiritually oriented folks who are open to discussing their spiritual path. I would prefer someone who is familiar with astrology and at least somewhat familiar with their symbols so that they can give feedback. I will probably do it using the axis and a few of the more prominent chart points and parts. I'd prefer to do it in the forum to leave suggestions open but i'd make an exception for an advanced astrologer who can give good feedback. First come first serve (i might take seconds if it goes smoothly enough) as long as you fill the requirements of being familiar with astrology and the sabian symbols and willing to give feedback. (meh, don't know why it keeps showing up all blocky without the spaces between the lines..)

Milkywaygirl, I greatly appreciate the extensive feedback and i'm glad the reading was accurate to you. Thank you.

I learned a lot from this little endavour so thank you to all who participated.

Mooninrevati, I will surely do a reading for you.. I've already gotten a few other requests through pm, and i'm slowing my pace down a bit so please be patient. :happy:
awesome....thankyou so much....!!!
Hi Phoenix Venus,

I would really appreciate an interpretation about myself from a Sabian perspective if you could please?

Birth Stats:
August 29, 1963, New Brunswick, NJ, 15:15 P.M. ( I know, time sounds too
