12th / 6th house Axis And 21st Century Slavery But What Exactly IS 'Slavery'?


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I know. But I'm not sure if it is that complicated.
Slavery existed in the world for thousands of years.
Xenophobia does exist.
But in modern society?
mostly isolated cases.
And slavery ended, thanks mostly to ... white people.

And I think we are now going rampart on what "racism" actually is. Lot of things are considered "racist" now, which were not 10 years ago.
We also can't expect everyone to immediatly adapt, just because young people want them to.
edit: I'm trying to stay on-topic, although its difficult because each subject is very related.
fact is that
despite being illegal in most nations
slavery is still present in several forms today.

refers to institutional slavery
that continues to occur in present-day society.
Estimates of the number of slaves today :smile:
range from around 21 million
to 46 million
depending on the method used to form the estimate
and the definition of slavery being used.
The estimated number of slaves is debated
there is no universally agreed definition of modern slavery
those in slavery are often difficult to identify
and adequate statistics unavailable.
estimates by their definitions
that over 40 million people are in some form of slavery today.

Not the same Jup.
Human traffic is indeed a problem in the world.
But its not the same as lawful slavery,
which existed for thousands of years.
The majority of the article's examples point to countries such as
China and North Korea, as prime examples
of were human traffic is exloited.
In the U.S. or Europe,
human traffic is persecuted by law enforcement agencies,
and there is no law supporting any form of slavery.
fact is
In 94 countries, a person cannot be prosecuted for
enslaving another human being.
This implicates almost half of all the world's countries :smile:
in potential breaches of the international obligation
to prohibit slavery. What's more
only 12 states appear to explicitly set out
a national definition of slavery that reflects the international one.
In most cases, this leaves it up to the courts
to interpret the meaning of slavery
and to do so in line with international law.
Some states use phrases such as

"....buying and selling human beings..."

which leaves out many of the powers of ownership
that might be exercised over a person in a case of contemporary slavery :smile:

and so
even in the countries
where slavery has been prohibited in criminal law,
only some situations of slavery have been made illegal :smile:

Thats fair, but we are clearly talking about slavery in the U.S. in this topic
(which is to what my original post refers to).
Slavery doesn't exist in the U.S. anymore.
The few instances of Human traffic
are persecuted by law enforcement agencies.
Slavery is a criminal activity, not a sanctioned practice.
there are widespread gaps in the prohibition of practices related to slavery
although most countries
have undertaken legally-binding obligations
through international treaties
few have actually criminalized slavery, the slave trade
servitude, forced labor
or institutions and practices similar to slavery.
institutions such as for example
which imprisons more black men today
than were slaves in 1850 :smile:

instead of capturing slaves and filling up plantations
forcing the enslaved to work


via the "War on drugs"
captures "offendors"

fills up prisons
forcing the captured to work




Well-known member
The issue with prisons is that there is no real solution.
The inmates work to support their own expenses: food, electricity, etc.
Otherwise should the tax.payer afford the bill?
Someone kills another person, then goes to prison,
and the tax-payers have to pay for this person?
Doesn't seem fair.
To my understanding
prisoners get a choice to either work or study.
This also gives them an opportunity
to earn money while they serve their sentence and reduce the time.
If they were on the outside
they would need to work anyways to support themselves.
Prison labour isn't slave labour.
It also provides some inmates with skills and future job opportunities.
I agree the system can be abused for profit,
and that needs handling - but there is no real solution.
fact is
a loophole in the 13th amendment
allows for forcible work as punishment for crimes
so companies can profit :smile:
off of the 2.4 million people in prison
