Heliocentric-Geocentric Comparison


Premium Member
Comparing Heliocentric Chart(s) and Geocentric Chart(s) with bi-wheel.
Like Draconic-Natal Comparison, but between Helio and Geo.

Heliocentric (Superconsciousness)

Tropical (Present Incarnation)

Heliocentric Planets Overlaying Tropical Natal Houses
  • Your true self, perhaps?
  • How your Superconsciousness manifests in this Present Incarnation.

Heliocentric Planets Aspecting Tropical Geocentric Planets
  • Ideal or highest level of self-expression for your Superconsciousness.
  • Aspects of yourself to improve upon or live by for the sake of spiritual growth or evolution.

Just some ideas for Helio-Geo Comparison interpretation.
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Well-known member
A lot of astrologers are not Christian, so Christ-consciousness would not particularly resonate with them. Equating one's god with the sun has longstanding pagan roots: something for Christians to consider.

The geocentric approach has worked well for over 2 thousand years, because it describes the heavens from the perspective of planet earth-- where we reside. We don't live out in the solar system somewhere.


Premium Member
A lot of astrologers are not Christian, so Christ-consciousness would not particularly resonate with them. Equating one's god with the sun has longstanding pagan roots: something for Christians to consider.

The geocentric approach has worked well for over 2 thousand years, because it describes the heavens from the perspective of planet earth-- where we reside. We don't live out in the solar system somewhere.

Christ Consciousness is not a concept that is solely Christian, just as "equating one's god with the sun" is not solely Pagan. The term Christ Consciousness also just refers to a higher level of consciousness, the Superconsciousness.

How about the heliocentric chart simply representing our higher self? Like true, purest higher self-- the soul itself.

I understand the importance and prevalence of geocentricity, but heliocentricity is something astrology is developing in order to be more astronomically "correct", given the solar system rotates around the Sun, not around the Earth.

To put it in the simplest of terms: Draconic Astrology can be compared with Tropical Astrology and mean something. Can Heliocentric Astrology affect the Tropical Birth Chart in the same vein (biwheel comparison)?
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Well-known member
Astrophilia, if esoteric heliocentric astrology works for you, I won't criticize your beliefs.

My feeling about the geocentric or heliocentric chart is that it doesn't represent the soul as such, because I think the soul is part of what God is, and is thus not equated to the horoscope.

However, I think the chart does show the challenges and assets with which the soul incarnates.

The NN shows where our growth lies in this lifetime, and a chart focused on it would bring this potential into sharper relief. However, for some people, their growth would operate in the very material here-and-now.

My sort of astrology looks more at evidence than at esoteric wish-fulfillment.