Energy Dump


Well-known member
I've heard astrologers (was that you, Elainah?) talk about where the energy of their chart "dumps out" but I don't understand what this means? Might someone be able to direct my attention to where my energy "dumps", and perhaps also share some insight as to what it might mean?
Thanks for your time and energy,
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Well-known member
On dumping...

Hi Sita,

If you could pull a couple of quotes for reference, it will help. I know I have written enough on this site now that I can't remember word for word everything I have said. The term dumping in American English can have various nuances and I would need to know the context in which I used it to explain it (or how anyone else used it, for that matter).

If you can give a few citations, it would be greatly appreciated.

And beware, I am a language nerd :lol: :lol: :!:


Well-known member
Ellianah, cool: I like nerds. I'm obsessively particular about what words I use with myself in inner dialogue, so of course I appreciate that someone else is that way, too! Although lately I can't seem to get a break from the doubletalk of phrasing and then RE-phrasing things to myself more appropiately, in more exact terms, so they produce the results I would more ideally prefer. (My Gemini Moon meets Saturn in Leo, the nit picky teacher in the art of proper creation!)

Anyhoo, I'll have to look around for a while because I'm not sure wherever in our cosmos I saw that term used. I'Ill be back....


Well-known member
Ok, I'm sick of looking. This forum is just way too big... which is a good thing! I'm sure if this "dumping" concept is really pertinent, it will appear again. Otherwise, let's forget it and not waste our time. Thanks anyway, Sita


Staff member
Energy focus in a chart


While I have not heard the term "dumps out" used before, I have heard and use the word "focus" to describe the effect of aspect patterns and chart patterns in a chart. In your chart you have an Easy Opposition focused on Sagittarius (expansion, also wisdom) modifying Neptune (spirituality, also confusion) focused in the 10th house (duty). This indicates there is a focus on understanding your spiritual duty in the world, but also that this search for a spiritual duty could become confusing.

I also read this from a Google search containing more information about the Easy Opposition:
...I was just reading though my mom's ancient and well-travelled copy of Alan Oken's Complete Astrology, and in it Oken mentions an aspect configuration called an "Easy Opposition." This is when a planet trines one end of an opposition and sextiles the other...

An entire chart can have a focus also. For example, you have Locomotive chart. According to Tracy Marks, the author of The Art of Chart Interpretation:
Locomotive pattern...All planets fall within 240 degrees (or a maximum of 250 degrees) with no more than two houses or 60 degrees empty within the occupied area, and with a trine bridging the
unoccupied area...energetic, self-driving, determined individual who single-mindedly focuses upon achieving...[their] purpose, which is generally indicated by the midpoint of the empty trine...(the first [planet] to have crossed the ascendant, moving clockwise) is the engine; its sign and house position indicates the energy which fuels...[their] drive to incorporate the midpoint of the empty trine into...[their] life.

So there is a focus in your chart on the midpoint between Neptune at 18 Sagittarius and Mercury at 20 Aries (the midpoint of the empty trine - the trine with no planets between the trine). This places the midpoint at about 18 degrees Aquarius, in the 1rst house (being, also action). So there is an focus on understanding who you are using Neptune (the first planet to have crossed your Ascendant moving clockwise) and driven by education and duty (Sagittarius and 10th house).

This focus of the locomotive chart reinforces the focus already mentioned of the Easy Opposition. So a "life focus" is starting to become apparent: involving spirituality, maybe confusion, and responsibility.




Well-known member
tim, thanks so much for the lead on the easy opposition. i'm going to look more into this, both online and in my self, but your focus on my focus did a great deal to shift me into new territory, which i love!
so thanks again,