Hidden Feelings for Committed Friend


Well-known member
The chart I attached is my personal with transits and progressions included.

I do not have my friend's data - neither can I ask him.

I have deep intense feelings hidden from my friend since March 2017. He got married in Dec 2016. Hence I could never say anything to him openly.

I liked him since we first met but I got rejected in 2015. He got married in 2016 and he asked me to be his friend to which I agreed. Since we became friends, he has talked to me everyday and 80% of the nights - I agree I got involved more as I saw huge interest from his side. (we live in different cities)

I don't want him, instead I think I should do the right thing - to tell him to stop and leave him with his wife. But when, how - don't know.

He was hinting he has feelings for me but I ignored. Few days ago, he said he loves me but also added how him getting married was his mistake. I again ignored. I have not shown him my part of feelings to him.

We have not touched/done anything. Neither there is any plan to meet nor we try but he never talks about his wife and got no interest in his in-laws. We have history of flirting - only verbal but intense.

Everything I mentioned so far seems so wrong but to me, he is the love of my life. I thought I should ask if charts could show us parting off forever and if I could find the best time to be parted.

I tried few times to have my interest in other guys but got rejected and me and my friend always tracked back. He apologized multiple times for rejecting me in the past and told me how I am the best for him. Whenever he mentions any of these romantic things, I ignore and take it as funny light talks.

I am hoping to find a guy of my own someday - to be loved by someone to forget him completely and let him live with his decision.

Please help!

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