Dominant sign?


Well-known member
Hello everyone.

I once read about 'finding your dominant sign' on a random astrology blog, which could be found on by selecting the "Simple chart delineation by Walter Pullen"
Apparently, according to the chart I have Capricorn as my no.1 dominant sign, but I only have Jupiter and Neptune in Capricorn...?
Do you guys think it's because Jupiter expands? :andy: Have you tried it, and what do you think about it?

My chart by Pullen and my circular chart are both attached if curious.
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Well-known member
About stelliums and conjunctions: when you have more than one planetary body in a house or sign, you're going to receive more energy from it than just your Sun (or Moon) sign alone. My Sun/Moon conjunction in Aquarius, the Jupiter-Mars-Saturn-Lilith stellium in Virgo (3rd) and Uranus in Scorpio (my sign's ruler planet). I feel somewhat Capricornian and Piscean by some extent, it may be related to Saturn in 25' conjunct Lilith 24' in Virgo along with Jupiter in 6' and Mars in 9' virgo, and presumably Mercury in 13' Pisces. The decan of late Aquarians is Libra ruled by Venus and it's in 7' Aries right by Midheaven at 3' Aries conjunct Eris in 2' and Ceres in 21' Aries. And my Moon in Aquarius related to my Cancer ascendant, because the Moon rules Cancer.


Well-known member
I sure wouldn't get Capricorn as your dominant sign, but then I don't know how those Pullen tables are determined. I'd be hard pressed to say that you have a dominant sign. Dominant house, yes: #10.


Well-known member
I see. Giving it a second look, it seems like it might be that I have so many aspects to my Saturn. It says I have Mercury as my ruling planet which may because of the conjuncting? And Saturn as my second planet probably because of the squares and trines. So with the Saturn aspects and Jupiter in Capricorn that may be the reason... :andy:

To be honest I do feel more like a Capricorn, a lot more so than Cancer though I have my Sun and Mercury in Cancer, but I've always excused that with my detached Aquarius Moon.

Would you say this chart is rubbish in your opinion? o.o


Well-known member
No, of course it's not "rubbish." In modern astrology, we look at the choices and potentials consistent with your horoscope, not with what is "wrong" with it. There are few all-nicey-nice charts out there. That T-square with sun-Saturn, how ever may subjectively incline you to think that you've got a problem, even if your circumstances are objectively going well.


Well-known member had ephemeris info. on dwarf planets and select asteroids, and I read them the other day. The asteroid Eros associated with love and romance was in 14' Aries and the egg-shaped dwarf planet Haumea in 14' Virgo at my birthdate Feb. 15, 1980. Apparently, my two "dominant signs" other than my solar Aquarius is Aries and Virgo.


Well-known member had ephemeris info. on dwarf planets and select asteroids, and I read them the other day. The asteroid Eros associated with love and romance was in 14' Aries and the egg-shaped dwarf planet Haumea in 14' Virgo at my birthdate Feb. 15, 1980. Apparently, my two "dominant signs" other than my solar Aquarius is Aries and Virgo.

:andy:. What are you saying? That Eros and Haumea have a huge influence on our personality?


Well-known member
:andy:. What are you saying? That Eros and Haumea have a huge influence on our personality?

Yes, in my case. They may be small astrological influences, but I believe my natal chart contributes to my fetish attraction to pregnant women, as well my gender identity, racial-ethnic background and having a mild form of autism. Natal charts in the deepest details can find something about you. Eros in Aries caught between Venus, Eris and Ceres with its' feminine energies and Haumea caught between Jupiter, Mars, Saturn and Liltih in Virgo...could produce something related to femininity or sexual attraction.


Well-known member
Yes, in my case. They may be small astrological influences, but I believe my natal chart contributes to my fetish attraction to pregnant women, as well my gender identity, racial-ethnic background and having a mild form of autism. Natal charts in the deepest details can find something about you. Eros in Aries caught between Venus, Eris and Ceres with its' feminine energies and Haumea caught between Jupiter, Mars, Saturn and Liltih in Virgo...could produce something related to femininity or sexual attraction.

I see. I'll try to read up on some of the quite smaller aspects in my chart then. Thanks for your input. :)