Why am I EVEN HERE!!!?


Well-known member
Hi LisaHearts, I am going to place your info in the astrodienst system and see what comes up for you in Africa and I will look at some transits see if I can help. I am not a pro like many on here are but I do see some of what you are conveying in your chart. Plus you are at that age where life is starting to get prickly so I understand your angst. Just wanted to post that I'm doing so and I'll get back to you in a few....


Well-known member
Okay, first and foremost I see the North Node and Pluto in your 9th house. The node is a great indicator of what you are describing that you felt. Actually, Africa itself may not be the easiest place for you to go but traveling abroad is something that you should strongly consider.

Saturn in your first house gives a serious and sort of depressive outlook, I can see your agitation. Also, your oppositions to your Venus from the conjunction in the 12th house is at odds. Your Venus trines your Pluto N.Node conjunction and I think right there is your answer.

College will always benefit you. One seldom actually goes back if they should happen to quit school so it would be better in the long run to stay. Your chart indicates a need to please one's family and that is not the way to go. You should see if you can study a subject that you can pass with better grades. Even if it isn't in your desired subject, a completed degree in a subject that you can easily pass would benefit you in the long run. Degrees in the social studies field are often easier to get thru academically then something like nursing which is more difficult and stressful.

You have some stressful aspects living in New Jersey. I can see why you are upset. A move near New Mexico and Texas is actually a better area for you. You can get on astrodienst, register for free and enter your birth info. Click onto astroclick travel and go to the maps. It's very confusing at first to understand and you need to get a feel for it by trying out harmonic aspects vs disharmonic aspects and then go with all aspects. Always click details and you will get a flavor of the different parts of the U.S. and the rest of the world for that matter. You can click onto your present location and click show details and see if that rings true.


Well-known member
Another thing I noticed was you have 6th house Venus opposed 12 house Neptune. To me, that indicates you are apt to find romance at your workplace. It also indicates either pleasant surroundings at work or an enjoyment of work. But it opposes Neptune in the 12th and that is not so good. I would not be in such a hurry to marry if I were you. I recommend a book by Isabella M. Hickey, Astrology A Cosmic Science.


Well-known member
Another thing I noticed was you have 6th house Venus opposed 12 house Neptune. To me, that indicates you are apt to find romance at your workplace. It also indicates either pleasant surroundings at work or an enjoyment of work. But it opposes Neptune in the 12th and that is not so good. I would not be in such a hurry to marry if I were you. I recommend a book by Isabella M. Hickey, Astrology A Cosmic Science.
it opposes Neptune.. which means divorce after marriage right?
I also was curious about Ture Node/Northstar, Pluto & Jupiter , all 3 together in my 10th house.. does this represent conflict apart of my social status and Career? because my 11th house is empty.


Well-known member
I'm sorry, that's not correct. You do not have anything in your 10th house. I had to laugh when you said, "which means divorce after marriage right?"

Marriage is the #1 leading cause of divorce. ha ha just joking with you!

Lets be patient and see what the pros on this board have to say. I am just a novice.


Well-known member
Do you think moving abroad is a good idea based on my chart? What do you see as my strongest attributes and what professions/jobs would be best to accentuate them ? & Do you see any success in career opportunity because as of now there is nothing.

Travel will be rewarding to you and you are likely to travel a lot.

Try whether trading suits you, that might be your strength and evolve as your profession.


Well-known member
Lisa, I got into astrology during a "dark night of the soul" when transiting Pluto squared my sun. Transiting Pluto is now opposing your moon, so this can be a time when nothing feels right.
You may feel as though everything you thought was true about yourself is a sham. But this too shall pass, as you focus on your true values.

Have you thought about majoring in English and/or early childhood education, getting some teaching credentials, and then teaching overseas? Right now there is a big demand in Asia for native English speakers to teach English, or to teach in international schools as regular classroom teachers, but where English is the language of instruction. You might be able to focus on ESL or international education.

Probably your parents are anxious for you to have a career, but you can do this with a teaching credential. You will need just a BA to teach in after-school language classes overseas, but a B. Ed. or equivalent teaching certification to become a regular classroom teacher in an international school. An English major would allow you to take creative writing courses.

I am looking at your warm wonderful Cancer moon and Venus in the 5th house of children, and your NN of personal growth in the 9th house of higher education and overseas travel .