Please Help!! Getting Married 1 week. Will it work?!

Spread the Light

Well-known member
Twin flames getting married 1 week

Well, fear got the best of me this morning.:devil: I am now currently in a more grounded place with less dark clutter surrounding me. :biggrin: I neglected to mention (because I lost sight of) the fact that we are Twin Flames and how much we are supposed to be tested before we fully unite in marriage. We have a ground shaking and earth moving love and I am so relieved that I let go of much of the lower vibrational stress.

After watching some Kelley Rosano videos I remembered that an astrologer shared this information back in April from our composite chart:

We have our North Node of Destiny exactly at 8.19 degrees Gemini on the Midheaven.
Venus sits at 8.27 Gemini, Archangel Michae's royal star of Aldebaran also sits with Venus. There is also a finger of God pointing from Pluto and Neptune/Jupiter conjunction. The Neptune/Jup conjunction is at 29 degrees of Sag, it sits on the exact degree of the Galactic core and its in the 9th house of weddings.
And the Karmic South Node sits on top of the Royal star Antares.
ANnndd- Venus aligns with the North Node of Destiny & Saturn is Scorpio, which was a lot of work for us this past year because we both have planets in Scorpio. So Venus is granting our work with love and abundance.
So far I think this is something quite out of the ordinary.

If it wasn't for Kelley Rosanos twin flames video, We let the grind get the best of us for a moment and we almost lost touch with the whole reasoning for getting married in the first place. LOVE.

Any comments are welcome :biggrin:

Much Love & Light,

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I have a friend who wanted to make sure that her future husband was fully human before she married him.

She paid $250 for a full genetic and ethic DNA scan of him. What she found was that he was 15% Homo Neanderthal(humans are in the genus Homo Sapien), but even discovering that he was only 85% human she still married him. FYI: Genetic evidence published in 2010 suggests that Neanderthals contributed to the DNA of anatomically modern humans, probably through interbreeding between 80,000 and 30,000 years ago with the population of anatomically modern humans.

They've been successfully married for the past 9 months.
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