Birth Chart of Mary?


Well-known member
Note the 5th degree of Cancer in the two charts.
That specific Sign and degree have come up numerous times in charts I have cast concerning the two , Mother and Son.

It also happens to be the location of my natal vertex.
The natal composite Moon surplants Miryam/Marys' natal position of the Sun.

It is also notably quite interesting, I find, that it also happens to be the location of the Part of Father [aka Advancement, aka Celebrity of Rank, Asc. + Sun - Saturn] derived from the Yeshu'a natal chart

The Moon in this proposed chart for Miryam is in the adjacent degree to the one the Sun is in in the Yeshu'a natal chart.


here are some asteroids that you might look at

[FONT=Arial, Sans, Verdana]Jessie: 10464
Yeshuhua: 3241
Mary: 2779
Maria: 170



Well-known member
I did a few selective Parts calculations last night for this day earlier chart of June 27, 15 B.C. and It occurred to me that if the chart is the natal chart of the Virgin Mother, then I'd be seeing strong symbolic evidence just as I did find in the Yeshu'a natal chart.

Having re read a great deal of Jeffrey Furst's book, "Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus" I recalled that because of the visit to King Harod by the three Magi, whom informed Harod that they prophesied a great king would be born Harod fearing loss of power to such a charismatic person He decreed that all male children up to two years of age had to be put to death.
Miryam/Mary Joseph and the baby Yeshu'a all three together fled to Egypt and stayed a number of years.
A self imposed exile

While I've never given any considerable time to study the Part of Exile nor that of the Part of Sudden Parting I don't know if those titles are valid except for the Part of Exile being very prominently placed in President Nixon/s progressed natal chart the day He resigned.

When you're dealing with only a days difference between two charts cast for the apprx. same time of day you don't see any significant change in a good number of Parts as to those that have two of the slower moving planets as the Significator and Trigger.
Thus when I calculated the Part of Exile [Asc. + Uranus - Saturn} I was surprised to see that it was going to end up in the previous degree as to the same Part the following day but I got 00* Capricorn 52' 11" whereas the Part of Exile for the chart cast for the following day had calculated the same Part to be 01* Aries 11' 04". I quickly realized what the problem was is that the math was all correct I had just written down the wrong sign.

The previous days chart has it's Part of Exile in the 1st degree of Capricorn. That is Yeshu'a's nadir and it is also Miryam's nadir as well.
It is the "HOW" of both or their charts in regard to mundane affairs but it is the "WHY" of their then present dharma.

Yeshu'a's Part of Sudden Parting [the opposite formula for the Part of Exile, Asc. = Saturn - Uranus] is at 00* Cap. 56' 56'" and His Part of Exile is 00* Cancer 29' 38".

The power and responsibility implied in any claim for leadership.

The religious ideal implied in the preceding symbol has now materialized or crystallized into sheer power — the power to lead the community and to ensure its welfare or even its physical survival. The energies released through group cooperation (Libra), deepened and emotionally experienced as forces of great potency (Scorpio), and given meaning and conscious purpose (Sagittarius) are now stabilized and hierarchized. The power of the group is turned into a measurable and carefully managed 'capital'. The words 'chief' and 'capital' come from the same Latin word, caput, meaning 'head'. A time comes in many lives when the individual finds himself placed in a situation that allows him to assume power over his comrades, however limited this power may be. Is he ready to do this effectively and responsibly? This is the supreme test of man in society. It complements its polar opposite (summer solstice degree), which refers to the acceptance by the individual of
a new kind of allegiance as a foundation for the integration of his mature personality. Such a foundation may, but need not, refer to establishing a home.

This represents the first stage in a five-fold process — the fifty-fifth sequence of five symbols. It refers to the capacity latent in every individual to claim and assume
AUTHORITY in a vital group-situation.

....or say, a prophesied King ...? iT WAS EXACTLY WHAT CAUSED THEM BOTH TO SUDDEN GO INTO EXILE...OR i SHOULD SAY CAUSED MIRYAM TO GO INTO EXILE AS THE BABY WAS UNAWARE OF THE POLITICAL SITUATION. So as far as what happened to Yeshu'a, he just suddenly "split the scene" with his mother

So, then.. I may have gotten more than I bargained for here. As that gives a great deal of credibility to the alleged Part of Exile.
While Yeshu'a's is in the 1st degree of Cancer, which has the Sabian Symbolism of [ibid.] "ON A SHIP THE SAILORS LOWER AN OLD FLAG AND RAISE A NEW ONE.
KEYNOTE: A radical change of allegiance exteriorized in a symbolical act: a point of no return.

Whether you happen to be a King or a flag, you get saluted either way.
It's because He became that symbolic icon...or rather I should say archetype or avatar...but to the Romans at that time He was just an icon and a nuisance, so He went into exile later in life.

Miryam's Part of Sudden Parting came out to be at 29* Cancer 08' 51".

I am rather convinced that this is Her true natal chart at this time...

We'll see what else develops, though, before I make any "radical changes of allegiance", myself.:wink:


Well-known member
here are some asteroids that you might look at

[FONT=Arial, Sans, Verdana]Jessie: 10464
Yeshuhua: 3241
Mary: 2779
Maria: 170


While I don't give much, if any, importance to the very minor asteroids...and am still not altogether sure about the four I do include in a charts cast,,,which I began doing out of courtesy to those that do believe in their influences...although given my clairvoyant friend, Clarisse Conner's, remark that they do have influence [in reference to the entire asteroid belt] but occurring rather randomly and unpredictably I have to assume every last one of them could possibly be of effect at one time or another...although I am inclined to believe it's the larger ones that are the transmitters.

It would be cool to see what Sabian Symbols pops up with each one of those.

I'll do that the next time I cast one of these June 27th, 15. B.C. charts.


Well-known member
Here's a copy of the same june 27, 15 B.C. chart but with those four additional asteroids that rahu recommended trying out.
Note that the one so named Yeshuhua was at 00* Cancer 53' 26"....

I'm going to cast another natal for Yeshu'a and add those four asteroids
