do you believe in positive thinking?


Active member
In my opinion, positive thinking, instead of wishful thinking, is having the freedom within your own mind to find and appreciate the best of wherever you are. Have total freedom of mind, and realize you can do whatever you want in the world. Well-being is right in front of you and the only obstacle to realizing it is yourself. yadda yadda yadda. You can do whatever you want in the great big Universe. Yay.
The point of happiness and positive thinking is to always know that I'll be happier in the future than I am in the present moment. Criticizing myself for me and no one else is the way I feel most comfortable with. I'm not saying I bully myself to the point of change or improvement, but analyze how hard I work in life every once in a while. Acknowledging that there could be fine tuning or improvement always gives me motivation to work harder. Knowing improvements and changes can be made creates branches in my life that I can travel and live through; I can make choices whether or not those choices are successful or insignificant. Always thinking that the race track of life always comes back to the starting point unchanged is not very keen on my take. Maybe I just get bored too easily.
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The point of happiness and positive thinking is to always know that I'll be happier in the future than I am in the present moment. Criticizing myself for me and no one else is the way I feel most comfortable with. I'm not saying I bully myself to the point of change or improvement, but analyze how hard I work in life every once in a while. Acknowledging that there could be fine tuning or improvement always gives me motivation to work harder. Knowing improvements and changes can be made creates branches in my life that I can travel and live through; I can make choices whether or not those choices are successful or insignificant. Always thinking that the race track of life always comes back to the starting point unchanged is not very keen on my take. Maybe I just get bored too easily.

Hi. I want to talk with you about you say here, I have a few questions and thoughts to be considered, if you want. :smile:

If you say:

1) The point of happiness and positive thinking is to always know that I'll be happier in the future than I am in the present moment.

Does happiness have a point? Does positive thinking have a destination in mind? Or is it both a moment and a process?

2) Criticizing myself for me and no one else is the way I feel most comfortable with.

Criticizing, or constructively working on yourself, because the only person who has the final say in how you are, is yourself?

3) I'm not saying I bully myself to the point of change or improvement, but analyze how hard I work in life every once in a while.

Is it that you take a moment in the course of your life, to regroup and reconsider how things have been, and how you can change them?

4) Acknowledging that there could be fine tuning or improvement always gives me motivation to work harder.

Should someone work harder, or perhaps, more effectively?

5) Knowing improvements and changes can be made creates branches in my life that I can travel and live through; I can make choices whether or not those choices are successful or insignificant.

Having the power to make a choice can also reflect, or embody, the power to make the right choice. The second part of this power is understanding appreciation what it means to make the right choice for yourself. The third part would be what it means to make the right choice as it relates and connects to the others around you.

6) Always thinking that the race track of life always comes back to the starting point unchanged is not very keen on my take.

But wouldn't it be nice to have a familiar and therefore comforting destination in mind for this race track called being?


Well-known member
For me personally there are those negative thoughts which like to creep in to take centre stage.

I try to think either positive or neutral.
Neutral thinking seems to result in me observing a situation without bias - it takes some practice and I am still very much working on it - but it seems to take one back to the observer when a we are in a stressful situation

I find if I say to myself (especially in the mirror) “I have faith in myself” or “I love myself”; my body gives a big sign like its being relieved of a burden its carrying.

I feel that for me, neutral thinking (instead of attaching to negativity) to be helpful in a public place situation (banks shops driving etc) or a workplace situation for instance

Also I really do believe that we do make our own outcomes to a significant extent.
I find if I fall into the thinking the worst outcome something negative is more likely to materialize.
But if I can be more positive (& if that’s not possible) be neutral - the outcome is more positive.