Eye Hand co-ordination/reflexes


Well-known member
Hi All,
This thing was bothering me and so I thought i'd ask you all guys.
My friend's really very good at games with fast eye hand co-ordination like table tennis, shooting moving targets, even video games like the racing cars and first person shooters.
wheras it takes some time for me to process the info and then act.
Is this due to some planets/configs which make you slower and the ones which make you fast.
I would be thinking Mars, fiery planets/houses, mercury?

Any guesses?
(P.s. hope i am in the right section)


Well-known member
I don't know how we could miss out on this thread...Coordination is absolutely a Mercury-Mars matter.Mercury rules the nervous system(the body's global communication system)and Mars has to do with actual coordination...not to mention Mercury also rules the hands.

One's level of coordination can be determined by the relationship between these two_Of course,there are lots of things that play into this.I have a mutual reception between Mercury in Aries in the3rd and Mars in Gemini in the6th(Mars' house of joy)but I suck,last time I played a video game I got a wheel out of a school bus while driving it,got chase by the police about9times and then I while I was trying to run away from the cops I got ran over by a cab...:p
I agree with Lissa it is probably a Mercury/Mars thing. I have Mars in the 6th house and I can be a very fast worker (don't read too much into that :p ) my Mars in Aqua squares Uranus in Scorpio 3rd (also mutual reception), I can be speedy when I am not in one of my lazy moods. I am a little competitive with others but my Pisces heavy 7th house won't admit it :) . In relation to games it may have some connection to the 5th house. Lots of fire energy, would give a person more energy but I wouldn't necessarily say it would have to be a chart high in fire to be competitive as a strong Mars would show this even in a quite placid looking chart.
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