Traditional vs modern. state your case


Well-known member
...But, I suspect that the 1977 arrival of Chiron (with an orbit that links Jupiter/Saturn/Uranus) symbolises the future development of an astrology that can be easily understood (and practiced) by the masses...

Perhaps one day, understanding (and learning to live with) our Chiron Wound might be all we need know to overcome the specific/detailed issues of our natal charts.

I'll second that - :smile: - Chiron forms a large part of my astrological viewpoint.

I suppose I am a modern astrologer, but I like to think that I am in the process of creating a niche for myself where the astrology is little more than a framework for a much larger body of thought/belief, much of which was eloquently described by Kannon in his 3rd paragraph, beginning: What has guided me.....

Like EJ53, I look forward to a time when astrology is understood and accepted by the masses, and used as a tool by which each individual can take responsibility for their own life and personal journey.


Well-known member
Here's another vote for eclecticism, although with a large dose of reservation.

I must admit, I've only really skimmed the surface of trad astrology, but to me, it looks like it rather fetishises complexity as if that were enough to grant it depth and meaning. I may be being completely unfair here, but that's my impression. A lot of it doesn't fit in with my beliefs about the craft either - for instance, the various Arabic parts just seem to me to make astrology a bit of a parlour game rather than a serious pursuit.

Them's my five eggs anyway.


Well-known member
The essence of Traditional Astrology is predicting, the astologer uses his Neptunian Plutonium senses to feel the out and beyond while the essence of Modern Astrology is psychology and horary and the astrologer uses the Saturnian Uranian rules and scientific outlook to play it safely with Astrology and to make it scientifically possible for most people who are interested in studying it but who do not have the Neptunian Plutonium gift.


Well-known member

The Plutonium Neptunian gift is when Pluto and Neptune are Well aspected and well placed and in direct aspect to the Sun, Moon, the rulers of the angels and mostly the ruler of the Asc., and no doubt most astrologers do have these kind of aspects


Well-known member

It seems I must have forgotten to add that the gift is there when the aspects of Pluto and Neptune are more dominant than the aspects of the other planets.


Well-known member

It is very true that there are numerous other correlations found in the charts of Astrologers but here I was trying to clarify why some Astrologers choose the Traditional ( Pluto Neptune) while others choose the Modern ( Uranus Saturn), thanks.


Well-known member

It is very true that there are numerous other correlations found in the charts of Astrologers
but here I was trying to clarify
why some Astrologers choose the Traditional ( Pluto Neptune)
while others choose the Modern ( Uranus Saturn), thanks.
Astrologers simply have different opinions :smile:
by the way
none of the outers are Traditional